Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9282: Deaf and blind

"Yes, it's impossible for me to mistake that guy!" Huanyan yelled fiercely. "But I think something is wrong with the other party, look."

As he said, Guan Hengli suddenly broke a small protruding stone from the nearby rock wall, and threw it out with shaking hands, "Pada, Gululu..." The stone continued to roll on the ground, and then he reached a distance of more than a mile from the cave entrance. The location is even closer to the blue dragon clam beast.

But the other party's body remained motionless, as if he hadn't heard it at all. Seeing this scene, his eyes widened, and he said in amazement: "What's the matter?"

"Could it be that this dragon clam beast is fake, just a phantom?" said Ruotao next to him.

Guan Heng shook his head: "Not necessarily, I think it is... deaf!"

"What? Deaf?"

Hearing this, all his companions were a little surprised. Guan Heng continued: "If you speculate like this, you can explain why Huanyan Xiongye shouted in the cave for a long time, and the other party did not respond, but walked by himself. The reason is here, because it hasn't heard it at all."

"Yes, is that the case?" There was an unbelievable expression on Xiong Si's face, and he said: "It, it is actually deaf? What is the reason?"

"Who knows, we have to go over and ask to know."

"I'll ask it." Hearing Guan Heng's words, he walked forward fiercely. Guan Heng originally wanted to say something, but when he saw it had passed by, he shook his head and followed closely.

"Hey, Dragon Clam, do you remember me? I am..." As soon as he approached the opponent, his eyes were fierce and he said hello, but in an instant, the blue dragon clam that always turned his back to everyone suddenly turned around. , Screamed at it: "Woo!"

In an instant, the roar sounded through every corner of the cave, "Hoo!" The huge dragon clam beast suddenly rushed to the front of the fierce, looking like it was trying to tear up an endlessly strong enemy.

"Uh, you..." To be honest, Xiong Si was careless for a moment, and really didn't expect that the other party would directly attack him, forgetting to dodge and parry unexpectedly.

"Be careful!"

"Pop!" In an instant, Guan Heng stretched out his hand to clasp the shoulders of Xiongyi in a thunderous manner, and slammed the opponent away from behind.

"Pump!" At the same time that Xiong Si landed unscathed, Guan Heng had already reached out his hand against the forehead of the dragon clam beast rushing viciously.

"Crack squeak... squeak squeak..." Although the dragon clam beast stared red eyes and rushed forward like crazy, its four hooves couldn't help digging dirt on the ground, but it still couldn't move forward.

Ruotao next to her rolled up her sleeves and shouted, "My son, let me help you!"

"No, everyone backs down temporarily, I can do it myself."

"Hey!" As he spoke, Guan Heng suddenly exerted strength on his hands and stepped forward, "Bang, bang, bang..." Every time he took a step forward, the dragon clam beast on the opposite side took a step backwards.

After more than ten steps, the strength of this giant beast's body seemed to have been hardly worn away, his nose was getting heavier, he kept exhaling rough air, and the sweat on his head fell to the ground.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." The blue dragon clam beast gasping for breath finally stopped, and began to tremble all over, tottering. Seeing this, the ring-eye beside him cried fiercely: "Master Guan, it Are you ok?"

"That might be the case, this guy's body is disturbed, it seems that he has suffered a very serious internal injury, and..." Guan Heng said, stretched out his hand and shook in front of the dragon clam beast, and continued: "It not only lost its hearing. , Even the eyes can't see anything."

"Blindness?!" Hearing this, Ring Eye was frightened, and Guan Heng nodded his head: "Well, for the sake of the present, it is to subdue it before it can be thoroughly treated."

"Yes, yes, yes, Lord Guan can even heal my leg injury. It should be no problem to treat the dragon clam beast."

After hearing this, Xiongye breathed a sigh of relief, and then Guan Heng called out: "Munker, Old Monkey, don't be frightened, come over and hold this guy for me."

"Yes, Lord Guan!"

The Mandrill promised, and immediately flew forward with the old monkey, and together they grabbed the dragonclam beast's body.

"Pump!" In the next moment, the blue-patterned dragon clam beast fell on the ground, "huh--" It was too late to say, then quickly, Guan Heng's palm released a burst of spiritual energy, which suddenly split into two sides and poured into the dragon clam separately. Inside the left and right ear holes of the beast.


Guan Heng's spiritual energy ran around in his body, and the pain made the dragon clam beast constantly roaring and roaring, and it seemed to be painful. The eye around him was a bit unbearable to look at, so he hurriedly twisted his head to the side, silent, and didn't know what he was thinking. What are you thinking about.

"Puff puff, puff puff!" In the sparkling fire, the blue dragon clam beast's ears each ejected a jet of black blood arrows, "Cracking! Buffing!" The blood stains fell to the ground, and the ground made a piercing noise before it burst out. A few stinking black smoke.

"What a terrible toxin!"

Seeing this scene, Qinghuang and the others also took a breath of air-conditioning, and Guan Heng said, "These poisonous blood raged in the dragon clam and formed blood masses in its two ear holes, causing it to lose its hearing. Now it should Hearing restored."

"Great." When he heard this, his eyes were fierce and ecstatic, Guan Heng continued: "Call it to it, let this guy be honest, and I will continue to treat it."

"Yes, Lord Guan." Xiong Si nodded, and immediately followed her instructions, and shouted: "Dragon Clam, I am Ring-Eyed Xiong Si, don't get excited now, my friend Guan Ye is giving it to you. Heal, you will be fine soon."

Fierce Si shouted three times in one breath, and the emotional dragon clam beast gradually calmed down because of the severe pain. This guy was lying on the ground and couldn't help breathing, but everyone could hear it intermittently in a very low voice. Said: "Thanks...thanks..."

"Well, it seems that the hearing of the ears has no major problems, but the eyes are infested by toxins and it is easy to lose sight. It is estimated that it will take some means to thoroughly treat them."

As he said, Guan Hengku suddenly slapped his short sword on his waist, "Wow!" Two Ice Evil Tyrant souls flew out suddenly, and Guan Heng waved his hands and said, "Dragon Clam's body temperature is very high, so it is very likely to be injured by the poison. It’s a hot attribute. Come, make an "ice box" to cool it down."


"Lala -" Hearing Guan Heng's words, the two Tyrant Souls immediately exhaled a lot of cold air, forming a layer of ice around the dragon clam beast, enclosing it like a big box.

Guan Heng's judgment and emergency methods are obviously very useful. Within a few breaths, the body temperature of the dragon clam beast suffered from heat poisoning dropped sharply, and it felt much better.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng pressed its body with the palm of his hand, and continuously used Mu Xuan's spiritual energy to wash the residual toxins in the dragon clam beast, and quickly concentrated them.

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