Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9514: Howler is attacked (first change)

"That's how it happened." Guan Heng handed the young flame hoof horse to Qing Huang, and said: "We can take care of the little guy all the way to Chituyu, and then give it to other flame hoof horses. "

"Great." The girls all liked the cute Homura hoof horses and looked very happy, but the little guy was reluctant to give up to Guan Heng, and yelled at him twice: "King, ying!"

"A Heng, why does this Homura hoof horse like you so much?"

"Uh, it's like this. I just gave the little guy on the road to ignite Reiki, maybe it's like the taste of Reiki." Guan Heng smiled, and then said: "If you want to get close to it, it's okay. Yes, take turns to take out the fire grain gu and feed it to the little guy."

"Oh, this is a good way."

"Yeah, the little guy is the companion beast of flames. The Fire Food Gu contains rich fire aura. It must like it."

The girls applauded Guan Heng's idea one after another, and then took out a lot of fire food gu, which are used to make food for the flame golden eagle and the fire-swallowing nine palace sparrows, and everyone has them around.

After Homura hoof horse ate the two fire grain gu, he immediately became fascinated by the taste, and accepted all the caressing and teasing of the girls, but kept pestering them for insects.

"Snack goods, two are enough, aren't you afraid of breaking your belly?" Qing Huang said with a smile.

"Ha ha."

Hearing this, everyone laughed, Guan Heng touched Homura’s forehead, and whispered: “Okay, if you want a fire spirit, I’ll give it to you directly. The Fire Food Gu can’t eat more. , Because you are too young now to take in too much pure and hot aura, understand?"

The little guy liked the feeling of Guan Heng touching himself very much. Although it seemed to understand, he nodded his head again and again, and Guan Heng immediately said, "You should give it a little less fire food Gu. You don't need to avoid the snacks you carry."

"Okay, I have preserved fruit here."

"I've saved some more." As they said, Qing Huang, Ruotao, and Fenxin took out a lot of things, so greedy Homura hoofed horses swallowed, Qing Huang said again: "Bird, Wrenbao, Jin Diao, come over and eat some too."

"Okay, just a little hungry."

"It's dinner~~"

"Choo, chop!"

Upon hearing this, the spirit birds happily landed on the stone turtle beast igloo, and ate happily.

"Queen ant, how far is it from Chituyu?"

"It is estimated that you can see the entrance there after turning over the mountain ridge in front." While answering Guan Heng's words, the mad queen ant said, "But this Homura hoof horse is really capable of running, and even left his home. It's so far."

"In my opinion, the reason lies in their four hooves." Guan Heng said: "The limbs of the flame hoof horse have the ability to release fire aura and accelerate? I guess that, so although it is young, it is I don’t know how tired I can run far."

"It turns out that it is, it is indeed possible."

"But when the stray beasts passed by us, Homura's hoofed horse may have reached its limit, so it slipped and fell." Guan Heng smiled and said: "So it was his luck to meet us."

"That's right, let us also have a chance to play with this little guy." As Coriander talked, she was stuffing a piece of fruit into Homura's mouth, and the other party was grinning with a gratifying expression.

"Chituyu was originally a place full of fire and aura, how come you feel a little bit cold as you get closer?"

As he said, the mad queen ant slowly fluttered her wings, condescending and looking into the distance. At the same time, the evil worm mother flew to her side and asked casually: "How is it? Did you find something wrong?"

"I'm not sure, only a faint sense of uneasiness in my heart."

The queen murmured: "I have saved myself many times with this hunch for so many years, but this time, I sincerely hope that I am just suspicious."

"Hey, this is nothing." The insect mother deliberately comforted it, and said nonchalantly: "With the master with us, there is no problem that cannot be solved at all."

"Well, I believe that."

Nodding, the mad queen ant said again: "To be on the safe side, I decided to go around the entrance to check the situation before everyone rushed to Chituyu, what do you think?"

"Yes, but I'm a little worried when you go alone, so let's go." The insect mother suggested: "Let the ancient roar go with you, and the two go and go together, so there is a need to take care of it."

"Okay, let's do it then." After the queen ant said, she greeted the roar again, and the two insects flew forward immediately. They moved quickly, and soon they rushed to the Chituyu entrance.

"Hey, what you said is really right. This place seems to be wickedly cold." Feeling the chills, the Ancient Desolate Roar whispered: "A place like this will have fire spirit beasts inhabit? Then they are really not. Will choose a place."

"It is said that since ancient times, this place has been the habitat of many fire-type spirit beasts, but at that time, Chituyu Fire was extremely aura. It is estimated that it is now because of the deep mutation of the ruins that a large amount of aura is lost, and it has become such a ghost. "

The mad queen ant said: "Don't waste time, search around quickly, there is nothing unusual, just wait here for Lord Guan and everyone to arrive."

"Okay, you left and the other right, split up."


"Swish swish!" After the two insects discussed, they fluttered their wings and flew away in their respective directions.

Let's talk about the Ancient Wilderness Roar first. It turned three times in an area it was responsible for, and it didn't find any abnormalities, so it was relieved.

"Hehehe, apart from a bit of cold, there is really no danger in this place." While muttering, Roar folded his wings and landed on a nearby towering rock to rest.

It thought to himself: "In fact, even if it is dangerous, we are not afraid. Regarding the big patron of the Lord, and the small patron of the worm mother, let's not say that we walk sideways in the depths of this ruin, it is almost the same."

Thinking happily, the ancient roar was a little fluttering, began to relax his vigilance, and then stretched out and yawned, saying to himself: "It's better to have a nap here and wait for the queen to be busy. Let’s go to meet again when it's almost time."

With that said, this guy actually lay down on the big rock, and he snored after a few breaths, but the ancient roar didn't seem to notice. The nearby ground suddenly bulged a few bags of soil and slowly moved towards where he was. The location quickly approaches...

"Boom boom boom!"


A few fast black shadows broke through the ground between the lightning and the fire, and rushed towards the snoozing roar on the boulder.

"Eh? Enemy attack!" Fortunately, Ancient Wilderness Roar was also three-point vigilant, rolling on the rock suddenly, able to avoid the enemy's fierce attack.

"Dangdangdang!" The monster's attack happened to land on the rock surface!

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