Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9307: Hunting down the blood bat king

As soon as he saw the enemy appearing, the blood bat king's heart suddenly became cold. It knew that the opponent hated himself to the bone, and if it fell into the hands of the painted fox, it must have died miserably.

"God damned bastard, how many of our fellow Orcs have you murdered for so many years? Today I will make you pay for your debts!" ​​The Xuanmane flower-faced fox roared and screamed, but instead of rushing over, it turned its head and looked. A glance closed, waiting for his words.

"Sweet-faced fox, I'll clean it up for you, I'll clean it up for you, just go find that guy to take revenge, and we will hold the battle for you."

"Okay, thank you, Lord Guan."

Hearing Guan Heng's words, the Xuanmane Flower-faced Fox roared: "Take my life--" He shook his body and rushed straight to the Blood Bat King surrounded by his minions. Seeing it so arrogant, the guy immediately roared: "Little ones, come on, kill the painted fox for me!"

"You little ones are so annoying, go and die."

"Huh!" It was too late, then quickly, Guan Heng pulled out the short sword Xuanbing Guyue, and snapped his fingers: "Dang!"

"Huhhuhu—huhhuh—" With the blink of an eye, a large swath of cold air swept over the head of the painted face fox, unbiasedly covering the body of all the blood-clawed bats, making it instantly frozen, and then slamming into ice crystals in the sky.齑粉.

"No—" Seeing this, the blood bat king let out a scream, this guy didn't feel distressed for his minions, but felt that he was in danger without the protection of these accomplices and shields.

"Suddenly!" All of a sudden, the painted fox that rushed forward was already close. It jumped more than a foot high, and scratched its claws at the blood bat king: "God slain, die!"

"You bastard, just rely on you, don't want to kill me!"

Although the guy under his men is dead, but the blood bat king is still alive. This guy immediately flapped his huge wings and greeted him, "Bang!" The two sides made a head-on. The painted fox had the upper hand in strength, but his feet were not in the air. The roots had to fall back to the ground.

But the blood bat king shook his whole body, and flew out with a whirr. The moment he was about to hit the rock wall, he barely spread his wings and stopped his figure.

"Damn it, this guy is obviously not so good, how come he is so much stronger in a short time?"

After being knocked back by the opponent, the Blood Bat King was a little dumbfounded, but its brain didn't turn around. It was because he fled because of the desert, and hid all the way into the secret cave of the small canyon cliff without eating or drinking.

And the black mane flower-faced foxes have been waiting outside the canyon for several days, and they have been cured after a little injury. In addition, the flower-faced foxes are self-confident. Now they are about to support themselves. It will not take any effort to clean up the blood bat king, so it is like a rainbow. , The prevailing is also expected.

"Hahaha, Bloodbat King, your subordinates are all dead, and now even God won't help you, you should just die!"

The Hualian Fox launched a fierce attack towards the opponent while roaring and mocking at it. The blood bat king was so angry that he almost fell from the sky and fell to the ground, and the Hualian Fox's offensive became more fierce and fierce.


"Sizzle, hiss!"

After more than ten breaths, the blood bat king had seven or eight red wounds on his body. This guy was shocked and scared: "God slain the painted fox, in order to get my revenge, this guy won't even want his life. , If this continues, sooner or later I will not be able to resist it, I have to think of a way!"

"Yes!" In the blink of an eye, the blood bat king figured out a bad idea, and the guy croaked: "Stupid, come chase me if you have the ability!"


It’s too late, it’s almost time. This guy has already vibrated his wings and slammed into a rock wall. There was no entrance or exit except the rock wall. It was a dead end. Guan Heng, they looked intently and said heartily. : "Could this guy be crazy and want to commit suicide?"

"Boom! Wow!" At the next moment, the rock wall was smashed and collapsed by the blood bat king, and there was a huge gap. It turned out that the rock wall here is extremely weak, only half an inch thick, and the blood bat king is Knowing this, I want to use this to escape.


This guy let out a long and arrogant laugh, then got into the gap and walked away.

"Sweet-faced fox, after this time the uncle escapes the hunt, he will definitely visit your tribe in person, kill a river of blood, not leave one! Hahaha—"

Leaving a declaration vowing to bloodthirsty and slaughter, the voice of the blood bat king gradually faded away, and the black mane painted fox shuddered all over, Guan Heng shouted: "Don't be frightened by that guy's words, hurry up, there are us Now, it can't go far!"


Hearing Guan Heng's words, the painted fox's spirit shook again suddenly, and then shook his body and flew forward. The armor king, the mandrill, and the old monkey followed closely behind, and there were the mad queen ant, the flying roan, and The birds of prey and the spirit fire, everyone whistling in unison, hurriedly chasing.


"Huhuhu!" With the sound of spreading wings and flapping wings one after another, the blood-headed blood bat king fled madly, crying in his heart: "Hurry, hurry, I must hurry up, otherwise they will catch up."

To say that this guy's desire to survive is really strong enough, he passed through the winding tunnel in more than ten breaths, and gradually, a little light appeared in front of him, which turned out to be the exit of the entire cliff cave.

"Hahaha, as long as you pass through this place and get into the air outside, no one can catch up with me!"

The heart was ecstatic, and the blood bat king was very happy, but at this moment, a roar suddenly came from behind: "Stupid thing, do you think we will let you run away? Stop dreaming!"

"Huhuhu--" At the moment when the roar rose sharply, a group of flying black shadows rushed over. It was the scud king.

"Look at Master Yao burning your wings!"

"Whh! Pwh!" In an instant, a fireball gathered in King Armor's mouth, and then he tried to induce vomiting out, "Woo-" The billowing fireball dashed against the wind and slammed into the back of the blood bat king.

"Not good!" Feeling the hot wind coming behind him, the Blood Bat King didn't dare to turn his head and glance at it, and hurriedly flew forward with all his strength, but its speed could not be faster than the fireball of King Armor.


"Boom!" The fireball exploded as soon as it touched the flesh, spreading across the blood bat king in the blink of an eye, and it burned to the sound of this guy's body.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Go straight ahead.

"Hehe, the desire to survive is quite strong." Seeing this, King Armor gradually slowed down, and he sneered: "Grandpa wants to see how you plan to extinguish these fires."

In fact, the fire aura of King Jia Yao is not easy to deal with, if there is no large amount of water, it will not be destroyed at all.

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