Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9385: Mobs suffer a big loss (first more)

"Hiss--" The screaming giant stone snake shook its sturdy body, struggling to get up, but at the same time, a fierce attack from the mandrill and ice ray came.

"Double ice hockey burst!"


"Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, hundreds of large and small ice hockey pucks hit the body of the stone snake one after another, "Lala...Lala..." This guy was immediately enveloped by a large amount of cold air. When he wanted to struggle, he felt his body. Has not listened to it.

That's because the cold air completely covered its body, making the stone snake frozen!

"Dang!" The frozen giant stone snake collapsed on the spot, shivering. This guy is not very intelligent, but he can feel the death crisis, so he is very afraid.

"I have no interest in killing you."

At this moment, Guan Heng walked in front of the giant stone snake and said slowly: "But after entering this area, all I feel is the killing intent of you and the little stone snakes. For this kind of existence who dare to provoke me. This young master will never let it go, so I have to invite you on the road."

"Hissing?!" Hearing this, the giant stone snake roused Lingling into a cold war. I didn't know if it was frozen by the cold, or was frightened by the closing words, just shivering constantly.

"But..." At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly turned his words, and continued to face the giant stone snake: "But, if you can lead us to find the whereabouts of the earth spirit treasure in this cave, I will How about thinking about sparing you?"

Hearing this, the giant stone snake shook his head and didn't make a statement for a while, but at this moment, the king of armor growled a little impatiently: "Hey, Lord Guan, this is for your face, don't be ignorant. , Do you dare to agree, grandpa will crush you now, believe it or not?"

After speaking, it has already taken two steps forward, and it is about to come over aggressively. The giant stone snake was hit and flew by the armor king just now, and now it is shaking all over with fright. Then, it faced Guan Heng. Nodded repeatedly, expressing willingness to take them to find the baby.

"Hey, this is almost the same." Guan Heng winked at King Armor when he saw that his goal had been achieved, and the other party immediately snorted, "Remember not to play tricks, or grandpa will arrange for you immediately and set off. !"

"Hiss, hiss." After hearing this, the giant stone snake nodded and was about to twist and walk forward. Guan Heng suddenly stretched out his hand and patted the other's body: "Wait, you are so big, it is not convenient to follow us. , Let's do it, I will make you smaller first!"

"Huh!" Without waiting for the stone snake to react, Guan Heng's palm suddenly produced suction, which continuously sucked and extracted the pure earth spiritual energy in the opponent's body. Seeing this scene, the stone snake was terrified and thought it was off. Heng intends to scrap himself.

But the clay mob next to him smiled strangely: "Hey hey, stupid thing, it's better to be smaller, and it's better to be smaller. You can still be my company."


"Swish swish!"

In the blink of an eye, strong winds kept coming and going. Everyone watched with their paws as the huge stone snakes that were originally more than ten feet long gradually shrank and became like those little stone snakes with only a foot long.

"Hiss, hiss..." This is so, this smaller stone snake king is also much stronger than the aura of the same kind, but it is a bit dissatisfied with his current too "miniature" body shape.

Seeing the other person's appearance, the clay mob raised his foot and kicked it, cursing: "Idiot, it would be nice if you can live like me. Why don't you hurry up and thank Master Guan for his mercy?"

Reluctantly, the little stone snake king had to get close to Guan Heng, nodding his head repeatedly.

"Well, don't delay time here, hurry up and take us to find the Earth Element Lingbao." Hearing Guan Heng's words, the little stone snake king nodded at the crowd, and then turned and sprinted forward.

In this way, everyone followed it for a distance of about hundreds of meters, and came to a hidden cave in the belly of the mountain. The little stone snake king turned his head and hissed towards Guan Heng a few times. Seeing what it meant, he wanted to bring it. The crowd went in, but they were a little scared.

"You mean to say that the guy inside, even you, can't offend, right?" Hearing Guan Heng's words, the little stone snake king nodded repeatedly, and then shrank to Shi Jingwei's feet, not daring to approach the entrance of the cave.

Seeing this guy's appearance so timid, the red clay mob snorted and said: "Useless trash, because you are still the boss of a group of little stone snakes, you are so useless, you dare not go in, I dare!"

As he said, the red clay mobs walked into the cave, and the dwarf rhino boss next to him said: "Hey, don't be reckless, in case there is danger inside..."

"It's okay, even if it's dangerous, I'm willing to explore the way for Lord Guan and everyone!" The red clay mobs wanted to stand in front of everyone and let everyone change their views on themselves, so they walked to the cave entrance without hesitation .

"Hoo--" But in a flash, there was a violent wind in the entrance of the cave, and it slammed into the clay mobs. This guy called out "Oh," and then fell out, "Hop!" Dun children.

"It hurts, it hurts!" Holding on to his aching head, the clay mob took a lot of effort to stand up, and his mouth yelled: "Damn, what kind of weird thing is this, it made me fall into a big somersault. !"

"Hiss...Hiss..." The little stone snake king beside him neighed twice, which meant to say: "I told you that the guy inside is not easy, why should you ask for trouble?"

"Idiot, you don't need to be troublesome." The clay mob felt embarrassed in front of everyone and turned into anger. He glared at the little stone snake king, and the other party immediately retracted to Shi Jingwei's legs and did not dare to speak.

"Well, little monster, it's nothing." Guan Heng said casually: "The guy in the cave is not weak, you still don't take the risk, let us solve it."

"Yes, I listen to Lord Guan's instructions."

When he uttered these words, the clay mobs didn't dare to disobey, so he obediently stepped back a few steps, and Guan Heng winked at the mandrill and the old monkey, and said, "You two will try it!"



Hearing this, the two beasts immediately shook their bodies and rushed towards the entrance of the cave, "huhuhuhu!" It seemed that they felt that these two were not easy to deal with. The guy in the cave immediately controlled the two heavy earth spirit auras and directly moved towards them. He slammed into it, trying to shake the mandrill and the old monkey back.

"Hmph, little bugs, get out of here!"

"Pop!" With a sudden wave of his claws, the mandrill abruptly shattered the airflow towards him. At the same time, the old white-browed monkey grinned, not evasive, and directly faced the aura that hit him.

"Boom!" A high-blazing pure fire aura appeared around the monkey's body, which wrapped the opponent's aura with a violent and violent momentum, and instantly offset it and refine it!

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