Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9615: Stone Cave Adventure

"One, two, three..." Xiao Hei and Zhen Wen pointed to the surrounding rock caves and counted them, and then said in unison: "Ah, there are eight rock caves."

"Are they all small treasure caves?" Guan Heng said casually when he heard Gu Sangnu's words: "That's not necessarily true, maybe there are false in the truth, and the truth is in the false. Let's investigate separately."

"Alright, I will choose this." "Then I will choose the one next to it." The girls rushed into several stone caves with the group of beasts, while Guan Heng brought the mandrill and the old monkey into the middle. ,why? Because this cave has the largest entrance, it is worth checking in.

"Hey, why are there beast bones all over here?"

As soon as he walked in, Mandrill found something strange in its surroundings. Those white Sensen bones were very eye-catching. Guan Heng said casually: "Some of the traces on the bones look like they have been gnawed a while ago. Note that we may have broken in. Some beast nests in the treasure cave."

"Hehehe, Lord Guan is too careful." Mandrill said with a grin: "Even if there are any beasts, is it better than me? I think back then, I..."

"Okay, okay, don't brag anymore. I know how powerful you were back then." Guan Heng smiled, and then said: "Pay attention to the front, there seems to be something moving."

"Oh?" Hearing this, Mandrill's eyes flashed with excitement, and then he pulled Gu Jin out of the icebreaker, and muttered in his mouth: "Good come, just to let this guy know how good I am! "


As soon as the words fell, a huge body quickly wandered from far to near. Guan Heng and Mandrill could see clearly that this guy was actually a giant with a red-and-red speckled flesh crown on his head. The lizard, with its mouth full of fangs and jagged teeth, and its long tail constantly beating the ground, looked extremely vicious.

"Hehehe, it's interesting, I don't know how strong this guy is, Lord Guan, let me try it?"

"Okay, you go, but don't make the surroundings smoggy, we have to go inside."

"Don't worry." Hearing Guan Heng's words, Mandrill leaped forward and said, "I'm sure of a quick fight."

"Roar!" The green-red flesh-crowned monitor lizard roared suddenly, and opened its blood basin to bite the mandrill. It sneered: "Beast, you are not so courageous, but it's a pity that you didn't hurt me. Last one!"

"Huh! Ping-pong-pong!" The ancient gold icebreaker in the mandrill's palm shook and smashed, and immediately knocked off the teeth of the flesh-crowned monitor lizard's mouth, and the guy screamed and screamed in pain: "Aooo!"

"Huh!" At the next moment, the madly-crowned monitor lizard swept its long tail and swept over, intending to resist, but how could this little trick stump the mandrill?

The mandrill’s claws snapped at the opponent’s long tail. "Lala!" The coldness of the violent Ling Li froze the flesh-crown monitor lizard’s long tail, and the cold air quickly extended towards the back half of the opponent’s body. go with.

Suddenly, the green and red flesh-crowned monitor lizard felt that it was difficult to move its body, and the pain hits underneath it, and immediately spouted a big mouthful of blood arrow with icy ballast: "Puff--"

"How dare you take the initiative to challenge Grandpa, you are looking for death!"

"Bang!" The grinning mandrill suddenly waved the ancient gold icebreaker to hit the monitor lizard's head, "Bhacha!" The opponent's head was immediately shattered, and the dead body immediately collapsed to the ground. But then, something surprising happened to both Guan Heng and Mandrill!


In an instant, the flesh and blood of the dead flesh-crown monitor lizard began to melt, and within a few breaths, not only the flesh, but also the bones and scales began to turn into stinking black water. Seeing this, the mandrill could not help but step back two steps and shouted in his mouth. Said: "What the **** is going on?"

"Maybe this guy's blood contains some kind of extremely corrosive poison. The toxin will only burst out after death, and even his own flesh and blood will melt away."

Guan Heng frowned slightly, and then said: "You should be thankful that you just used the cold air to freeze the opponent and kill him, otherwise it would be unlucky if a little poisonous blood splashed on your body.

"Uh, what you said seems to have some truth, fluke, fluke." When Mandrill said so, Guan Heng had already thrown out a cloud of fire spirit, and burned the blood water full of corrosive toxins, and then said to Mandrill: " Let’s go, and look inside."


At the same time, Qing Huang, An Yan, and Tu Gong Chan moved forward in another cave.

"After a long while, I didn't reach the end of the cave, nor found anything else. I wonder if we chose the wrong place?" An Yan said. Qing Huang said: "Don't worry, look again, maybe we haven't seen places."

"By the way, I can send a few clones of Earth Profound Spiritual Energy to let them go to the front to investigate the situation, at least better than just the three of us."

"Well, let's do it this way." Qing Huang nodded, and the Earth Palace Toad immediately condensed several clones with profound spiritual energy, causing them to jump towards the front area.

"Huh?" At this moment, An Yan noticed a strange noise coming from the top of his head, and then asked: "Did you hear any noise?"

"I heard it too, where... there!"

"Huh!" Between the sparks and fire, Qing Huang threw out an ice thorn with the lotus blade, and soared straight to the top of the wall. "Grab!" The moment the ice thorn was nailed to the top of the wall, a scream suddenly sounded: "Oh! "


In an instant, a swift shadow flew down from above, and when this guy was about to hit the ground, he barely stopped the fall, and then flew away quickly against the ground. "Want to run? You are dreaming!"

"Huh!" It was too late to say, then soon, An Yan's big sword suddenly slashed downwards, and a burst of energy immediately rushed towards the opponent with a mighty force, "Hiss!" The ghost who just felt the crisis is coming. Was cut into two pieces by this sword energy.

However, this strange soul could quickly absorb the aura around it after it was divided into two halves, thereby forming a whole body again, but the attack of the earth palace toad had arrived at this moment.


"Boom boom boom!"

In the blink of an eye, all three mud bombs hit each other, and the ghost howled miserably and shattered again.

This time, it will be difficult to recover, because Qinghuang has already jumped in like lightning, and the lotus blade in his palm suddenly burst into a cold air, freezing the strange soul fragments forcibly, and then bursting them into countless pieces. Ice crystal powder.

"Hey, pretty!" An Yan put the big sword on his shoulder at this time, and praised. "Don't be happy too early." At this moment, Qing Huang fell to the ground and said, "There is more than one weird spirit. Everyone is on guard, they are about to flood in soon."

"What?" Hearing this, An Yan and Earth Palace Toad were also taken aback. In the next instant, they saw a large piece of soul shadow rushing forward.

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