Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9652: Half Metal Porcupine

Golden Sting King and Guhuang Howler looked closely, and found that this beast looked like a porcupine, with spikes all over, a huge body and a fat body.

It's just surprising that half of the head and body of this weird porcupine are made of metal, and the other half is flesh. The corrosive slime of the Glancing Black Sting just fell on the flesh, so this guy was extremely painful.

"There are really weird things in this treasure cave."

"That's it, I don't know what stuff the owner here has in his mind to create such a semi-metal monster."

King Golden Sting and Howler were discussing, and they quickly approached, blocking the back and forth of the beast. The half-metal porcupine was frightened at the moment. It had never expected that it would ambush its prey here, but it would run into a hard nail. , This time not only can't get the belly stuff, but also have to be beaten to death!

"We don't seem to have seen a half-metal half-physical guy here. Maybe Lord Guan will be interested in it, or else, go back alive?"

"Okay, this is a good suggestion." Upon hearing Hou Zing's words, King Jin Zing agreed, and then said: "Then let's move quickly, don't let this guy have a chance to escape."

"Rush up!" At the order of the Golden Sting King, more than a dozen black stings slammed into the half-metal porcupine's body. They bite, and the black stings’ teeth were corrosive. It is easy to bite off the spikes on this guy.


Realizing that something was wrong, the half-metal porcupine shuddered in fright. This guy desperately shook his fat and sturdy body, trying to throw the black stings down, but it was in vain, "Shoo!" In desperation, the porcupine fell. Will also be anxious to be wise, suddenly curled up and rolled on the spot.


"Boom bang bang!"

The black stings finally flew up unexpectedly, and then fell to the ground in a panic, but at this moment they had bought enough time for the golden sting king and the ancient wild roar.

"Chuckchchchchchchchchchchchchchchgchll'!" In the electric light and stone fire, the roaring large wind blade slammed down with the wind, just hitting the body of the rolling porcupine.

"Crack!" The opponent's body was instantly restrained by the wind blade and stopped the sudden turn. At the same time, the golden sting king smashed down the big net woven with aura filaments, just covering the porcupine.

"Wow-wow-wow-wow-" the porcupine, who felt that he could not break free for a short time, let out a scream, and the king of golden stings and the ancient wild roar wanted to shake their heads.

"God, what's the matter with this guy's voice? The roar is so noisy!"

"Dang quack!" As soon as Hou Xing said this, he couldn't hold the square stone containing the spiritual energy in his hand, and fell to the ground in response, and then rolled into the half-metal porcupine.

Originally, this guy was still screaming like a pig, but he could see this thing. He was dumbfounded and stopped making a sound, and there was still a ticking hala from his half-open mouth.

"Huh? Why didn't you scream?" The Golden Sting King felt a little strange, and he took a closer look to find out the reason: "Does this porcupine like stones with aura?"

"Maybe, otherwise, this guy wouldn't be so honest." Guhuang Roar said: "Or, let's try it?"

"Alright." King Jin Jia said: "Then you can do it."

After hearing this, Guhuang Roar nodded, picked up the aura stone and shook it in front of the half-metal porcupine caught in the net, and then said: "Don't resist us, honestly, this thing is Here you are, how?"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... Stay, and get the delicious food in your mouth first.

"Haha, take it and eat it." As he said, the ancient wild roar threw the aura stone at the porcupine. This guy opened his mouth and bit without hesitation, chewed it up, and ate it in twos or twos. After it was over, he licked his lips afterwards, with an expression of unfulfilled expression.

"Hey, what a foodie."

King Golden Sting muttered: "From this guy, I can see the shadow of King Armor."

"Hahaha, let's not say, they are really similar." After listening to it, Guhuang Roar was amused at once.

"Okay, this net is probably not needed anymore." The Golden Sting King removed the aura screen at this moment. Unexpectedly, the half-metal porcupine immediately ran up to the front, whispered and wagged his tail. With a flattering face, I want to ask for spiritual stones to eat like that.

"Hmph, greedy ghosts are hopeless guys." King Jinzhe sneered: "You can eat more, but you have to follow us, understand? Don't run away, don't resist making trouble."

"Wow!" Hearing this, the half-metal porcupine nodded without hesitation.

"I thought I had to beat this guy for a while to conquer it. Unexpectedly, the small aura stone would level it out." Guhuang Roar shook his head and smiled: "Is it a little too easy?"

"Hehehe, I think so, but it's better not to do it."

King Golden Stings said casually: "Is it also saving our energy? You know, to catch such a fat and strong guy, you have to tire the glancing black stings to the Lord Guan's side. Now it’s fine. , It wishes to run with us by itself."

"That's right, this time it's a big saver."

Roar nodded, and then shouted to the half-metal porcupine: "Hey, follow us, let's go."


On the other side, Guan Heng, they bypassed the fork in the road, and they have reached a certain stone house.

"This time it is a red stone house." "Aren't the builders of the treasure cave boring?" Ruotao said, "There is still time to color these houses..."

"Huh?" Guan Heng heard her at this moment, took a few steps forward to check the surface of the stone house, and then said in a deep voice, "This is not an ordinary red color...but blood!"

"What?!" Upon hearing this, Qing Huang asked in surprise: "If blood is exposed to the air for too long, won't it turn black? Why is it still so bright and red?"

"It's probably because the builders of the stone house used a special method to keep the blood from changing color." Guan Heng pointed to the stone house and said, "How can I admit it to such a heavy smell of blood?"

"What Lord Guan said is that the smell of blood on the outer wall of the stone house is indeed very strong." The Mandrill nodded, and then said: "This stone house builder is really nasty, everyone, should we go in?"

"Of course I go in, but thinking of the blood on this wall makes my heart flutter." Zhenwen said.

"Don't be afraid, it's not a big deal." Ruotao patted Zhenwen on the shoulder at this time and said: "Let's just go in and take a look and turn around. As long as the treasures inside are in hand, if you look at this bloodstone house, you will Let the son destroy it."

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