Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9551: Tentacle Grey Tortoise (third more)

"Tentacle Grey Tortoise?!"

King Armor's vision is not bad. He recognized the true identity of this guy in a flash, and then screamed: "It is a guy who can control the aura of the earth and dig a hole. Don't let it go back in. Inside the cave, it will be difficult to capture by then."

"Be careful, I can't run with it!" The Mandrill sprinted forward when he said this, "Well!" Between the electric light and flint, it has thrown several ice cones towards the tentacle gray armor. The tortoise struck off his head and face.


The gray tortoise is also a fierce and domineering guy. Seeing the enemy's provocation, it forgets if there is any danger around it, and suddenly shook the many tentacles on its back to meet the mandrill's ice cone, "Hmm! The tentacles shook the ice cone hard and quickly shattered these attacks.

But when the Grey Tortoise was proud, he noticed that his tentacles were also frozen by the cold air released by the smashing ice cones, and then turned into dusty dust. Seeing this, the guy was shocked immediately. At this moment, the magic mandrill Has been outflanked with King Jia Yao from left and right.

"Hehehe, you can't run this time!" The armor king smirked, and pounced forward, then opened his mouth and spewed out a large burst of blazing flames, "Woohoo-swish swish -" the next moment, crazy The blazing fire had already covered the gray tortoise's head.

"Chuck!" In order to avoid the blazing flame, the gray tortoise shrank its neck and hid its head, and then used the tentacles on its back to continuously pat the flames, and forcibly put out the flames.

"Good fellow, there are really two things." King Jia Yao sneered slightly: "But with this little trick, you can't escape Grandpa's palm."

"Woo..." Seeing the tentacles put out the flames on the body, the gray-headed monster tortoise got his head out of the carapace. This guy was so embarrassed that he even spouted a puff of black smoke.

But the next moment, in order to escape, the gray tortoise stretched out its claws to dig the ground frantically, planning to drill a hole and slip away. "Mandrill, don't let this guy run away."

"Don't worry, it can't escape with me!"

"Hit!" In an instant, the mandrill had already passed by, "Hum!" In an instant, its ancient gold icebreaker slammed on the ground, "Lala--" In a blink of an eye, it was several feet in radius. The ground was swept across by cold air, completely frozen with a blue ice layer.

"Bang, bang..." At this moment, the gray tortoise's claws fell on the ground. It was sore and tingling with the frozen ground. It almost cried out. This time, it could no longer dig a hole and escape.

"Haha, you should run again."

Even the Evil-Bone Pterosaurs watching the battle saw the embarrassment of the Grey Tortoise and laughed loudly at the other party. The guy was even more angry and roared. In an instant, it realized that if it did not work hard, it would not be able to Escape the enemy's enclosure.

"Oh oh oh!"

The gray tortoise, who was bullied and bitter, raised his head and roared, shaking his body suddenly, and the black hills on this guy's back trembled, "Hmm!" In a short time, the black soil on the hills suddenly turned into a few huge claws. It violently attacked the armored king and the demon mandrill head, face and body.

"This guy's tentacles are all made of black soil?" Realizing this, King Armor and Mandrill looked at each other and shouted at the same time: "This black soil must be a good thing, and it must be taken!"




In an instant, the two beasts rushed towards the gray tortoise, and this time they recognized the truth, the situation was completely different.

"Ping pong pong!" In the blink of an eye, the armored king's heavy hoof kicked the gray turtle more than ten times viciously.

Although this guy would retract his head, face and limbs into the carapace to avoid attacks, the black hills on his back couldn't avoid it. The changed sharp claws were kicked and broken into several pieces, and fell and rolled with the sound of "cracking". In one place.

"Evil Bone Pterodactyl!" The Mandrill cried out at this moment: "Don't be idle, and quickly collect the scattered black soil around you, and don't drop it at all."

"Uh? Yes, yes..." Originally, the Evil Bone Pterosaur had no chance to come here to find any treasures. It was only by the "support" of the mandrills that they could come here by themselves, so they did what they said. It certainly doesn't hurt.

The ability to fight almost didn't matter, the Evil Bone Pterosaur was quick and swift, and gathered the black soil around it in a short time.

Not only that, but more and more black soil was obtained by the mandrill and the king of armor from the back of the gray turtle. These things contain a very strange earth spirit, even if the evil bone pterosaurs don’t know how to do it, they know that they are all good things. , Then naturally the more the better.

"Pop!" At this moment, King Armor suddenly kicked his feet and kicked the entire tortoise over. In this way, no matter how hard the gray tortoise struggles, it will not be able to completely turn over for a while, and can only be passively beaten. .

"Puff!" At the next moment, Mandrill plunged the tip of Gu Jin's icebreaker into the crack of the turtle shell, and then sneered: "Don't you like to be indented in the shell and be beaten? Mandrill will give you no chance to get in. "


In an instant, a large amount of cold air penetrated into the shell of the tortoise along the gap, forcibly froze nearly half of this guy’s flesh and blood, and the gray tortoise struggled with less and less strength. Suddenly, the king of armor hit it with a kick. A stiff, immobile skull.

"Pop!" The head of the gray tortoise resembled a watermelon smashed into pieces, and fell apart. After this guy died, his whole body immediately collapsed on the spot.

"The black soil on the gray turtle's back is here." At this moment, the Evil Bone Pterosaur piled things in front of the mandrills, and then said: "So big, how do you plan to get it away?"

"Hehehe, I have a good thing here."

"Puff!" said King Jia Yao, spitting out something from his mouth. It was a small storage clam that he had borrowed from Guan Heng before to play. Usually King Jia Yao hid the small clam under his tongue. You can spit it out when you use it, which is very convenient.

"At the beginning, you got this storage clam from Master Guan, I thought I wouldn't be able to use it for a while, but I didn't expect it to have a real chance."

"Ha, this is called being prepared without danger." King Jia Yao said triumphantly: "We can find other treasures later, and we can store them inside."

"But you can't be too greedy. After all, the storage capacity of this small clam is limited. If it exceeds the storage limit, it will crack and then break, and the contents will leak out. You don't want to be full of mouths, yes. Right?"

"Yes, let's hurry up and hunt for treasure." As he said, King Armor kicked the Blue Fly King who was pretending to be a dead dog next to him: "Trash, if you don't die, get up and lead the way, otherwise I will step you out Come!"

"Don't, I'm not dead yet." Upon hearing this, the Blue Fly King had to endure the pain all over his body and struggled to get up.

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