Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9345: Shadow escape

"Listening to the host and Huang Yan talking about them, the fire spirit here seems to belong to a kind of'wild fire' that we have not seen before."

The evil worm mother muttered to herself: "After absorbing the aura here, I also feel this way. They seem to be full of unexpected possibilities and interesting."

"Huhuhu--swish--" At this moment, a strange strong wind suddenly rolled up all around, and directly rushed toward the insect mother.

"What? This is..."

Suddenly, the worm mother's vigilant heart suddenly rose, "buzzing!" The next moment, it immediately fluttered its wings, trying to swift to high altitude to avoid the dense fog of fire aura caused by the strong wind, "Huh!" , The dense fog swirled by the strong wind accelerated rapidly, and it instantly covered the body of the insect mother.

"Boom boom boom!" This fire spirit mist could explode in an instant, and immediately enveloped the evil worm mother in a loud rumbling noise.

"Insect mother?!" The next moment, Guan Heng, the old monkey, and Linghuo had already arrived here. Seeing this scene, the old monkey was shocked and immediately screamed: "Ujiji!"

"Monkey, stop calling, I'm fine."

"Huh!" It was too late to say, then soon, the figure of the worm mother suddenly appeared next to everyone, Guan Heng smiled slightly: "I know you are okay, just now you were covered by the self-explosive mist, it should be yours' Afterimage' right?"

"Hehehe, the master is wise, that's it."

The insect mother smiled and said, "In addition, when I escaped from the mist, I also noticed one thing."

"Oh?" After hearing this, Guan Heng became interested and asked: "What's the matter? Let's listen."

"The fire spirits around here, including the fire spirit mist controlled by the strong wind, are driven by something secretly." The evil worm mother said: "I have reason to suspect that the guy who is hiding is what we want The spirit fire body that I'm looking for is the'wild fire'."

"Well, there is some truth to the worm mother's speculation." Guan Heng nodded slightly, and then asked, "Huang Yan, what do you think?"

"Master Guan, I don't think it's wrong." Jiaoyang Huangyan replied: "What we have to do now is to quickly find the other party and control it."

Bai Guangyan next to him asked: "Master Huang Yan, why are you so anxious to find that wildfire?"

"Probably because the aura of violent miscellaneous fire spreading in this hole has reached a certain level that is difficult to bear."

With that said, Guan Heng moved forward smoothly, and some fire aura immediately fell into his palm.

After careful observation, Guan Heng raised his head and said, "Sure enough, I expected that the fire spirit mist that trapped the insect mother just now explodes easily because they are already difficult to control. As long as they are squeezed by a little external force, they will burst. Out of control!"

When it came to this, even Emperor Yan of the Sun was a little surprised: "I just felt that the fire spirit of the other party was very unstable and restless. I didn't expect Lord Guan to see it more thoroughly than me."

"Well, on the one hand, I have always been sensitive to the spirit of fire, and on the other hand, Tianhuoyi also seemed a little uneasy, so I made this inference."

Guan Heng said: "It should not be too late. Find that wildfire spirit body and control it. Otherwise, if it can't control it and explode, it will cause extremely serious consequences. By then, the entire wildfire spirit will be Exploded for it."

"Eh?!" Upon hearing this, the Flying Winged Rat and the Grey-scaled Hedgehog screamed, "Is it true? What shall we do?"

"What else can I do?" said the insect mother with a bit of joking: "If you two run away now, you may still have a chance to escape from Huangyanyu to survive."

"Really? Then here we are..." The strange mouse subconsciously said this, suddenly felt something was wrong, and then cried out dumbfoundedly: "Aren't you kidding us?"

"Yeah, I'm just playing with you." The insect mother laughed: "Hahaha, you can actually see it."

"It's really embarrassing..." The Flying Winged Mouse and the Grey Scaled Hedgehog looked at each other, and then said: "If you don't run away, then neither of us will leave. If there is any danger, we won't have time to escape."

"That's not bad." Guan Heng nodded and said, "Even if you can escape from Huangyanyu, I'm afraid that the range of such a strong fire aura after the explosion will cover all areas within a radius of more than a dozen miles. You simply cannot avoid being unaffected."

"It's terrible." Upon hearing these words, the gray-scaled hedgehog burst into sweat, while the flying squirrel was trembling and muttering to himself: "Unexpectedly, we are next to deadly danger every day, and we are still safe now. It's so lucky!"

"Your luck is to meet my master." The evil worm mother said with a smile: "Okay, okay, no joke, now the master is looking for the wildfire spirit body."

"Well, flying squirrel, you and the hedgehog will be watching right by, right." Guan Heng handed the little squid on his hand to them: "Take care of the little things for me."

"Don't worry, Lord Guan." Grayscale Needle Hedgehog said, "Leave this to us."

"Yes, yeah." The Flying Winged Mouse also said: "In fact, the little mud squid seems to be better than us. If we can't say we have to rely on it to take care of."


"Hahaha--" After hearing this, Burning Heart and Tyrant Huo couldn't help but laugh, and Guan Heng said, "Well, brothers, don't patronize and laugh. It's serious to find out that wildfire spirit body quickly. "

"Okay, let's watch it nearby first."

While talking, Emperor Yan and his companions dispersed in all directions, and Guan Heng said, "Mother Bug, call out fifty sons, and let them follow the spirit fire to search for the whereabouts of the wildfire spirit body."

"Okay, Master." The evil worm mother agreed, and then quickly called out dozens of colorful fierce worms, asking them to help find the wildfire.

At this moment, Guan Heng bowed his head in thought, without saying a word, the insect mother folded her wings and landed on his shoulders, and asked: "Master, what are you thinking about?"

"Do you remember the old monkey crawling through a stone hole just now, but accidentally fell into a gap in space?"

"Yes, the little mud squid was caught there." The insect mother nodded, and Guan Heng said again: "I suspect that there are more than one similar gaps in the space. In this way, everyone can never find the wildfire spirit body. It will make sense."

"Master, do you mean that the wildfire spirit body is hiding in a gap in space or in a different space?"

"It is indeed possible." Guan Heng thought for a while, and then said: "Perhaps, it may also be trapped somewhere and can't get out. It can only emit its breath, leaving it spreading in the underground area here. "

"Interesting, the master's inference seems very reasonable." The insect mother said: "Then what should we do now?"

"Call back Zixun and Linghuo first." Guan Heng said, "I have a new strategy now."

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