"Oh no good!"

Suddenly felt the flames hit behind his head, scaring the giant squid's soul to disperse, this guy suddenly gathered all the tentacles behind him, "pupupupu!" But the three flames still cut off a large number of giant squid tentacles with a force of destruction. , Homeopathy runs through its head.

"Boom!" The insect mother grinned and let out a low growl, "Boom! Boom!" The flames of fire that had been caught in the giant squid's body exploded in an instant, and the impact expanded outward in ripples, suddenly adding a few to this guy. A blood cave.

"I... I'm so unlucky..." When I was dying, the Giant Squid had this sentence left in his mind, but it was a pity that there was no regret medicine in this world. The end.

"Huh, take the initiative to come over to find abuse, death is not a pity!" The insect mother said this coldly, and then quickly returned to Guan Heng and said: "Master, fortunately, I have killed that trash giant squid. Up."

"Well, good job." Guan Heng nodded slightly, and then said casually: "It just took a little longer. To deal with this kind of waste, with your strength, ten breaths should be enough."

"Yes, the master is right, I have fun in my heart, and I didn't fight hard."

The worm mother said an apology, but in fact she didn't care. The old patriarch and his son next to him were dumbfounded. The two of them screamed at the same time: "The giant squid who has fought against the clan for many years and has no outcome. Was tortured to death in the blink of an eye, is this still the result of others not doing their best?"

"Father." After blinking, the patriarch's son leaned into his father's ear and whispered: "I think we should keep Master Guan and them, and then..."

"Yeah, it makes sense." The old patriarch heard his son's words, nodded repeatedly, Guan Heng glanced at the father and son, and asked casually: "What are you talking about? God is mysterious."

"Uh, it's like this." The old patriarch felt a little nervous at the thought of making a request. Guan Heng saw the other party's embarrassment, so he said: "If there is something, it doesn't hurt to say it."

"Yes, I want to make a relentless request. I don't know if Lord Guan can agree." Hearing the old patriarch said, Guan Heng nodded and said, "Yes, as long as it is within my ability."

"Our clan has been besieged by a powerful enemy recently, and we have been waiting for help for a long time, but we have never been able to find anyone who can help us. Lord Guan, you and you are powerful, so I want to ask you to help withdraw from the enemy."

The old patriarch respectfully said: "Of course, the little old man would never dare to let you help in vain, and would like to thank the treasures collected by his clan."

"Treasures or something, it doesn't matter. Since you have already asked me, then let's help out by the way."

To be honest, Guan Heng didn't care about what treasures they got. After all, they had traveled for a long time, and they had seen countless kinds of rare and exotic treasures. It was impossible to impress them with idle things. It was also a matter of helping out.

Even so, the father and son of the old patriarch were thankful for their gratitude, and were extremely happy. In this way, the father and son took Guan Heng and they went straight to the area of ​​their own clan.

Surrounded by a dark rugged rock, right in the middle is the entrance of the blazing orc habitat. There is also a group of blazing orc warriors patrolling. After seeing the patriarch, they immediately gathered to say hello and said in unison: " See the patriarch, see the young patriarch."

"No ceremony, these people are the most honorable guests of the clan, you wait to bow quickly."

"I've seen the distinguished guests, I'll be polite." Since the patriarch said so, the orc warriors naturally did not say anything, and immediately saluted respectfully. Then the old patriarch said: "We are going to return to the clan space. Swallowing giant clam' opened the entrance."

"This..." Hearing this, the little soldier leader was a little embarrassed, and then whispered: "My patriarch, there has been a small change now. I'm afraid you, the young patriarch and the distinguished guests will have to wait a while before going back."

"What?" Hearing this, the patriarch's son was a little strange, but in an instant, he understood: "You mean that the guy who swallows the sky is awkward again, right?"

"Young patriarch is wise." The little warrior's complexion was not very good, and he whispered: "That's right, the giant clam is very upset because of being picky about today's food, so after you and the patriarch just went out, you are not willing anyway. I opened my clam shell again."

"Oh, this is troublesome." The young patriarch scratched his head, then said: "The area where the food is collected is still under the control of the enemy. We went to see it again today. The other party has been reluctant to evacuate, the giant clam. He refuses to eat anything else, how can this be good?"

At this moment, Guan Heng asked, "Hey, what's going on?"

"Oh, it's like this, Lord Guan." The old patriarch spoke next to him: "When my clan first wandered and migrated here, I accidentally discovered that the Sky-Swallowing Giant Clam was stuck in a gap in the space and could not get in or out, but it Once the carapace is lifted, everyone can reach the other side of the alien space."

"The giant clam likes a dark stone at the bottom of the magma very much and treats it as food, but after it is trapped, it can’t eat on its own, so the tribe reached an agreement with the sky-swallowing giant clam, and we searched for food for it in exchange Conditions, the giant clam lifts its carapace and exists as a gateway to our habitat."

The young patriarch continued: "Since then, I have been in peace for many years, but..."

"I know." Ruotao said: "I heard a little bit from your conversation just now. Is there no more food that giant mussels like to eat? Your enemies have taken over the places where there are such things, right?"

"Yes, that's it." The old patriarch and his son nodded, and Guan Heng said at this time: "Let me see the giant swallowing clam."

"Okay, Lord Guan, please here." said the young patriarch, and respectfully led him to a short distance ahead. Guan Heng took a closer look, and the giant swallowing clam was really big enough to have the shape of a hill. , The whole body exudes the aura of ancient strange beasts.

"Well, I think this guy is not young anymore, why is he still so greedy?" Guan Heng said to himself with a smile, and suddenly, an urn sounded, "You are greedy, your whole family is greedy." eat!"

"Hahaha, have you ever heard of it?" Guan Heng smiled and turned his head and said: "The giant clam has spoken, it seems that he is not low-minded."

"It's really strange. The giant clam ancestor has never spoken. Why did he suddenly speak when I saw Master Guan today?"

The same surprised, of course, the old patriarch and his son. At this time, Qing Huang said with a smile: "A Heng, this giant clam is very interesting. You can tease it again and let it continue to speak."

"That's right, we want to listen to giant clams too." Said Xianxin and the other sisters too.

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