Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9347: Aura Shield



It was too late, then soon, a giant beast slammed forward violently. In the next instant, the body of the beast had already hit the surface of an aura shield, "buzzing!" The aura shield kept shaking. It made a noise, but it didn't fall apart because of the violent impact of the opponent.

"Useless waste, roll aside!"

"Bang!" The leader of the behemoth with chapped scales and a vicious look next to him swung his claws and landed on his companion's face, knocking the guy around for several times, spitting out several **** ones in his mouth. Fangs.

However, the giant beast was obviously terrified of its leader, and even dared not let go of the fart after being beaten. He ran to the side sullenly and crouched down, shivering and trembling constantly.

At this moment, the giant beast leader was full of anger, and strode to the side of the aura shield in front of him. It glared at the glowing hot light in the shield, and roared: "Huh, don't think I will take you No way, one day, you will all be swallowed by me and become my nourishment!"

"Boom!" As soon as the words fell, the angry behemoth leader once again swung his claws and landed on the shield, but the result was still the same. The thing only shook a few times, and there was still no damage.

After the giant beast leader vented this, he actually gradually calmed down, and then shouted at dozens of his companions around him: "What are you doing with the trash? Even if you are exhausted here, before you die. Keep hitting me hard!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Under the force of the leader, these fat-bodied, full-faced behemoths had no choice but to roar and roar one by one, slamming and slamming towards the aura shield, and in a short time, the "ping-pong-pong" violent sound was one after another. The aura shield kept trembling.

A vicious color flashed in the eyes of the behemoth leader: "Hmph, even if I sacrifice all my companions? I must get'it'. As long as I swallow this stuff, I will not only soar tenfold in strength, and by then, I won't need it. Anyone here!"

The boss of this giant beast was vicious and despicable. For his own selfish desires, even the flesh and blood of his closest relatives could be sacrificed, not to mention the few companions.

"Buzzing--buzzing--" Just a moment later, the aura shield that had been hit by more than a hundred beasts reacted again, "Boom!" This time, the sound of the aura shield erupted for a long time. Just now, Sheng even made it dim a bit in the shaking and shaking.

"Hahaha, fight with me, you are still a little tender!"

It has long been seen that the "thing" that displays the aura shield is about to be unable to hold it, so the leader of the giant beast will sacrifice the life of his subordinates, and let them madly hit the shield to weaken its defense. Looking at it now, it really is about to succeed.

"Buzzing!" Suddenly, a huge aura shield trembles, and the giant beast leader's eyes are shining at this time, and he is ready to wait for the moment when the shield becomes the weakest, and knock it out in one fell swoop, but just next Suddenly, sudden change!

"Whhhhhhh!" In a short time, the rapidly thinning spiritual energy shield suddenly burst out countless fierce qi glows, and they surprised many giant beasts. The arrow of the crossbow, carrying the wind through the body of a large number of giant beasts.

Some hapless guys were forcibly nailed to the ground, and screamed sternly: "Oh oh oh -"

"What? This is..." Seeing this scene, the giant beast leader who was caught off guard was also surrounded by more than ten blazing fires, and this guy hurriedly backed away and dodged.

"Duoduoduo!" In the blink of an eye, those flames had penetrated the ground, and a large area was burnt with dark holes without bottom, and bursts of foul-smelling smoke.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" After performing a round of attacks, the aura shield immediately returned to its original shape with a thunder and thunder, and gradually condensed into what it was just now with the sound of the wind.

"Damn ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" After finally getting rid of the flames, the unscathed behemoth leader looked around again, his own body has been killed and injured most of the time, and the rest shrank and fled away.

Obviously, the guy in the aura shield used a thunderous attack to frighten these behemoths. Although they were brutal and unparalleled, there was only one life for anyone, relying solely on the command of the beast leader. , Not enough to let them continue to kill.

"Bastards, you trash, cowards, come back to me!"

Seeing these guys refused to come close and continue to hit the aura shield, the leader of the giant beast was trembling with anger, and his eyes were cracked yelling, but those guys shrank and shrank one by one, making the leader's face more and more ugly.

But at such a time, there was a sudden sound of flapping wings and wings in the air nearby: "Shuh, huh!"

"Who is it?" The giant beast leader suddenly felt something was wrong, suddenly turned his head and looked at it.

"Hehehe, the leader of the iron-skinned beast, it's been a long time!" The other party broke his identity with a mouth, causing the leader of the beast to sink his face immediately, and the guy said with an urn, "It turned out to be a bone-eroding lizard. What are you doing here?"

"I? Of course I came to seek cooperation, otherwise why do you think I will appear?"

"Hoop!" It was too late, it was fast, the bone-eroding lizard suddenly gathered his back wings and landed with a bang, just a long distance from the leader of the Hongba beast.

"Cooperation?" Upon hearing this, the head of the Hongba Beast showed a suspicious look.

This guy has always had old grudges with the other party. The iron-skinned tyrant beast has also fought repeatedly with the bone-eating lizard clan for territory. It is not uncommon to say that the two sides will fight each other when they meet. The beast is unbelievable.

But then, the bone-eating lizard said again: "Maybe you still don’t believe my sincerity, but I can give you the bottom line. We also came for the thing in the aura shield. It seems that you are eating alone. I can’t let it go, how about it, how about let’s work together to deal with this guy?"

"Well..." As soon as the other party's suggestion was made, the leader of the Hongba Beast became vigilant. This is a treasure that it wants to win, but now the Bone-Eater appears to say that he wants to get a share? With this guy's selfish and stingy character, he would never agree easily.

But then again, the iron-hide tyrants were unable to attack the aura shield for a long time, but were damaged by the opponent's counterattack and damaged many of their companions. If this continues, it will be more than worth the loss.

Therefore, the head of the Hongba Beast rolled his eyes and finally let go and said: "Okay, then I will work with you. What are the benefits? Let's share it equally!"

"Hahaha—" Upon hearing this, the Bone Eroding Venomous Lizard raised his head and laughed wildly, and the head of the Hong Ba Beast was so angry that he roared, "What's so funny?"

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