Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9383: Frozen Snake Group

"Lala...crack!" In a flash, the cold energy of the mandrill's ice-breaking fan spread wildly toward the front. Any snake that touched this cold energy was instantly frozen in place.


The armor king next to him suddenly exhaled a scorching breath. The unlucky eggs that had been frozen were subjected to the double crush of ice and fire. They immediately turned into powder with the bang bang bang, regardless of the number of these guys in the hundreds. , But in front of them, it is just a group of useless waste.

"His hiss—His hiss—"

It was too late, then soon, a huge figure suddenly appeared behind the group of small snakes. This guy raised his head and neighed, indicating that the remaining companions who were not dead hurriedly retreated, and it also fled towards the rear for the first time. There is no meaning to want to fight.

"Hey, that guy seems to be capable, why did you want to run away?"

"Hahaha, anyone who sees our buddies will be a little scared." Hearing the words of the mandrill, the armored king said nonchalantly: "Don't guess, chase after it."

"Fatty is right, what are you going to do? Quickly chase--" At this moment, the Shui Xuan spirit beast lay on the back of King Armor and shouted. "Okay, Mandrill, King Armor, you and Shi Jingwei and Earth Palace Toad will lead the battle and rush straight over!"

Guan Heng said: "Even if these little snakes are not wiped out, we must figure out where their nests are!"

"Okay!" The armored king and the others agreed and rushed straight forward. At the same time, the king of corpse dogs and the little green coccidian also followed them, because the little green coccidian can also detect the earth-type spirit treasure. The approximate area where you are.



The little snakes came very fast just now, and now they are not slow to escape. They shrink into the crevices in all directions like a low tide, but with this ability, they want to escape the chase of the armor king and the mandrill. Some are beyond self-reliance.

"Oh oh oh oh!" It was too late, and then soon, the roaring armor king violently trampled on the ground, "huhuhu!" A large flame burst out along the cracks in the ground that was trampled by it, and rolled in a blink of an eye. Inhabited countless little snakes trying to escape and turned them into ashes.

"Whhhhhhhhh!" The mandrill sprinted forward, swiftly probing his claws and caught a fleeing little snake.

"Huh? This is..." Seeing the maniac in front of him, he was a little stunned, and King Armor ran over and asked, "Hey, what's the matter with you?" "Look at this little snake."


Hearing this, the king of Armour Yao opened his eyes and looked at what the other party was holding. This little snake is two feet long and is covered with rock-like luster and lines. In fact, it is a stone snake! "A life form transformed from a rock?" said the jaw-dropping King Armor.


The Mandrill nodded and continued: "I feel that this little snake contains a lot of earth aura in its body, maybe this is the reason why they become'living creatures'."

"Uuuu..." When he heard it, Shi Jingwei next to him stretched out his big hand and motioned to Mandrill to pass it to himself.

"Okay, take it." As he said, Mandrill put the little snake in the opponent's palm.

"Lala!" When it was too late, it was fast, Shi Jingwei's hand suddenly produced suction, which fixed the little snake in place. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape. Instead, the little snake's body slowly fell into Shi Jingwei's. The palm is integrated with it.

"How is this going?"

King Armor's eyes widened, feeling a little weird, but the Water Profound Spirit Beast lying on its back said: "It's not a big deal. The Mandrill also said that this little snake's body is full of earth aura, and Shi Jingwei can also control this. The breath can naturally absorb the body of the little snake."

"Well, that's true." Feeling that the Shui Xuan spirit beast said something reasonable, King Jia Yao nodded in favor, and then he muttered, "But what is the practical use of Shi Jingwei's absorbing it?"

"Hehehe, I can guess this." Mandrill smiled and said at this time: "Shi Jingwei can use the fusion of the snake's body and the breath of the opponent to find the whereabouts of the other snakes, right?" Wen Ting With this, Shi Jingwei nodded heavily.

"Squeak, squeak!"

"Wang Wu!" At this moment, the rock-piercing ape, the little green coccidian and the king of the corpse dog screamed not far in front, and the mandrill said: "It looks like there is something to be gained, go, follow it and see Look!"

After a few breaths, everyone came to the place where the apes, insects, and dogs were. There was a ground full of cracks in the tortoise, and there were traces of small stone snakes moving and crawling. The mandrill said, "Hey, Shi Jingwei, now It's up to you. Find out where the other party is hiding."

Hearing this, Shi Jingwei whimpered in his mouth, and then walked to the edge of the cracked ground, and stretched out his big hand to touch the place, "Hu Hu Hu-swish swish -" In an instant, there was a lot of earth mysterious. The aura was output by it, and it suddenly extended a few meters away.

These auras turned into many branches and trickles, like tentacles, searching everywhere for the whereabouts of the little stone snakes. Just after a few breaths, dozens of little stone snakes could not withstand the pressure of the aura and screamed and rushed out of the ground.

At this moment, Guan Heng's voice sounded: "Demon Mandrill, don't kill them, just freeze them alive, I will let the insect mother come to help you."

"Yes, Lord Guan!"

Hearing this, the mandrill immediately flew over. Before the little stone snakes tried to escape, it waved its claws and released a large amount of chilly air, and in a flash, it took the windshield towards the little stone snakes, and the opponent didn't even have time to escape again, and was frozen Frozen in place and shivered.

However, this was because the Mandrill's men were merciful and reduced the power of the cold to about 30%, because Guan Heng's order was to freeze the opponent, rather than directly kill it.

"Buzzing!" The next moment, the evil worm mother flapped her wings and hurriedly hurled out its thin fire net, covering the unlucky ones who could not move.

Guan Heng said: "First investigate the origin of these stone snakes, and then if there is no other use, let the earth palace toad, stone turtle beast, ink stone guard and Shi Jing guard absorb them all, and contain such pure earth aura. It would be a pity if you don't make the most of it."

"Hehehe, Lord Guan Yingming." Hearing these words, of course the happiest people belong to the earth palace toads.

At this time, the little green coccidia, the king of corpse dogs, and the rock-piercing ape had reached the edge of the large cracked ground, and then they screamed at Guan Heng: "Squeak, squeak!" Ruotao and An Yan The nearest to them, immediately ran over to check.

"Hey, there is a hole in the rock wall, you see, there are serious friction marks on it." As he said, An Yan stretched out his hand and rubbed the edge of the hole.

Ruotao said, "Looking at the size of this hole, it is very close to the big guy who just ran away, almost exactly the same, right?"

"Well, I think so too."

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