Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9663: Casting room and metal ore (the fifth explosion)

Looking down at the shattered gate on the ground, Guan Heng said to his companions: "This gate was just recently crashed. It seems that many guys escaped from it, and the only scary white lizard was one of them. still got more."

Xianxin asked, "Then what do you say?"

"Send the colorful ferocious beasts immediately, the more the number, the better, let them search in the nearby area with a carpet, and hunt down anyone who escapes from the stone house." Guan Heng said: "Save the other party to trouble us later."

"Okay master, I'll tell the Zixun brothers to go right away." As he said, the evil worm mother immediately followed her instructions.

At this moment, Guan Heng and the others also walked into this stone house with a variety of vines on its outer walls. The layout here is similar to that of a granite stone house, except that there are no plants or the like in the house, but they are all enclosed stone-built lattice rooms.

Seeing this, Guan Heng squinted his eyes slightly and said: "They are all used to forge tools. It seems that these guys have two tricks on forging armor tools."

"Oh, even so, the craftsmanship of the treasure cave owner is too rough."

With that said, Ruotao bent down to pick up an unfinished curved blade and waved it a few times, "Cracking!" This thing immediately broke into countless pieces of dregs, scattered on the ground, Ruotao said: "These guys made things. Far less than the ancient people of Yanling."

"What I'm saying is, after all, the ancient Yanling race is just an ancient alien race focusing on casting craftsmanship, and it's much better than these guys who worship the evil gods."

Guan Heng said this casually, and walked a few steps forward until he came to the door of a small casting room. Suddenly, he reached out and picked up a piece of metal ore.

"This is..." Guan Heng's eyes lit up as he brushed off the floating soil on the surface of the ore: "The hardness is good. Although it is not as good as the ancient gold with cloud patterns, it is very light to start. material."

"Really? Let me have a look." Speaking of the ability to make flying boats, the companion present is Zhenwen. Upon hearing Guan Heng's words, she stepped forward with interest and reached out and took the metal ore. After taking a look, he said with joy, "It is indeed a good thing!"

"Brother Guan, if there are enough materials of this kind, I would like to use them to make thin armors and replace them with the piercing flying boat. In this way, its strength will definitely be doubled, and even our tiger-head flying boat will work. Remodel, but I need a lot!"

As Zhenwen said, she opened her arms to describe the amount of metal ore she needed.

"Okay, as long as you want, I will definitely find a way for you." After that, Guan Heng said to everyone: "You have heard it, as long as you see this metal ore, you will collect it for me. Zhenwen is saving."

"No problem, as long as my sister likes it, just do as you say." After Xian Xin said, King Armor and Mandrill also nodded, and Guan Heng said again: "Then let's not froze, and hurry around. Searching in these casting rooms will definitely yield something."

"Okay." Everyone agreed while spreading out to find.

Not long after, dozens of casting rooms in the stone house were searched by people and groups of beasts. Even the horns and horns were searched all over the sky, and finally a hundred metal ores were found, but Zhenwen shook her head and sighed. : "Oh, it's still far from enough."

"Well, this... I can think of a way for you again." After talking about this, Guan Heng paused for a while before continuing to everyone: "You all stand back." The companions nodded their heads and all backed away. Seven or eight steps later.



It was too late to say, then soon, Guan Heng suddenly released a large amount of earth profound spiritual energy, covering dozens of small casting rooms around, and then, the spiritual energy swirled, constantly squeezing these grid rooms.

"La La La!"

"Bang Bang, Bang Bang!" Then, the casting room was turned into dust.

At the same time, Guan Heng released another Jin Xuan aura, causing them to spin sharply in the air, continuously releasing suction, "swish, swish!" In the thunder, fire and lightning, many residual metal fragments appeared after the casting room disappeared. The materials are absorbed by the air currents.

"Ning!" Guan Heng's mouth uttered a word, and the Jin Xuanling airflow suddenly tightened, and forcibly squeezed the metal scraps together. "Bang!" After a few breaths, a piece of metal was pressed into a cube. The piece fell to the ground in response, and it looked like a few hundred catties.

"Jinwen, how is it, is it enough?"

"'s a lot. Although it is not enough to transform the Tiger Head Flying Boat, it is more than enough for the Crossing Flying Boat." When Guan Heng asked, Zhen Wen smiled and nodded.

"And you cleared the casting rooms in front of us in one breath, and everyone's vision has become much better." Xiaoxin looked left and right, and then continued: "I just noticed that dozens of small casting rooms blocked ours. Looking at it, I haven't seen more than half of the stone house."

"Apart from the casting room, what else is special?"

Guan Heng walked not far ahead at this time and found a lot of tall cages. The fences were thick enough to make their arms look quite sturdy, except that the door of the cage was opened, and it is estimated that the guy inside had already escaped.

"Huh?!" At this moment, the king of armor stepped forward, sniffed in front of a huge cage, and after sniffing, the mandrill asked, "What's wrong?" "The smell in this cage is a scorpion. Left by the white lizard." King Armor said: "It can be seen that the other beasts imprisoned here have already slipped away."

"It doesn't matter, even if they want to run, they can't escape the search and hunt of the colorful fierce beetles. It is estimated that they are almost eaten by the fierce beetles now, right, the insect mother?"

When he said this, Guan Heng also glanced at the evil worm mother, and the other party immediately nodded and said, "That's true, Master, three batches of chrysanthemum brothers have contacted me just now, saying that they have caught a lot of people fleeing nearby. A strange beast, and ate it all up."

"Hahaha, the fierce beasts are doing well, just let them continue." With that, Guan Heng beckoned to everyone and motioned them to go forward with them. After passing through a dozen rows of huge cages, they came to the stone house. The edge of the northeast corner.

"Squeak, squeak!" At this moment, the little green coccidia in An Yan's arms was not quiet again. The little guy suddenly jumped to the ground, and then called to the king of corpse dogs. The two immediately ran towards the front corner.

"If it weren't for detecting the existence of the treasure, the little green coccidian would not behave like this, go, follow it and see.

With that said, Guan Heng led everyone behind to the place where the little green coccidia stayed. There was a low soil slope. At this moment, the little green coccidia was urging the dog to dig a hole, Dog King Believing that the other person's vision can't be wrong, so he worked harder and harder.



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