Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9259: The real treasure of Kuluyu (first more)

However, the white-eyed demonadillo, who had been injured at the bottom of the cliff for two days, never expected that after swallowing the beads, he would not feel uncomfortable at all, and even had a little more ability. Nothing can escape the observation of the demon's eyes.

At this moment, the white pupil demon adillo was overjoyed and began to use this new ability to seek benefits for himself.

During the stay in the mysterious gate area, the demonadillo repeatedly used the ability to see through the ground and found many treasures in the deep buried soil, including the mysterious plant fruit that prolongs life, the strange stone that increases strength after taking it, and so on.

After that, the demon adillo waited until the mysterious gate was closed and was teleported outside. At this moment, it had already greatly increased its strength, comparable to the overlord of the deep ruins.

The more powerful demonadillo also gradually became arrogant. It went around looking for a place suitable for its own power development, and finally chose Guluyu here, not because of other reasons, but because this guy used his pupil power ability to discover something.

In the depths of Guluyu, there are a large number of stones with rich spiritual energy, the number is difficult to estimate. Knowing this, the demon adillo decided to occupy this place and take the stones with spiritual energy as his own.

Later, the demon adillo really drove away the boss of the group of beasts in the skull valley and became the leader by himself.

In order not to arouse the suspicion of the group of beasts in Yunei and to achieve the goal of swallowing the "colorful spirit stone", in the first few years, the demon-adillo pretended to manage the group of beasts and mediate disputes for them. .

As a result, the demon adillo began to hide deliberately, and began to excavate in the cave where he lived. Over the years, he was really digging out a lot of spirit stones and swallowing it, but at this time, the skull valley was already chaotic. As a group, the demon adillo has no intention of managing, just let it go.

However, using the pupil power ability to explore underground spiritual energy resources is not harmless to oneself. Due to the excessive greed of the demon and the constant search for the multicolored spiritual stones, it is difficult to recover from the fatigue of his eyes, and he gradually becomes white and has large eyesight. Only after the reduction, did he have the title of "White Eyed Demon Adillo".

"It turned out to be a colorful spirit stone?"

"The underground of this piece of Skull Valley turned out to be Yunling Stone Mine." At this moment, upon hearing the words of the white-eyed demon adillo, Zhu Xin Gu Zhu and Xing Devil Blood Lu spoke at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, the Beast Soul also said: "Yunling stone mines are not rare in the ruins in ancient times, but most of them are of middle and low quality. The colorful Yunling stones are quite advanced varieties. Rarely seen."

Hearing this, Fang Xin beamed her eyes and asked: "So, the colorful Yun Lingshi is a treasure?"

"Yes, it can be said to be a very rare baby." Gu Yan said, "Master Guan, you guys, if you can take it away, don't be polite. It's better than staying cheaper than some guys with bad intentions."

"No, no, those spirit stones are mine..."

Hearing this, the White-eyed Demon Adillo was really anxious, and subconsciously shouted. Who knows, the eyes of the Demon Mandrill immediately fell on it, and then smiled unkindly: "A dying scum , Not qualified to own anything!"

"You..." Hearing the words of the mandrill and other beasts, the demon adillo shuddered in terror, and almost squirted out another mouthful of blood in shock and anger.

At this moment, Guan Heng said, "Those spirit stones are of secondary importance. You can do it later, demon, you have to answer my question honestly now, maybe you will live a little longer."

"Yes, yes, follow your orders." By now, the white-eyed demon adillo had no right to refuse, otherwise Guan Heng would have lost his life as long as he crooked his mouth.

Guan Heng said, "You have been to the mysterious gate many times. There should be a lot of topographic maps of stone rubbings?"

"Yes, there are several stone rubbings for the small ones, most of them are my own, and some are snatched from other guys."

"Hehe, I know, you also fight each other for stone rubbings, right?" "Yes."

Hearing Guan Heng's words, the white-eyed demon adillo nodded and continued: "When the mysterious gate appeared a few years ago, countless guys who wanted to go in and venture out came out of the ruins. Naturally, they had a heart for the returnees who had entered and exited there. Envy, even cheering up the returnees from the crusade in groups to take the resources from them."

"Needless to say, you are also one of the victims, right?"

"Yes, those beasts who plan to get something for nothing are really abhorrent, even if my strength increases, I will still be outnumbered."

When the white-eyed demon adillo said this, his face was quite angry: "I had just returned from the gate, and within a few days, I was chased by hundreds of evil beasts. If it weren't for some luck, I was really harmed by them."

"However, later I learned to be clever. I used the time of drilling into the endless dense forest to kill each other one by one, but instead took a lot of things from them, including these stone rubbings."

When he said this, the White Eyed Demon Adillo had already taken out all the stone rubbings, and tremblingly pushed it in front of Guan Heng.

"Hmph, count you acquainted." Guan Heng said, winking at Tu Gong Toad, and the other party immediately understood and opened his mouth to store these things.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng asked the White Eyed Demon Adillo about the mysterious gate. As expected, this guy only knows a small area. It seems that every guy who enters the mysterious gate passes through different positions. Same, very weird.

"Well, now take us to see the colorful cloud spirit stone you have unearthed."

"Eh?!" Hearing this, the white-eyed demon-adillo was really reluctant, but he couldn't provoke Guan Heng and the others, so he had to lead everyone forward tremblingly. Not long after, everyone came to the cave where this guy stored the spirit stone mine.

"This thing is the Lingling Stone?" At this moment, Ruotao reached out and picked up a piece of it, took a closer look, and then curled her mouth and said, "There is only a little bit of aura, which is almost absorbed by the bugs in the ground. Let's bring it. What is the use?"

"Pop!" As she said, she threw the stone out casually.

"It's all these **** goods." Gu Sangnu pulled the pile of rocks several times with a wooden magic staff, and looked very unhappy.

Guan Heng smiled after hearing this, "Hey, you two are too innocent? How can you be confused by the surface?"

"What?" "Confused? What does this mean?"

"These Yunling Stones didn't flash with colorful light at all. They were all the lowest grade goods, so they were placed at the entrance of the cave. You have to enter the cave to find the real good things."

As he said, Guan Heng glanced at the white-eyed demon adillo again, and said coldly: "Am I right?"

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