Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9559: Selfish and vicious (first more)

"This, this..." Seeing these guys staring around him, the unicorn deer felt a little soft in his limbs, and the leader of the sable orc roared: "Come on, chop this little boy into meat sauce!"


It was too late, it was fast, more than a dozen orc warriors standing in the forefront immediately screamed and pounced, seeing their sharp blades chop towards the unicorn deer, and there was a sudden blast of wind in the air, "Chichi Huh! Huh!" The next moment, countless wind blades poured down.

These wind blades looked like a shower of lightning, rubbing against the body of the sable orc warrior, and forcibly twisting them into pieces. At the same time, the huge figure of the evil bone pterosaur had fallen on the side of the unicorn deer, stretching out its claws Picking it up, the pterosaur roared: "Let's go--"

"Hey!" Between the lightning and the fire, the pterosaur jumped into the air, intending to flee with the deer, but at such a time, a roar sounded: "My sable orc site, how can you come and go freely? Leave it to me!"

"Huhuhu!" At the next moment, three evil attacks carried the mighty force behind the evil bone pterosaur, and it could only twist around in the air in a hurry, releasing three wind blades to resist parry.

"Bang! Boom!" The two evil spirits were smoothly offset by the wind blade, and only the last wind blade was out of alignment, staggering with the evil attack, and it was worthy of hitting the evil bone pterosaur.

"Sorry!" Seeing that the situation was urgent, the pterosaur didn't care about anything else. Suddenly, it swung its giant wing and slammed it at the evil spirit. "Bang!" In an instant, the bone wing was severely damaged and cracked, not to mention, and it moved It doesn't work.

"Damn it!" Seeing that it was only a few meters away, he could take the unihorn deer and escape through the camp gate, but the evil bone pterosaur found that he was already crumbling. "Brother Pterodactyl, drop me and run for your own life!"

"Shut up, little idiot!" Evil-bone pterosaur hissed when hearing Demon Deer's words, "Let me leave you behind? Don't even think about it, I haven't done anything like that!"

"Well said, Pterodactyl." In an instant, the voice of Mandrill sounded: "Look ahead, I'm here to pick you up!"

"Uh-la-la-la-" In the blink of an eye, an ice bridge appeared outside the camp gate with the harsh freezing sound, extending towards the evil bone pterosaur in the air.

"Shoo!" It was too late to say, then soon, the pterosaur and the unicorn deer slid down on the ice bridge, just falling beside the armor king and the mandrill.

"Brother Mandrill, thank you for your help."

"This is nothing." Hearing the words of Evil Bone Pterodactyl, Mandrill waved his hand and said, "Look at our brothers to avenge you later!"

"Boom!" At the next moment, the gate of the sable orc camp suddenly opened, and a large group of orc warriors rushed out from it. The headed guy was strong and fierce. It was the patriarch of the sable orc. This guy shook his beast bone giant blade and roared wildly. Said: "Kill, kill all these invaders for me!"

"Hahaha, I don't know who is taking other people's turf, the name of the aggressor is still suitable for you!"

"Hey!" The next moment, King Armor rushed forward with a grinning smile, and shouted, "Let grandpa give you a ‘great gift’ first!"

"Woohoooo--whoosh--" As soon as the words fell, the armor king had already spit out a large burst of fierce flames at the oncoming orcs. How could these guys think that they were suddenly completely surrounded by flames? If you want to escape, there is no time.

Just listen to the harsh sounds of "cracking" one after another. Dozens of sable orc warriors were burned to pieces, wailing and screaming to ashes.

Even the sable orc patriarch, who couldn't dodge, had his left arm burned. This guy backed away in fright and shouted: "Retreat, close the door, close the door quickly!"

"Hahaha, is this scary? Didn't you just clamor to kill Grandpa?" Mandrill smiled coldly at the moment: "Don't go in a hurry, I have to give you two gifts, then!"

"Lala!" The Mandrill grabbed the bodies of the four elders and the little boss behind him, instantly released cold air to completely freeze them, and then threw them to the front gate.

"Huh—" The mandrill had very strong stamina, and it abruptly threw two frozen bodies at a speed like a meteor, and slammed into many orc warriors viciously.

"Boom bang bang!"

"Ping pong pong!"


The corpse that had been frozen so hard was turned into a weapon to kill the enemy, hitting the sable orcs to their bones and breaking down to death. With the rest, they smashed directly at the patriarch.

"Damn it!" Seeing that avoidance was inevitable, the patriarch had to shake the blade in his hand and slammed into the ice corpse viciously, "Kacha! Crackling!" In a short time, the two ice corpses burst into pieces and turned into countless tiny ice thorns. This guy.

"Master Patriarch, be careful!"

"Sudgy!" The roar suddenly sounded, and the three sable orc elders flew over to rescue them, each brandishing their weapons to block the ice stab attack, "Dangdangdang!" Finally, they worked together and barely blocked it.

"Patriarch, go!" The elder shook the beast head stick to cover the front, and the other two elders grabbed the patriarch's arm and ran back.

Seeing this, Mandrill sneered jokingly, and did not rush to catch up. Instead, he waved his claws in the air, "Huh!" The cold air in the air converged and turned into a big hand covering the elder and patriarch: "Want to run? You two should stay together!"

"No!" The sable orc patriarch shouted in his heart: "I am the patriarch of the clan, absolutely nothing can happen!"

"Elder, you have always been loyal to me. Today, use your life to block me!" With a roar, the cruel, selfish and selfish patriarch kicked the elder on the back.

"Puff!" The body of the wounded and **** elder flew directly to the mandrill crampons and was caught upright. This guy never expected that what he had always been loyal to in exchange for was a cold and unrelenting betrayal.

"Patriarch, you **** beast..."

"Fuck!" Before the elder had finished speaking, the crampons of the mandrill suddenly closed, and abruptly crushed it into ice crystal powder.

At this moment, Mandrill laughed wildly: "Hahaha, sable orcs, and it’s really bad luck to wait. It’s a shameless guy to stand as the patriarch. From now on, you all have to use it as a shield. Burial place!"

"Huh?!" When the second elder and third elder retreated to the camp gate holding the arm of the patriarch, they watched the elder being kicked out by the patriarch, and they couldn't help but feel a chill: "Poor elder obedience to the patriarch, never dared Violation and rebellion, but this is the end now..."

"Bastard thing, what are you doing? Close the door, close it!"

Seeing the surrounding subordinates and even the elders looking at him with strange eyes, the sable orc elder blushed, and screamed in anger, and kicked a little girl with his feet: "Useless waste!"

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