Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9296: Ancient Mosquitoes in the Sea of ​​Fog (third more)

Guan Heng narrowed his eyes and said, "Ancient mosquitoes in the sea of ​​fog? These are their names."

"Yes, the ancient mosquitoes in the sea of ​​fog are rare ancient strange insects. They survive by absorbing aura. They can secrete mist in their bodies, but they are not under their control."

Xingmo Xueya also spoke next to him: "In the ancient years we lived, this ancient mosquito in the sea of ​​fog was not very common, but there were more than a dozen groups of thousands, and they gradually disappeared later."

"I always thought that the ancient mosquitoes have been extinct, and they are now extinct. I didn't expect to see them again today. It's really strange."

The hoarse beast soul also said, "Master Guan, if the fog in front of us is caused by ancient mosquitoes, we can let them clean it up by themselves, so there is no need for everyone to trouble."

"Oh, then what do you say?"

"It's very simple. Each group of the ancient mosquitoes in the sea of ​​fog has its own leader, which is called the ancient mosquito king." Hao Xian Beast Soul suggested: "You only need to find the ancient mosquito king and tame it. The whole group of ancient mosquitoes in the sea of ​​fog will belong to you, Lord Guan."

"Okay, after taking them in, it's not bad to put them in the empty toad cauldron." Guan Heng smiled slightly, and then asked: "What are the characteristics of the ancient mosquito king, tell me."

"I know this." Fen Xin Bahuo said, "As far as I know, the size of the ancient mosquito king is several times larger than that of its peers. This should be considered the most significant feature."

"Come on, everyone is here to help find the ancient mosquito king." With a wave of Coriander's hand, several sisters and the devil surrounded them, wandering around the entire group of frozen ancient mosquitoes in the sea of ​​fog, but after searching for a long while, Nothing was found.

"Brother, these ancient mosquitoes seem to be similar in size and appearance. Isn't there no ancient mosquito king?" An Yan scratched his head and said. Hearing this, Guan Heng asked, "Tyrant Huo, Gu Zhu, is it possible for my sister to say this?"

"Well... I have heard of a similar situation."

Hao Xian Beast Soul said: "It is also possible that this group of ancient mosquitoes did not belong to the same group in the first place. It is just that the separated and lonely likes from all over the world got together and survived in groups. Therefore, there was no ancient mosquito king. There is no guarantee of the evening."

"The ancient mosquitoes in the Sea of ​​Fog that barely form a group can not keep up with the cooperation of their own clan's companions, no matter how fast or cohesive it is to absorb aura, so their vitality is far worse than before."

Star Demon Xueya said: "I don't know how these ancient mosquitoes survived until now. I can only guess that it is definitely not easy."

"Oh, it's so pitiful. The ancient mosquitoes in the Sea of ​​Fog without a leader are useless." Fen Xin said with Tyrant Huo: "Master Guan, why don't we let them go and let the other party fend for themselves."

"If you do that, the ancient mosquitoes in Wuhai will be too pitiful." Gu Sangnu said.

"Sangsang is right, A Heng, since you retrieved them, you should find a way to relocate these ancient mosquitoes."

"Eh?" Guan Heng kept thinking about things. Hearing what Qing Huang said, he raised his head in a daze and asked, "What did you say?"

"Oh, I asked you to think of a solution." Qing Huang was a little bit dumbfounded: "What are you thinking about? So absorbed."

"I'm just thinking about how to help the ancient mosquitoes." Guan Heng spread his hands and said, "Since there is no ancient mosquito king in their group, well, I'll ‘make’ a king.”

"Make a king?!" After hearing this, everyone was refreshed and said in unison: "How to do it, tell us quickly."

"It's very simple. I found that the individuals of these ancient mosquitoes are similar, so I have to choose a stronger guy from among them as candidates for the king, and then do a little test to find the best one and give it the power to become a king."

Guan Heng said, spreading out his palms suddenly, "huhuhuhu!" When he said it was too late, then soon, a large group of spiritual energy appeared in his palm, and this group of spiritual energy became bigger and bigger, with a full radius.

"Swish!" The next moment, Guan Heng removed the cold air covering the entire group of ancient mosquitoes in the sea of ​​fog, causing his frozen body to gradually recover. "Buzzing!"

"Squeak!" Immediately afterwards, the group of ancient mosquitoes found the aura floating above their heads.

This is a rare delicacy for the mosquitoes who ingest this food. At the moment, everyone does not care about being nervous and afraid, and immediately like a gust of wind, they pounce on the aura and continue to tear and suck.

But just as everyone expected, because of the lack of the king's command and restraint, these ancient mosquitoes rushed to eat their spiritual energy, seeming to go crazy, and some even started fighting.

"Squeak, squeak." At this moment, a scream sounded, and an ancient mosquito rushed into the group of mosquitoes that were fighting, hitting everyone hard, and abruptly separating them, stopping the fight.

This ancient mosquito was not much stronger than the other companions, but it itself carried a stubborn and reluctant deterrent, so that the surrounding companions were reduced by more than half, and they involuntarily retreated.

"Squeak, squeak!" At this moment, an ancient mosquito in the sea of ​​fog screamed twice, and did not put the other party in its eyes, but rushed towards the aura and continued to suck. Obviously, The opponent's deterrence does not work against it.

"Squeak!" Seeing this scene, the ancient mosquito that appeared first was a little annoyed, because it managed to stop the restlessness of other ancient mosquitoes, but the other party didn't give himself face, which made it a little angry.

"Huh-" It was too late, it was soon, this ancient mosquito with round white spots on its wings immediately issued a fight signal to the strong ancient mosquito, to decide the opponent.

The strong ancient mosquito sucked an aura in front of him into his mouth, and glanced at the ancient white spotted mosquito, his eyes flashing with disdain.

Obviously, it doesn't even look down on this companion who is a little thinner than its own, but since the opponent has already challenged, if this strong ancient mosquito should not fight, it will rob its companion for food and dominate again in the future. Blocked and embarrassed by the other party.

Therefore, the strong ancient mosquito decided to accept the challenge. It wanted to defeat the opponent Liwei, so that no one would dare to resist himself.


In an instant, the two ancient mosquitoes had flapped their wings and soared high into the sky with the wind. Guan Heng, who was next to him, nodded and said: "It seems that these two guys are fighting for the throne. As long as one of them defeats the other, I will help the winner become the real ancient mosquito king."

"That's it, your idea seems pretty good." Xiaoxin nodded. At this moment, Ruotao pointed in the air and exclaimed: "Look, the other party has already started fighting."

"Hahaha, I don't know if the ancient white mosquito that maintains order is powerful, or the other strong ancient mosquito is even more fierce." Gu Sangnu smiled: "Everyone guess, who can defeat the opponent?"

"Does this still need to be said?" Ruotao said: "I think the stronger one has a strong fight. It should be the one that can win."

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