Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9522: Cure Red Hair

Hearing the other party's call, Ruotao pointed to the little guy in Zhiqinghuang's arms with some wonder, and said, "What is the noise? Isn't your son here?"

"No, no, this is my little son." The flame hoof horse leader was a little incoherent. He raised his hoof and pointed at the red hair on the back of the mandrill, and explained: "This is my other eldest son, the one missing."

"Oh, it turns out that Xiao Hongmao is your son?" The ice Jiao next to him said: "It's okay, I'll talk about the specific things later, Lord Guan, you can quickly treat him with aura, red hair is very hurt weight."

"It doesn't matter, it's okay if I'm there." Guan Heng stretched out his hand and touched the forehead of the red-haired flame-hoofed horse, then frowned suddenly: "Did it have been sober just now, and then fainted unconsciously? ."

"Yeah, how did you know, Lord Guan? It's as if you saw it with your own eyes." Both the Mandrill and Ice Jiao looked very surprised. Guan Heng said, "Not only did it suffer severe injuries, but it also suffered from cold poison, Mandrill, you just used aura to help it suppress the injuries, right?"

"Yes, Lord Guan, that's it." Mandrill nodded and asked, "Is there any problem with this?"

"It doesn't matter if Hong Mao is just injured or poisoned, but the injury on his body caused the cold poison to incubate for too long. Although your ice profound spiritual energy suppressed the injury, it also made the cold poison a little more violent."

Guan Heng explained: "But it doesn't matter, as long as you get rid of the cold toxin from its body first, and then heal the injury quickly, it will be fine."

"Pop!" As soon as the words fell, Guan Heng suddenly slapped Hong Mao's forehead with his palm.

"Oh!" The red hair, who was in a coma, suddenly felt that his mind was washed away by a clear aura. He opened his eyes for a moment and woke up. Without seeing the surrounding environment for a while, the red flame hoof horse also murmured: , Where am I?"

"Bunny boy, open your eyes and see, you are already home!" The leader leaned closer and shouted in a low voice, "Where have you been, that made us so worried!"

"Old, daddy, I..."

Just as Hong Mao was about to speak, she suddenly felt that the Venus was coming up in front of her and almost fell to the ground. Guan Heng immediately injected a strand into it to help the red-haired flame-hoof horse's wound heal. He said, "You are not injured lightly. Talk less now, and it’s not too late to wait until the wound has healed."

"Yes, thank you." Knowing that Guan Heng was healing his wounds, Hong Mao was no longer wordy. He closed his eyes and healed his mind and healed his wounds in meditation. After more than ten breaths, most of his wounds had healed.

After that, Hong Mao told Guan Heng and the leader about his own experience, and Mandrill and Ice Jiao made supplements, and took out the two red and blue beads.

"Master Guan, take a look at these two beads, what is the use?"

"Oh." Reached out and took a look at these two things, Guan Heng said, "These are two beads that can store the aura of ice and fire respectively. They seem to be artificially made. You said, this is because of evil eyes. Found it in the belly of the snake?"

"Yes, Lord Guan."

"Well, maybe it swallowed these two things somewhere. The aura emitted by the beads that store ice aura has caused the evil eye cold snake body to mutate, so that it can emit evil cold air and pollute the surrounding area of ​​Chituyu. area."

Guan Heng held two beads and said, "It's fine now, the cold snake is dead, and this bead has also fallen into our hands. The trouble of Chituyu is solved."

"By the way, Xiao Hongmao, did you mention what kind of treasure house Chituyu was before?" The Mandrill said at this time: "Tell us again."

"Oh, the old man told me the legend about that treasure house." Hongmao said, "The old man must know more in detail than I do. You can ask it."

"Also, if you are interested in the treasure house, Guan Gongzi, I can tell about those rumors." The leader of the flame hoof horse said: "But there are always rumors, I don't know you..."

"Of course I'm interested!" Before Guan Heng and the others could speak, the most obsessed with treasure Star Demon Bloody had already screamed excitedly: "Please, tell me quickly."

"Hey, you don't feel embarrassed, hurry up and shut up." Seeing its appearance, Zhu Xin Gu Zhu next to it was a little embarrassed and hurried to stop it.

"I, I am also very curious." Realizing that I was a little reckless, Xueya scratched his head, and then muttered.

"It's okay, then I'll start talking..."

When the flame hoof horse leader told about those things about the treasure house, not only did they sit on the nearby rocks and listen intently, but even the nearby fire beasts and birds surrounded them, lying or lying down, listening with relish. .

According to the leader, the rumors about the Chituyu treasure house have a history of thousands of years. At that time, the flame hoof horse clan had not even migrated here. As for who built the treasure house, it has been too long, so it is not. Knowing, but according to legend, it should be a certain intelligent race in ancient times.

The ancient people gathered the treasures they collected and opened up a certain area of ​​Chituyu, where they built a secret treasure house. However, shortly after that, the clan was attacked by a powerful enemy, and the clan was exterminated, the treasure house No one knows its entrance.

"It sounds like an ordinary treasure hunt story." Ruotao said at this time: "But now I can't even find the entrance, so what's the use?"

"Who said it's useless?" Guan Heng smiled slightly at this time, and then said: "At least, I can find the entrance of the treasure house."

"What?" Hearing this, everyone was taken aback. Of course, the most surprising thing was the flameshoe horse leader, father and son. The leader whispered: "Master Guan, can you really find the entrance to the treasure house?"

"To be precise, I didn't look for them myself, but them."

With that said, Guan Heng pointed to the little green coccidian lying on Anyan's shoulders, and said: "This little guy is best at treasure hunting. I infer that the two beads swallowed by the evil eye cold snake come from the treasure house. Just let the little green ball If you sniff it, you should have a chance to find the treasure house."

"In addition, I will let the insect mother send a large number of colorful fierce worms to help search, and there will be results soon."

"This is a good way. Two-pronged approach." Qing Huang nodded and said, "Then let's start now."

"Okay, all members are dispatched to call out the king of the corpse dog and his dogs, and help the little green ball find the treasure house."

"Oh-" As soon as this was said, everyone agreed very excitedly.

At the same time, many exotic animals and spirit birds in Chituyu also volunteered and started searching for the entrance of the treasure house with everyone. Such a large group of companions was almost full of half of Chituyu, so lively. .

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