Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9299: Slough Zombie (first more)

"Hey!" In the next moment, the figure of the colorful mosquito king disappeared without a trace, causing the claws of the quagmire corpse to scratch the air. This guy used too much force and staggered under his feet and almost tripped to the ground by himself.

At the same time, the ancient mosquito king appeared near the opponent's head, "Swish!" In the sparkling fire, the colorful spots on the ancient mosquito king's thin wings suddenly shone with strange light, so that the eyes of the mud corpse could not be opened for an instant. .

"Oh oh oh!"

Stretching out his paws to cover the door, the invisible corpse kept wailing. In anxious situation, this guy rushed like a headless fly, turned his head and touched his companion, who was surprised Throwing a fist and slamming, he immediately rolled into a ball with the blind corpse.

"Haha, this is a good trick." Ruotao smiled with her palms: "It's a good way to deal with evil ways."

"Well, you are right." Guan Heng nodded slightly and said, "The ancient mosquito king has absorbed my aura. This aura naturally has the power to restrain evil. It can think of this and learn it. Kind of cleverness."

"Haw, haw!" While everyone was talking, the colorful mosquito king had already sent a signal to his companion, and the mosquitoes swept to the other mud corpses.

At the same time, the body of the ancient mosquito has begun to emit a faint light, and they have all absorbed the aura of the pass, and at this moment, it is the prelude to the ultimate kill of the enemy to concentrate their respective auras!

"Huhuhu---huh-huh-" In an instant, the area where the group of mosquitoes was located suddenly appeared, and suddenly moved towards more than a dozen tall quagmire corpses.


"Aw woo woo-"

The painful screams one after another, the zombies are bad luck, the evil light released by the aura is their nemesis, making these guys painful all over, not only invisible, but even like The whole body was penetrated by thousands of steel needles.

"Thump, thump..." The next moment, most corpses fell to the ground and rolled, only two stronger guys still insisted on not falling, but their condition was not much better.

At the same time, the ancient mosquito king of colorful spots has swooped at one of the standing guys, "Swish swish!" Saying it is too late, then soon, when it dives rapidly, the round spots on its body are covered. One layer of crimson.

"Bang!" When the ancient mosquito king hit the opponent hard, a big hole was punched in its front. What is amazing is that sparks appeared on the edge of the hole, and then it burned wildly.


"The ancient mosquito king can actually use fire aura?!" Seeing this scene, Qing Huang and their sisters were a little surprised.

Guan Heng said: "It's nothing, because I gave it the five element aura at the beginning. If it can be completely integrated and absorbed, let alone fire aura, water, wood, earth, gold and other other auras can be used."

"Well, the ancient mosquito king can't say how proficient in the use of these auras, so it uses wounds on the opponent's body, and then releases a small amount of fire aura to burn." Guan Heng said lightly: "This guy, he just knows how to play. Mortal wisdom."

"Haw!" At this moment, the colorful mosquito king issued an order to his companions, and everyone rushed to the last mud corpse, vowing to kill the other party.

"Wow!" Seeing the situation is not good, the dead corpse monster sprang like flying, twisted and rushed towards the mire, intending to escape.

"Boom! Wow!" It was too late, then soon, a taller figure suddenly appeared in the mud.

"Pop!" The other party stretched out his paws to suffocate the corpse monster in a thunderous manner, hissed torn into two, and then threw it into his own mouth to chew. Everyone saw that this guy's length was compared to ordinary corpse monsters. To be too high, extremely vicious.

"This guy should be the boss of the quagmire corpse." Guan Heng said: "Okay, ancient mosquito king, you should come back and rest first, I will deal with it myself."

"Buzzing!" Hearing this, the colorful mosquito king immediately retreated behind everyone with his companions. Just now, they fought against a large group of corpses, and they had spent a lot of energy, and it was time to rest.

"As for you guy, if you didn't show up, you might be able to stay out of breath for a few days, and now you have taken the initiative to pop out, then don't blame me for being impolite." The corners of his mouth curled up with a sneer, and Guan Hengli suddenly moved forward towards the monster. Come.

"Roar!" The other party saw that the enemy suddenly arrived, and the mud corpse suddenly roared, and this guy's fists hit the ground fiercely, "Boom! Rumble--" In a blink of an eye, a large swath of fists was punched. Arousing the clods to fly with the wind, a head surged towards Guan Heng.

"Hmph, little bugs!" When he said this, he walked forward casually, and the aura of aura suddenly appeared around his body.

"Huhuhu--hiss--" Just in the blink of an eye, the aura's pressure crushed the flying clods into dust, and they couldn't even get close to the surrounding area of ​​Guanheng.

"Wow?!" Seeing that his tactics failed, the slough corpse was a little surprised, even scared, but this guy was savage and arrogant, and he was still not convinced at the moment.

Seeing its appearance, Guan Heng deliberately hooked his finger towards the other party and said, "Trash, what other tricks are all right, just take it out."

"Hahaha, Lord Guan said it well!"

"Like this kind of scum, it can't stand the power of your blow!"

"Hey, corpse monster, don't be embarrassed anymore, hurry to kneel to beg for death, you may be able to mix a whole body, hahaha—"

The Mandrill and King Armor roared loudly and sneered at the mud corpse. Even if this guy was low-minded and not very clever, he could hear that the other party was laughing at himself, and the mud corpse trembled with anger.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sneer!" More than ten Dao Jin aura sharpened immediately in front of the opponent.

"Puff puff puff!" In a short time, the golden spirit light penetrated the body of the corpse monster, and Guan Heng said a word casually: "Explosion!"

"Ping-pong-pong!" In the flash of lightning, the gas light that had been pulled into the opponent's body burst into pieces, causing the stone monsters to bloom all over the body.

"Humph, waste is waste." Guan Heng sneered: "Only you are not qualified to make me take it seriously. The next move will make you disappear completely."

"Ohhhhhhh!" Hearing these words, the quagmire corpse was really frightened, and this guy's eyes flashed with terror, and he couldn't help backing back.

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