Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9396: Spiked Venom

"Master Guan, do you want to move on now?" Seeing Guan Heng's interest in the weird soil everywhere, Mandrill couldn't help but ask: "If you want to study these things, let's take some, how about? "

"Alright." Guan Heng nodded, then wrapped some weird soil and put it in the storage clam. He said: "But I think this small island in the center of the swamp is still a bit weird, and it's worth studying. These soils are all."

"By the way, Lord Guan."

At this moment, the mad queen ants suddenly landed in front of him and said: "I just flew forward for a distance and saw a huge strange tree growing on a mound, about ten feet high, with many ellipses on it. Everyone’s bulging is huge, and the huge poisonous mosquitoes that escaped got into those bulges."

"Well, it looks like there is the nest of giant mosquitoes." Guan Heng said casually: "Let's go, anyway, you have to pass by the mound and burn the other side's mosquito nest by the way to avoid future troubles."

"Hehehe, let me do this job." The flame golden eagle next to him said, "Master Guan, what do you think?"

"Of course, let's go."


After a few moments, Guan Heng and the others followed the mad poisonous ant to the mound of the strange tree. Everyone could see clearly. As the queen said, the whole tree was covered with dense mosquito dens.

"It looks like there are a lot of giant poisonous mosquitoes left here." Qing Huang covered his forehead with his hands and looked into the distance, then said: "According to the number of nests, there are hundreds or even thousands of them here."

"Well, your analysis is similar to what I calculated." Hearing this, Guan Heng nodded slightly. At this moment, the Flame Golden Eagle whispered: "Master Guan, I can't help it anymore, do you let me immediately Flew over and burned these mosquito dens?"

"Alright, a quick fight and a quick decision." Guan Heng said, "Go!"

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh He decided to expel this uninvited guest.

It's a pity that these guys are too self-conscious, and when they encounter the flaming golden eagle, they have only one end, and that is instantly turned to ashes!

"Die, stupid mosquito!"

"Huhuhu——" In an instant, the golden eagle opened his mouth and spurted out, and the tumbling fire wave immediately spread forward in a fan shape. How could those huge poisonous mosquitoes think that they would encounter the ultimate nemesis here, and they would be violently fired before they could even dodge Swallowed most of it.

The remaining poisonous mosquitoes saw their comrades continue to die tragically, and then they thought of running away in a hurry, but it was too late, and the second round of the flame golden eagle's attack was full, and it rushed towards them.

"Hey hey hey!" The body of the giant mosquito burned by the flames made a piercing sound. These guys roared and screamed. In the blink of an eye, they turned into puffs of foul-smelling black smoke. Burn them to crackle.

"Hahahaha, burn, burn, burn all of you stupid mosquitoes!"

The flame golden eagle screamed triumphantly at this time, but at this moment, the top of the strange tree suddenly heard sharp screams: "Haw!"

"Huh? This voice is full of anger, like a capable guy."

The flame golden eagle has a wealth of experience. It fluttered its wings suddenly and flew out several feet away, "Shu 唰唰!" Immediately after the strong wind, dozens of swift shadows came nearby. The golden eagle looked closely and couldn't help but suck. A cold breath: "Good fellow, it looks fierce."

The dozens of giant mosquitoes in front of me are obviously not comparable to the ordinary ones who were burned to death just now. They may not be much larger than their counterparts, but they are covered with hard pitch-black spikes, shining blue and barking evil light, clearly. Very toxic.

The most important thing is that the shells of these thorny poisonous mosquitoes resemble metallic luster, and they are extremely strong at first glance. This makes the flaming golden eagle very doubt whether it can be killed by its own flame attack. "Hi, Golden Eagle."

At this moment, he walked to the nearby Guan Heng Yang and said: "You and the other party have a try. If they lose their hands, you will return and leave the rest to me."

"Okay, Lord Guan."

This remark strengthened the golden eagle's courage. It promised, and then immediately rushed to the thorny venomous mosquitoes ahead. Seeing a powerful enemy attacking, the second-mutated venomous mosquitoes did not neglect, and suddenly divided into three strands. That part was head-on, intending to fight directly with the Golden Eagle.

"Hahaha, **** mosquitoes, you all go to death!"

With a arrogant laugh, the flame golden eagle did his best this time, "Huh!" In an instant, its entire body was wrapped in the flames of the fire spirit, forming a huge ball, and then viciously rammed the opposite sharp thorn mosquito. group.

"Ping pong pong!"

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom!" The violent noises kept coming and going. The spiked poisonous mosquitoes were shaken far away, but the flame golden eagles who took the lead were also surprised: "The shells of these guys are really hard enough, and my fire hits. Didn't burn their bodies?!"

"Hmph, no matter what, the master concerned and everyone are holding on behind, I can rest assured that I can take it boldly, if I can't hold it, I can let Master Guan take over."

The flame golden eagle is fighting now and intends to fight it hard. "Boom boom boom!" In an instant, the golden eagle had adjusted the concentration of its own flame aura to the highest level. This force was so shocking that it was suddenly fanned out with its wings.


"Bang! Boom!" The thick fire wave burned fiercely and immediately wrapped the bodies of the first three spiked poisonous mosquitoes. Don't look at these guys' shells are quite strong, comparable to gold and iron, but you can encounter this kind of even metal ores. The fierce flames that can melt easily, but also seem insignificant.

"Haw!" The three thorny poisonous mosquitoes trapped in the flames and burning constantly screamed unwillingly. They wanted to flutter their wings and flew away. It's a pity that the first thing that the flames burned was their own wings, and then, It is the body of the poisonous mosquito...

In the blink of an eye, these three guys were reduced to ashes.

But the victorious flaming golden eagle was not in love with fighting. Suddenly fluttered its wings and swept back to Guan Heng's side, and began to gasp: "Huh... the mutant spiked poisonous mosquitoes of the other party are really not easy. Three can be burned to death. If I continue to fight, I guess I won’t be able to hold it.

"Your record is already pretty good." Guan Heng smiled slightly and said: "Okay, let us take care of the rest."

At this moment, the little green coccidian, who was lying on Anyan's shoulders lazily, jumped towards the strange light, "Hey!" It suddenly fell to the ground and rushed towards the strange tree. Seeing this, An Yan cried out in surprise, "Hey, what's wrong?"

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