Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9622: Metal Cthulhu

"Hey, fat man, you are too careless." Guan Heng smiled at this time: "It is dangerous to approach a strange enemy rashly. If it weren't for hiding quickly, a hole must have been nailed in your forehead."

"Uh, Lord Guan is right." King Jia Yao shook his head, saying so.

"There are a lot of bits and pieces on this metal man."

Guan Heng stepped forward at this moment, and suddenly reached out and grabbed the metal man’s neck, "Glala! Bang!" It was too late, it was fast, and the ice layer frozen on this guy instantly burst into pieces, but the metal man At this moment, the joints are not working well, and there is still no way to move normally.

"A Heng, is there anything special about this guy?" Qing Huang leaned closer and looked at the other person. Guan Heng said, "Look carefully at this guy's body structure, the metallic luster and texture, and what we found before. The metal limbs are exactly the same, aren't they?"

"Yeah, I didn't look closely just now. I recognize it now." When Qing Huang said this, Ruotao and Xianxin also came not far away and said one after another: "So those metal limbs are for this guy. of?"

"Well, it should be so right." Guan Heng looked around and then continued: "In my opinion, there is more than one metal man here."

"More than one?" Upon hearing this, An Yan asked, "How many are there?"

"The exact number is not clear yet." Guan Heng's mouth turned slightly and smiled: "Maybe there is an army number?"

"Hey, it's absolutely impossible!" As soon as he said this, the girls shook their heads all together, expressing their disbelief, Guan Heng said: "Okay, if you don't believe it, everyone will look for it later. Let's use facts to speak. ."

"By the way, there is one more thing." Guan Heng turned his head and said: "Toad, release all the fire-hunting puppets, and let them search forward in front of the team. If I encounter similar metal people, I still want to exercise. Let’s take a look at the actual combat capabilities of the puppet soldiers."

"Okay, Lord Guan." He said this, and Tu Gongchan nodded and agreed immediately, and did as he said. Ruo Tao next to him asked: "My son, I think the puppet soldiers are already strong enough and need to be trained again. Are they?"

"Indeed, the puppet soldiers can control the fire aura attacks, and their fighting skills are good, but there is one thing. Their own materials are not as good as this kind of metal."

Guan Heng said, patted the head of the guy in his hand, and then continued: "Once the metal structure is less rigid than the enemy, their advantage will be weakened, so it is necessary for the puppet soldiers to see it."

After speaking here, he paused for a while, and Guan Heng went on to say, "Also, the metal figure we see now may have the ability to resist fire."

"Can resist fire?"

"Yes." Guan Heng said, "I'm covering this guy with fire aura at this time. See, is it unresponsive?"

"It's true." Qing Huang said: "But you don't seem to use your full strength, otherwise this metal figure will be burned even if it is strong."

"Yes, the strength of the fire aura I use is kept at the same level as the fire-hunting puppets' ability, so according to my analysis, the fire aura attacks of the puppets can only play a part on them and will be weakened."

At this moment, Guan Heng saw the Earth Palace Toad release all the puppet soldiers with the toad tripod, and waved to the puppet captain who was nearby, and then told the opponent a few words.

In this way, Guan Heng let go of the weird metal man. The guy's frozen joints eased a lot, and he twisted and sprinted forward.

"Run away." Ruo Tao, Gu Sang Nu, An Yan saw each other limping and laughed.

"Don't laugh, hurry up." Guan Heng said, waved his hand for the puppet soldiers to chase him, and he, the girls and other companions followed.

After a few moments, the escaped metal man rushed to a huge cave. Just as this guy was about to walk inside, there was a piercing sound from the cave, "Lala...Lala..." The sound was like metal. The joints rubbed constantly, from far to near, and continued to approach toward the entrance.

After hearing the sound, the metal man was a little abnormal, standing at the entrance of the cave, seeming to be in a dilemma.

"Huh!" Suddenly, there was a sudden change, and a big hand suddenly stretched out from the dark corner of the cave, and grabbed the metal man's skull, "Kacha!" The opponent started quickly and ruthlessly, and suddenly pulled the metal man's skull off. He immediately threw his body and head aside.

The poor metal man led Guan Heng for a long time, but unexpectedly, he was brutally murdered and turned into a pile of scrap iron. Then, the guy who shredded the metal man strode out.

"This guy is..." Guan Heng and everyone just walked up close, of course seeing each other's appearance clearly, but their faces immediately showed disgust.

Because the guys who walked out were very similar to the Cthulhu statues that I had seen before. They looked hideous and burly bodies with four arms, but their bodies were shining with pale gold light. At first glance, they were made of metal, which was very similar to those of the talented metal figure. Close.

But the metal people look like semi-finished products, and these metal evil gods have approached perfection.

"It seems that the guy who made the treasure cave also prepared such a large number of metal evil gods. I don't know what they have planned." Guan Heng touched his chin and said, "Could it be that you want to fight with what race?"

"Huh, the owner of this treasure cave is not a good thing at first sight."

Xianxin said: "If you make so many disgusting things and worship some evil god, it is no wonder that you will end up with the evil retribution of the dead race."

"My sister is right, son, let's quickly dismiss these metal evil gods."

Ruo Tao said, she wanted to pull out the Thunder-Swallowing Blade, and Guan Heng said: "Wait a minute, have you forgotten what I said? Now is a chance for the puppet soldiers to exercise, let's not do it, let them come. "

"Okay." Ruotao shrugged, expressing to obey the arrangement.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng said to the puppet captain: "Go on, you come one by one, remember, you must be ruthless, don't just rely on your own fire aura as the main attack, you can use any method."

The puppet captain’s intelligence was turned on through Guan Heng, which was stronger than ordinary puppet soldiers. He naturally understood his commands, so he nodded and walked directly towards a metal evil **** in front.

The metal evil **** was two feet tall, twice as tall as the puppet soldier. At this moment, seeing it coming, he immediately roared and slammed his fist against the puppet captain's body.


"Boom!" The unwilling puppet captain raised a fist to greet him, and the two sides fought recklessly in an instant. Although the captain's body was smaller than the opponent, his explosive power was not inferior to the metal evil god, and it was even better!

"Boom boom boom!"

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