Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9502: The sorrow of Hognose



The leader of the pig-nosed and pointed-eared monster smashed the two companions into minced meat. Such a brutal and vicious act did not stop the other monsters from escaping frantically.

Because Mandrill and King Armor are so vicious that the pig-nosed monsters have completely lost their fighting spirit. By now, they all feel that it is important to escape!


"Looking for death!" King Jia Yao's eyes were full of excitement and murderous aura. Before the mandrill could do anything, it had already greeted it first.

"Ping-pong-pong!" It was too late, it was fast, the front hoof of the king of armor kicked violently, hitting the surface of the opponent's stone axe, and the sound of "Kolala" burst suddenly, and the stone axe broke into ten pieces immediately. Seven or eight pieces scattered all over the floor!

"Oh?!" Seeing that there was only one grip left in the weapon in his hand, the pig-nosed monster leader threw the thing, shaking his claws and pounced again.

"Slap!" At this moment, the mandrill rushing out of the diagonal slap slapped its big fat face, hitting this guy around three and a half times.

"Spitlulu—" The next moment, the pig-nosed monster opened its mouth and spewed out a dozen **** fangs, so painful that it covered its face and screamed, and immediately stepped back several steps, with fear and fear in its eyes. The color.

To say that the pig-nosed monster leader is indeed a violent, bloodthirsty and vicious guy, but this does not prove that he is a desperate fool. After realizing that he is absolutely impossible to win, the monster leader is also afraid. This guy trembled slightly and couldn't help it. Backward one after another.

"Hehehe, this guy is not stupid, he seems to want to bugger."

"It's a pity that I took the initiative to send it to the door to die. If we don't keep it, it would be too unreasonable."

"Hey, haven't you finished it yet?" At this moment, Guan Heng walked over with his companions, and Xiaoxin asked with some impatientness. "Okay, okay, there is one left, and it will be settled immediately." The Mandrill replied with a grin.

"Huh!" It was too late to say, then soon, the next moment, the mandrill had moved to a position close to the pig-nosed monster leader.

"Take me a punch!"

"Bang!" The mandrill fist was as heavy as a cannon, and it hit the pig-nosed monster's abdomen. "Puff--" The opponent spit out three feet to grow a blood arrow, fell down and hit the rock wall. It's dying.

"Uuuuu..." At this time, the beast soul flew to Guan Heng's side and whispered twice in his ear. Guan Heng waved his hand after listening, and said, "Don't kill that guy, stay alive."

"Yes!" Both the Mandrill and the Armored King were ready to go, ready to kill each other, but when they heard Guan Heng's words, they immediately gave up their kills.

The armor king flew forward, his hooves viciously kicked on the head of the pig-nosed and pointed ear monster. The guy wailed, his body shook two or three times, and immediately thumped to his knees.

Gu Sang Nu shook the wooden magic scepter at this moment, "Huh!" A spiritual root flew over with the wind, just entangled the upper body of the other party, and tied the pig-nosed ear monster firmly.

"Oh, oh!"

"Asshole thing, you dare to yell nonsense, looking for death!"

The maniac slapped his face, slapped the opponent fiercely, and hit the guy with blood in his mouth and nose, and spit out a few big teeth again. At this moment, the pig-nosed ear monster was completely embarrassed. After being picked up by the man, he fell severely on the face. Before closing the cross foot.

"Master Guan, as you ordered, caught a man alive."

"Well, yes, actually this is the proposal of the beast soul." Guan Heng said casually: "I don't know what's going on. I have become clearer and clearer to this guy's cry, and even know what it wants to tell me , Do you think it is strange?"

"What's the matter with this, the son is very much loved by souls, ghosts, etc." Ruotao said at this time: "Isn't it the same before?"

"Hahaha, this is an amazing talent." Xianxin said with a bit of joking at this moment: "It proves that you are always destined to be entangled by ghosts, whether in the past or in the present."

"Humph, you really know how to talk coldly." Guan Heng said in a dumbfounded manner. At this moment, Mandrill asked: "Master Guan, what is the use of the beast soul for letting us capture this ugly pig nose?"

"Woo, woo..." The beast soul flew to Guan Heng's shoulders, whispered twice, and Guan Heng casually said: "It said that this pig-nosed ear monster may know where'that thing' is placed, so we can This beast was captured alive."


"Probably it is the gift that the beast soul wants to give us." Qing Huang analyzed. After listening to her, the beast soul turned around in the air and looked very happy. Qing Huang smiled and said: "It seems I guessed right. Up."

"Then let's have a good'discussion' with this ugly pig nose, let it take us to fetch things willingly." After that, Guan Heng winked at the old monkey and the mandrill: "Go on, as long as you don't mutilate your limbs. , You can do whatever you want, don't stop until it confesses."

"Good." Hearing this, the two beasts immediately surrounded them with excitement. The poor pig-nosed and pointed ear monster didn't know what was going on. He had another beating, and the maniac and the old monkey beat him up. It has to be wailing.

It wasn't until the two beasts stopped their hands after more than ten breaths that the pig-nosed monster understood that they wanted to take treasure. This guy almost fainted. He said that if he knew this was the case, I immediately admitted to take you there. Why are you being beaten up again now?

But how did it know that Mandrill and Old Monkey didn't give themselves a chance at all at first, they were just itchy hands and wanted to beat people.


After a few moments, the pig-nosed ear monster who staggered forward brought Guan Heng and his companions to the bottom of the rock wall, and then raised his paw, shivering and pointing to a gap on the rock wall, which meant saying: " What you are looking for is right there."

"Hmph, I hope you don't have the guts to lie, otherwise..." After speaking, Guan Heng paused for a while, and then said to the insect mother: "Look at the gap to make sure there is something inside. "

"Yes, Master." The evil worm mother agreed, and flew up to the top of the stone wall with her wings flapping. As it approached the area a few feet outside the gap, it suddenly uttered a sound, and then raised it: "Master, there is an inexplicable spiritual surge in the gap of the stone wall. It seems to have a strong repulsive force, which makes me unable to easily Near here."

"It turned out to be like this." Guan Heng nodded after hearing this, he said casually: "Okay, you get down first, let's take a long time to discuss." "Huh!" The insect mother instantly moved back to everyone, Guan Heng stretched out his hand and patted. Shibi, and then squinted at the pig-nosed and pointed ear monster next to him. This guy seemed to be a little weak and didn't dare to look directly at him.

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