Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9413: Underground worm

"Hahaha, well, trust you." Xiaoxin smiled and said, "Have you ever been robbed by other monsters? Several friends we know have similar experiences."

"On two occasions, when I was teleported out of the mysterious gate, I was attacked by a group of beasts. Some of them had no chance to enter the gate, and some of them had no gain after entering the gate. That's why they came up with the idea of ​​beating me with crooked eyes. Run fast without being caught by the opponent."

Poison Marsh Hidden Harp smiled, and then said: "In addition, at that time I was young and strong, and I had the ability to release poisonous biogas to block the enemy's sight, so I managed to escape repeatedly.

"That's it, you are of a particularly cautious type." Hearing these words, Guan Heng nodded, and then said, "Do you know the source of the aura in this ancient cave?"

"Oh, it's this thing, I know." Hearing Guan Heng's question, Poison Marsh Hidden Harp replied: "I can take you over right away. It is a huge gap in the depths of a cave, and the spiritual energy overflows from there. Yes, but there has been very little aura coming out recently."

"Go, go and take a look." In this way, the poisonous marsh hidden harrier led Guan Heng and the others hurriedly through the winding tunnel, to the huge gap it said.

"There are indeed traces of spiritual energy flowing in and out." Qing Huang rubbed the edge of the gap in front of him with his hand, and then said: "But why the spiritual energy suddenly dries up, this is very strange."

"It's true." Ruotao also said: "Generally, the source of the aura that derives for a long time is produced by endless and repeated cycles. Why is the aura here reduced?"

"In short, we need to investigate the specific situation."

Guan Heng glanced at the gap and then said: "Mother, the size here is just right for you to enter and exit with King Golden Sting and the Queen of Mad Poisonous Ants. Then you should go in for the investigation and notify me immediately if you find any abnormalities. Do you know? ?"

"Good master, just leave it to us." The evil worm mother promised, and immediately led the golden sting king and the queen into the huge gap in front of her.

After a few breaths, the three insects had dived for nearly a hundred feet inside the crevice. Seeing no suspicious signs around, the mad queen said impatiently: "Hey, we haven't seen any weird things after looking for so long. In my opinion, it's still..."


Suddenly, the worm mother opened her mouth and whispered, frightening the golden sting king and the mad queen ant. They both wanted to ask what was going on, but the evil worm mother instantly signaled the two and herself to hide in a protruding rock next to them. Later, the two insects were not good at asking anything, and could only temporarily follow the arrangements of the insect mother.



In an instant, a large crowd of guys crawled out of the rock wall on both sides of the gap.

The worm mothers took a closer look. They turned out to be a large group of underground zergs, including scorpions, black scorpions, and blue centipedes. There were about hundreds of them, or even thousands.

It stands to reason that these guys often look at each other wrongly. It's not bad if they meet each other without a fight. They rarely act together, and they appear at the same time now, and they also behave in harmony. This kind of thing itself is very problematic.

The bug mother, the golden sting king, and the mad queen ant looked at each other, thinking that they shouldn’t rush these guys. It’s not that the bug mother, they can’t beat each other, but this group of bugs are quite weird, and you must first figure out what they plan to do. In order to decide whether to do it.

"Squeak, squeak!"

At such a time, a large black-backed white-hooked scorpion headed by screamed to signal the group of insects that followed to stop. It seemed that it was the leader of the group of insects. Everyone stopped quickly and quietly. Lie on the rock wall, waiting for the leader's order.

"Hh! Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! stone.

"Boom bang bang!"

"Ping pong pong!"

Amid a series of rapid noises, debris of earth and rocks flew in all directions, and then, wisps of spiritual energy gushed out of the broken stones. Although the amount was not very large, the eyes of the big scorpion showed the color of greed, and immediately opened his mouth. Suck it up.

"Squeak, chirp..." Seeing that the boss has already started to feast, the rest of the scorpions, scorpions, and centipedes coveted one by one, whispering, and seemed to want to share "leftovers."

"Chi Chi Chi!"

The big scorpion, who had eaten aura and eaten beautifully, heard that his subordinates were a little dissatisfied with the meaning of eating alone, so he waved his claws and signaled that his companions could also start, "Choosing!" With the approval of the boss, the group of insects immediately sent a message Frantically rushed on the raised "stone bags" on the rock wall.

"Kacha, Kacha..." Some scorpions and centipedes directly use their sharp jaws to chew the stone bag, sucking the spiritual energy inside, and some worms hit the stone bag with their bodies viciously, making them crack marks , Let the aura overflow, convenient to swallow.

All in all, everyone chooses the way they are good at, sucking aura, and seeing these guys feasting, the insect mother, the golden sting king and the mad queen ant hiding in the dark and talking in a low voice.

"Could it be that the lack of aura here is caused by the Zerg's absorption of the aura of the rock on the rock wall?"

"Well, it's possible."

"Then what are we going to do now?" The mad queen asked in a low voice, "Should I get rid of these zergs directly, or inform Lord Guan and everyone about the situation?"

"Well... let me think about it." After hearing the other party's words, the evil worm mother thought for a while, and said: "Well, let's not do it right away, but also quickly notify the owner to come over and find a solution to the problem. "

"I first think of a way to alarm the group of worms, so that they are scrupulous, not daring to inhale the aura of the stone bag at will." The worm mother said to the golden sting king: "At the same time, you and the queen will go back as fast as possible. Notify the owner."

"Okay, just do it!"


It was too late to say, it was fast, the two insects agreed and disappeared in front of the evil worm mother.

At this moment, the worm mother squinted at the centipede that constantly absorbs the spiritual energy in front of him, and thought to herself: "If you continue to toss like this, even if there is a little spiritual energy left in the huge gap, it will not be able to sustain it, huh. , It seems that I have to figure out a way to stop you guys."

Suddenly, an idea came up in the evil worm mother's mind. It smiled strangely and whispered: "If you have it, do it."

"Kacha!" On the other side, the black-backed and white-hooked scorpion hit another stone bag with two tongs, releasing the spiritual energy in it for him to keep absorbing. The more he eats, the more beautiful he eats, the faster he eats, but nothing Pay attention, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in the sky behind you!

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