Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9655: Coffin in the earth

Hearing his words, Guhuang Roar suddenly flew into the air, and released the wind blade towards the group of orc corpses in the big pit, "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

But these ancient corpses didn't mean to panic. They suddenly showed their weapons, which were rusted, incomplete swords, spears and shields, constantly waving to block, and "ding and jingling" sounded one after another.

Just like Guan Heng said, these guys are very good at joint defense, even if the wind blade hits one after another, they can block all of them and protect themselves from fatal damage.

"Damn it, how could this be?" At this moment, Guhuang Roar was a little annoyed, but Guan Heng said: "Don't worry, originally your wind blade has the weakness of low attack power. From now on, it's time for you to Try changing the attack method."

"Change the method of attack?" Huo Di's eyes rolled when he heard this, and he snarled, "I understand!"


It's too late, it's fast, and the ancient roar suddenly released a large number of wind blades, but instead of directly attacking the enemy, the wind blades collided with each other and merged, quickly forming a rapid and sharp turn, and only saw this force. The humming became bigger and bigger, forming a small whirlwind.

"Go!" At the next moment, Howard threw this small whirlwind at the ancient orc corpse in the big pit: "Go and die!"

"Boom!" The small whirlwind suddenly hit a few unprepared ancient corpses, and forcibly twisted each other into the wind circle, only to hear the "hiss, hiss" violent sound one after another, the ancient corpses were immediately fragmented, and then Turned into powder.

"Hahaha, it succeeded." Guhuang Howler fell beside Guan Heng at this moment, and said loudly, "Master Guan, thank you for your advice."

"No thanks, this is the result of your own calculations, um, the power of this little whirlwind is good."

As Guan Heng said, he said again: "There are still a few ancient orc corpses left, these guys don't need you to shoot, old monkey, you and the earth palace toad go up, catch one alive, and destroy the rest."

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh!" The old white-browed monkey who heard this leaped forward, roaring at the ancient corpses of the orcs, and the earth palace toad was also jumping around, attacking each other from time to time.

"Huh! Bang bang bang!"

In the flash of lightning, the old monkey's left fist and right stick landed on the two ancient corpses at the same time. His fist engulfed the blazing fire spirit and directly smashed each other's upper body. The skull shattered, and it immediately collapsed in place.

"Suddenly!" At this moment, the Earth Palace Toad opened its mouth and spewed more than ten mud bombs, hitting an orc monster corpse full of holes, and fell down with a crash.

"Uuuuu..." At this moment, there was an ancient orc corpse left in the big pit. This guy was a little scared. He turned and ran. The earth palace toad sneered, and suddenly leaped forward quickly while releasing his own earth. Xuan Reiki.

"Wow!" In the blink of an eye, the soil under the feet of the ancient corpse turned into a small muddy swamp. The more the guy's legs went forward, the faster he fell, and he couldn't move at all in the end.

"Pop!" At this time, the old white-browed monkey strode to catch up, stretched out his paws to grab the skull of the ancient corpse, suddenly pulled it out, and threw it to the edge of the big pit.

"Dang!" The embarrassed orc ancient corpse fell to the ground and wailed and screamed. At the same time, this guy wanted to get up. The nearest ice flock immediately waved its claws and grabbed the orc ancient corpse's skull: "Beast, you Be honest!"

"Bang!" The ancient corpse that was pushed to the ground again was almost buried in the soil, and almost broke to pieces, "Huhuhu!" When it was too late, it was fast, and a ray of evil flew out of the eyebrows of this guy. To be clear, stretch out **** just to clamp it.

"Is the Cthulhu Remnant Soul? Humph, you have only one fate, and that is to be with them."

As he said, Guan Heng threw this breath into the spirit balloon that imprisoned other remnants in the air, and then muttered to himself: "The remnants are getting more and more together, what will it look like in the end?"

"Master Guan, look, this guy is finished." As he said, King Armor kicked the ancient orc corpse that fell on the ground with his hoof, but the opponent was still motionless, looking completely lost his life.

"What allows this guy to move freely is the breath of the evil spirit's remnant soul. Without this, the ancient orc corpse is nothing more than a wreck."

"Huh!" Guan Heng threw a ball of fire aura on the ancient corpse at this time, burning it to ashes. At this moment, the insect mother and the earth palace toad had already searched for a circle in the big pit, and Xiao Xin stood there. The voice from above: "Hey, did you find anything else?"

"I haven't found it yet." The evil worm mother replied, but after a few breaths, the earth palace toad suddenly whispered, "I found it in a deeper soil layer!"

"Cuckoo!" Immediately afterwards, the big toad suddenly bulged his cheeks and roared, and then released a large amount of earth mysterious aura, "huhuhu——wishwishwish——" These soil layers were two points left and right, and then the things below He appeared in front of everyone.


"Or it's just a rectangular metal box." As he spoke, Guan Heng signaled the group of beasts to work together to lift the thing to the big pit.

"This coffin exudes an aura similar to those orc corpses. Could it be that there is another ancient corpse inside?"

"Well, it's possible." Guan Heng nodded when he heard Ruotao's words, and then said: "Okay, now let's pry open the box and take a look at the contents."



It's too late, it's fast, Guan Heng flashed the Rainbow Cloud Sword, and suddenly passed the edge of the middle of the box, and then stretched out his hand to push the lid of the coffin, and the thing flew up suddenly.

"Dang!" The next moment, the lid of the coffin fell to the ground, and there was a big stale stench. Everyone hurriedly covered their noses and stepped back until the breath was gone.

Immediately afterwards, their gazes fell on the metal coffin, and there was an ancient corpse inside. This guy was covered in armor, lying quietly in the coffin.

Unlike the old orc corpses that were hastily buried in the soil, the armor of the ancient corpse in the coffin shined with pale gold light, which looked like a first-class item.

Zhenwen looked from the left to the right and said with a smile: "This orc is very different from the previous ones. His face is lifelike, and he is covered in golden armor. Even if he is not a king, he is a general or something, right?"

"It makes sense." Guan Heng nodded, and then said: "Now we have to see if it can get up and let us see it."

"We have opened the coffin lid for a long time, isn't this guy unresponsive?" Ruotao scratched her head and said, "In my opinion, it may be just an ordinary corpse."

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