Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9499: The meal of the remnants of the Holy Land (first more)

"Wow!" At the next moment, the beast soul rushed forward. Guan Heng and Qing Huang looked at each other and whispered at the same time, "Is there anything else for us?"

"Hahaha, hurry up and take a look."

With that said, Ruo Tao could not wait to chase after her. Qing Huang and the other sisters naturally followed closely. When Guan Heng left, they said to the insect mother: "Leave some colorful ferocious beasts and let them gather on the rock wall here. Human face gems, you can take as many as you can, anyway, staying here is a waste.

"Yes, Master." Mother Chong said, "You and everyone will go there first, and I will follow you after I tell Brother Zifu to do something."

"Well, by the way, pay attention to'that situation' again."

"Don't worry, master, I will notice." After speaking, the evil worm mother has summoned a large number of colorful fierce worms and ordered them to do something.


"Da da da, da da da..." The girls' footsteps came and went one after another, so fast that they couldn't catch up with the mandrill and king armor. These guys yelled: "Everyone, slow down. Ah, we can't run anymore."

"Nonsense, I usually see you traversing the mountains and traversing the mountains and never shouting tired." Coriander scolded with a smile: "You are tired after only a few steps, are you already abandoned?"

"I'm wrong." King Armor cried, "What I said is true, this place is weird, and I feel that my strength is doubling down."

"Yes, yes, I seem to have this feeling too." The mandrill next to him couldn't help slowing down, and then turned his head and asked the Earth Palace Toad and Ice Jiao: "What about you two?"

"I'm flying in the air, and I feel better, but I'm a little tired." Ice Jiao said.

Tu Gongchan shook his head, and just about to speak, suddenly felt his body tremble, "Pump!" The next moment, the big toad fell to the ground one by one.


"What's wrong?" The demons immediately screamed when they saw this. The girls were also taken aback, and said in unison: "Isn't it a joke?"

"Hey, toad, what's the matter with you?" Guan Heng asked while patted its body: "It doesn't matter, right?"

"Master Guan, I'm fine."

The earth palace toad jumped up at this moment, suddenly fell on the back of King Armor, and then said: "I just thought the ground here was weird. I tried to release some of the aura in the body, but I didn't expect to be sucked suddenly. I’m gone, so I’m a little weak.

"Is that so?" Qing Huang said, "Why don't we feel this way?"

"I didn't feel anything. It may be that the physiques of Mandrill and other beasts are different from ours." Guan Heng analyzed in this way: "Moreover, the insect mother and the ice scorpion fly in the air and have no adverse reactions, so There must be something odd on the ground nearby!"

"Qinghuang, you and Mandrill are all standing aside, I want to try." Hearing Guan Heng's words, everyone flashed back to the side, and then, he waved his hand to release a few swift auras, which fell in an instant. On the ground.



"It's weird, is there any danger in the soil on this ground?" As he said, An Yan stretched out his hand to touch, and Puxing next to her hurriedly grabbed her: "You are crazy, this thing is very evil, don't touch it."

"I know, don't talk too much." Although he said that, An Yan still liked the feeling of being cared by him. The next moment, Pu Xing said, "I'll check it."

"You are not allowed to touch the soil!" An Yan couldn't let him take the risk. At this time, Guan Heng smiled and said: "Okay, what are you fighting for? Let me take a look."

As he said, Guan Hengli suddenly released a swift aura, "Huh!" They engulfed a mass of soil on the ground, and were suddenly taken into his palm.

"Huh?" After squeezing the soil, Guan Heng let out a surprised voice: "This soil seems to contain very rich vitality!"

Everyone was also a little surprised and asked in unison: "Vitality?"


Guan Heng continued: "This soil feels like something like ancient spiritual holy soil, but the aura of holy soil is still inadequate, so they will take in the aura of the group of beasts that pass by here. Because everyone is walking and running on the ground, the aura loses extremely quickly."

"But..." The Mandrill said at this moment with some confusion: "The girls don't seem to have this kind of discomfort. What is the reason?"

"I just said that our physique is not the same as yours, plus..."

Having said this, Guan Heng’s mouth turned up with a slight smile, and continued: “According to my inference, this kind of soil is a bit like'busting the soft and afraid of the hard'. They may realize that the aura of me and Qinghuang, the princess and other girls are more powerful You are strong, so I attacked you, and didn't dare to treat us."

"Eh?!" Hearing this, the muscles on Mandrill's face twitched a few times, and then gritted his teeth: "Damn it, it's really bullying and fearful of hardship!"

"Holy soil remnants, come here."

At this moment, Guan Heng beckoned to the remnant spirit who was next to the star-patterned wildfire. The opponent flew up to him suddenly. Guan Heng handed the soil to the remnant spirit and said, "Are you interested in this thing? The vitality of the soil in the Qiudi Caves may taste good."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! The remnant spirit of the holy soil immediately leaped forward happily, covering the mass of soil with his own spirit body, continuously swallowing it up.

"Hey, this guy really likes to eat the soil here." Seeing this, Ruotao said: "In that case, son, then you can let him eat more."

"Well, I meant it."

Guan Heng said casually: "As long as the remnants of the Holy Land can absorb a large amount of the surrounding aura-rich soil, they may continue to evolve, and most importantly, as long as these soils that will ingest the mandrill and the king of armor are removed, Everyone can move forward smoothly."

"It makes sense." As soon as he said this, everyone praised Guan Heng for being careful and thinking and seeing far. At this moment, the beast soul leading the way turned around again. It noticed that everyone was not following him. So turn back and stay in the air, waiting quietly for everyone.

Guan Heng said to the remnant of the holy soil: "Okay, let's start now, you can absorb the ground soil here as much as possible."


Hearing this, the remnants of the Holy Land naturally flew away unceremoniously against the ground, "Swish-wish-wish-" It was just a few breaths, and a large area of ​​soil within a radius of several meters was covered. Can Ling was swept away, and it continued to expand its scope, absorbing faster and faster.

"Well, good job."

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