Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9517: Find the source of cold

"Besides, this guy doesn't seem to be dead." As he said, Guan Henglu suddenly touched the ribs of the black thorn beast with his toes.

"Wow!" The huge black thorn beast with blood spraying in his mouth felt a pain in his heart. The guy screamed and turned over and sat up.

"Good boy, dare to pretend to die!" The armor king suddenly roared, "I will make you a fake death now!"

After that, he was about to move forward, but Mandrill stopped it with a horizontal arm: "Come on, you, you have done it just now, this time it's my turn."

"It's yours, whoever touches it first will do it!" The king of armor does not eat it, he smacks his neck and says loudly.

"You two are not allowed to fight!" When Xianxin heard the two beasts arguing, she was a little upset. She suddenly had a starry spirit spear in her palm, which just pierced into the heart of the dying black thorn beast. The other party instantly turned into an ice sculpture, and then suddenly turned into powder. .

"Now this guy has been dealt with by this princess, do you have any opinions?" Seeing Fenxin's powerful eyes sweeping towards him, the magic man and the king of armor suddenly screamed: "Absolutely, absolutely no problem! The decision made by the princess , All are the wisest!"

"Huh, it's almost the same."

After she said this, Xiuxin turned her head to see the Homura hoofed horse that Qing Huang was holding looking at herself with wide eyes. She immediately changed into a grinning look, reached out and touched the little guy's forehead, and then said softly: " Obediently, don't follow those big brothers, they are so ugly that they always shout and kill."

"King." Hearing this, Homura Hoof Horse nodded. The Mandrill and King Armor looked at each other, and said to their hearts: "My brothers are really unlucky. They will suddenly become negative teaching materials?"

"Okay, hurry up and enter Chituyu." Guan Heng said at this time: "The little guy's parents may be waiting."

"Hey, by that time, we will break up with it." Ruotao said, "Somewhat reluctant."

"Children can't do without their parents, besides, we can't deprive others of the family happiness, right?" Guan Heng shrugged and said, "If you want the little guy to be well, then leave some of the fire food gu that he loves. That's it."

"Yes, the son is a good idea."

Ruotao smiled and raised her thumbs up. At this time, everyone has walked into the Chituyu entrance, and Guan Heng said: "Queen Ant, you said there was a strange chill around the entrance. I did feel it too. Do you know the source of this chill?"

"Well, howl and I were just avoiding the chase of the giant black thorn beast, and we didn't have time to investigate."

The mad queen ant said: "Well, I have always had questions about the appearance of the black thorn beast, because the howler flew there to find the source of the cold, and then encountered the opponent's companion, so..."

"Well, I understand, you are trying to say that this inexplicable cold air surrounding the periphery of Chituyu has something to do with the black thorn beasts?"

"Yes, Lord Guan." The mad queen nodded, and then continued: "Even if it is not directly related, there should be clues to the cold in the area where the black thorn beasts are infested."

"Let's do it, Mandrill and Ice Jiao." Guan Heng said, "You two have the strongest ability to detect cold air. Go nearby and investigate where the source of the cold air is. If you have any trouble, you can solve it."

"These cold air with the evil spirits will gradually eat away the ordinary fire aura until they disappear completely. As a result, the surrounding area of ​​Chituyu will become a barren and thin land with aura, which is not a good thing for the living environment of the flame hoof horse."

Guan Heng again said to his companions: "Since I was going to visit the Flamehoof Horses, I did this easily. It was a meeting ceremony for them, and it was enough to express our goodwill."

"A Heng said this well." Upon hearing this, Qing Huang nodded and nodded. The other sisters and Mandrill also said in unison: "It makes sense."


The mandrill and the ice bird found the location according to the location said by the mad queen.

"Look, this is where the Ancient Desolate Roar encounters the Sickle Arm Black Sting Beast."

"Well, there are still a few holes on the surface." The Mandrill rushed around the pit and looked left and right, then said: "Or, let's go straight into the hole and look for it?"

"Anything is fine." Ice Jiao felt the direction of the surrounding cold air flow, and then said: "There is indeed a cold current coming out of the ground. If we investigate from here, it should be correct, let's go. "

After discussing it properly, the two beasts immediately got into the cave in front of them.

The tunnel in this hole had already opened up the black thorn beast, and the path was winding, long, narrow and deep. After a short while, the two of them reached the deep underground.

"The more you go underground, the stronger the chill here." The Mandrill said: "You think so too?"

"Yes, this kind of cold is different from ours. It is full of demonic and evil meanings, which makes me feel very disgusted." After saying this, the one-horned ice dragon said to himself: "You said, this time will not Will encounter a'big prey'?"

"Hehe, if that's the case, wouldn't it be better?" The corners of Mandrill's mouth were slightly raised, and a smile appeared on his face: "It's been a long time since I met a real opponent who can use Cold Qi, I'm a little looking forward to it."

"Haha, each other." Bingjiao's mind was the same as it, and they both let out a low laugh at the same time.

"Huh-" Just as they were chatting, a bleak chill suddenly floated at the end of the tunnel, and Mandrill's eyes lit up: "Hey, here it is!"

"Maybe it's just a small class, so expect not to be too high."

When Bingjiao said this, he flew up suddenly: "I'll go to level them." "That's good, but if you can meet a powerful character later, you have to let me." "That's it."

"Which--" Between the lightning and the fire, the ice scorpion has been rushing with the wind and greeted the cold air.

"Hmm, stop hiding your head and show your tail, get out!"

Suddenly it let out a thunderous roar, and the ice scorpion had already waved its claws and landed on the front of the cold air, "Pop!" In the blink of an eye, nearly 30% of the cold air collapsed and disappeared, and a stern cry came out from the remaining breath: " Woo woo-"

"Sure enough, get out!"

"Hmm!" It was too late. It was fast, and the unicorn ice scorpion suddenly opened its mouth and sprayed out more than ten ice thorns, rushing straight to the remaining cold air, "Boom! Boom!" The opponent was attacked by the ice sting and was hit again. Severely wounded, despite the wailing and screaming, he could not avoid the attack.

"Boom!" In the next instant, the strange cold air fell to the ground with a sound, and then, the breath gathered together, and the land became its original form.

"This is..." Ice Jiao and the mandrill who rushed over looked intently and found that the other party turned out to be a huge and fat weird rat, with black and white round spots all over the body. This guy's body exudes that kind of unusual evil chill.

"Hmph, is it a mutant beast that blends evil and cold energy? This is quite rare."

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