Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 871: Double-headed green deer (fifth more outbreak)

"Hahaha-" Someone in the guest room whistled and laughed wryly: "Of course it is not good for my wife to sleep at night!" After hearing this, the men did not laugh with good intentions.

"This is a two-headed green deer ..." Guan Heng murmured secretly after looking at it: "Well, it is a more interesting World of Warcraft, but I am not interested in it."

At this moment, the silly kid Tyro held Guan Heng's sleeve and said, "I'm hungry."

"Oh, isn't there fruit and cakes on the table?" Guan Heng perfunctoryly said, "Eat anything, and you can have dinner when you return to the house!"

"But, I want to eat barbecue." Tyro sniffed Harazi and said, "Take me."

"You are really a living ancestor, okay, come with me." Then, Guan Heng shook his head helplessly and took Tyrol to the downstairs, because the stall selling barbecue was right at the entrance of the auction venue. After the two went downstairs , Went straight there.

"Boss, two barbecues, add more condiments."

"Oh, guests, please wait a moment." At the entrance of the auction site, Guan Heng bought two barbecues, and happy Tylo took his share, opened his mouth and chewed, and he went back and enjoyed it. As I walked, I was passing by the edge of the venue auction.

Just then, someone suddenly shouted, "Hey, kid, save me ..."

"Well, who's calling for help?" Guan Heng hurriedly looked around, but didn't see any figure, but he was about to give up searching, and when he took Tyro upstairs, the voice rang again: "Really too Fortunately, no one could hear our call, hey, the kid is talking about you, come back and save me! "

After Guan Heng heard it, he muttered to himself, "Which **** thing is teasing Master Ben? How can this be true!"

"Polite guy, you are a jerk!" At this time, the two-headed green deer in the iron cage at the venue stepped on the hoof and walked over quickly, actually swearing and yelling at Guan Heng: " I called you for a long time, don't you pretend that you don't know?

"Oh, hell, alive." Guan Heng was startled and said, "How can a two-headed green deer still speak humans, are you a Warcraft that has already entered the period of divination?"

The head on the left side of the two-headed green deer stared with a pair of eyes, and said discouraged, "You just entered the Warcraft period of impersonation, I am a man!"

Guan Heng looked around and saw that the auctioneer on the high stage was still screaming prices and encouraged the guests to continue bidding, but no one noticed that he was talking to the double-headed green deer. He felt a little inexplicable, so he said with a bit of jokes. : "You say you are human? But I think you are a beast walking on four legs ..."

The head on the left of the two-headed green deer shook with anger and said, "Abominable, annoying, little cub, if I can open this iron cage, I will trample you to death."

"Enough, second brother." Qinglu's right head suddenly spoke, "It's important to escape, let's ask this boy for help first, don't anger him there."

Qinglu's right head said at this time: "Young man, we are the ghosts of two holy order strong men hundreds of years ago, and were accidentally imprisoned in the body of this green deer by the enemy with some mysterious power. We are brothers next to us. It's my second brother, Sheba, and I'm Carnell. "

"Only you could hear our cry for help, others didn't respond at all." Carnell said here, glanced at Guanheng, and then continued: "It seems you can hear the ghost talking, and you know Our existence, please help us, we are not willing to follow this green deer into someone's plate meal. "

"Huh, but the deer's head on the left was scolding me just now." Guan Heng shook his lips and said, "I'm too lazy to talk to the impolite guys and say goodbye!" After that, Guan Heng would pull his head down and ask himself Gu Zi eating Tyro left.

"Oh, brother, don't leave, am I wrong? Isn't it okay?" The ghost on the left deer's head called 'Shiba' was anxious, hurriedly came over and apologized: "You can help me, if I can escape from the sky, It's okay to slap your head and admit it. "

"Yes, this little brother, listen to me." The ghost of Deer's head "Carnel" also quickly said: "Our brother is a holy order strongman hundreds of years ago, and His Majesty has a lot of savings. If you are willing to rescue us, those babies would give you all. "

"Rescuing these two guys, and the baby can start?" Guan Heng turned to electricity, thinking constantly: "The ghosts of these two sacred order strongmen didn't seem to tell the truth, hum, I have swallowed ghosts and beasts. Trump card, they are not afraid of their remorse. "

"Okay, save you guys, I'll think of a way later." Guan Heng reluctantly agreed to rescue the two ghosts and the two-headed green deer. He asked the two green deer with the ghosts to wait in the cage and pull himself After Tyro who had eaten the barbecue, he ran to the private room on the second floor.

As soon as Guan Heng entered the door, he heard the auctioneer on the platform shouting: "Okay, the bid of this two-headed green deer has reached 160,000 gold coins. Are there any higher prices for customers?"

"My God, the price of the two-headed deer has skyrocketed." Guan Heng frowned immediately after listening to the auctioneer's words. He thought to himself, "All the gold coins on my body that sell Warcraft crystal nuclei add up, It's just a little over 100,000, which is far from enough ... "

At this moment, the auctioneer's gavel has been finalized three times, he shouted: "Okay, this guest who bids 160,000 gold coins, successfully photographed a double-headed green deer, congratulations."

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the audience exclaimed: "Well, this is the real wealth and money, a good local!"

The tall merchant who bought the double-headed Qinglu even laughed loudly: "Hahaha, this time I'm really happy."

"Oh!" After listening to the auctioneer's words, the two-headed green deer have been anxious to bump back and forth in the cage. The pair of Holy Ghost Brothers Carnell and Sheba are so frightened that they share a body If the green deer is slaughtered and eaten, and the ghost has no boarding place, it will soon disappear.

"Hey, is this going to be violent?" Seeing that deer leaping in the cage, Guan Heng was crying and laughing. He also knew that the ghost brother was in a hurry to get into the house, so Guan Heng suddenly had a clever idea. Come on.

"Ah, don't make a mess, look at me!" Looking at the increasingly furious two-headed green deer in the cage, Guan Heng quietly gesturing at the deer on the rooftop of the private room, meaning to tell the brothers not to worry, themselves Must go back to rescue them, and the Carnell brothers who lived in the body of the two-headed green deer noticed Guan Heng's movement, and then they calmed down.

At this moment, a few strong servants came up. They pushed the iron cage off the high platform and headed directly to the back door of the auction house.

—— [Fifth more on February 27, 2016, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide (⊙o⊙)] ——

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