Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9678: Snow-top demon leopard (fifth outbreak)

After a few breaths, the Big Mouth Ink Scale Monster raised his head and pointed to the northwest. Mother Evil Condy said: "Master, we have never been to that area. It seems that this guy didn't lie to everyone."

"Hmph, I don't think it has that guts." After speaking, Guan Hengbian said: "Hey, since the direction is determined, don't you hurry to lead the way? Don't froze!"

"Ooo, Ooo." Hearing this, the Mo scale nodded hurriedly and ran forward immediately.


After more than ten breaths, everyone followed the Big Mouth Black Scale Monster through several winding roads, and finally came to a certain stone house.

The stone houses that everyone had visited before were either special in appearance or hidden in ambush, but the one in front of them seemed inconspicuous, and even a little too dilapidated.

I saw that only half of the stone house’s outer wall was left, and the ground was covered with broken bricks and stones, and it was covered with thick dark moss. The wormwood was as tall as half a person.

"Hahaha, whose run-down yard is so miserable?" Seeing this scene, Ruotao smiled: "Will there be treasures in such a ragged place?"

"No, it might really be true." In a short time, Ruotao changed her words again: "After all, there are a lot of weird things in the place we went before, and we can still dig out a lot of good things."

"Yes, if there is anything worth taking away, we have to check with our eyes before we talk about it."

"Looking at the look of this dilapidated stone house, it doesn't look like there is an ambush trap. Just walk in." Said Xianxin, pointing to a half-metal porcupine and a few blue stripes: "You come to clear the way, go Right."

The princess said one thing is the same, and of course her orders must be obeyed, so the porcupines and the ferocious nodded in agreement and immediately stepped inside.

"Roar!!" But in the next moment, a roar came out from the stone house, and immediately afterwards, "Hill!" A strong wind rushed out, and directly hit the tall half-metal porcupine.

"唩唩唩!" The porcupine is so self-confident, how can he put the opponent in his eyes, screaming and immediately swayed to meet him.

"Boom!" The bodies of the two sides bluntly bumped into each other, and the impact force released by the half-metal porcupine broke out. The shadow on the opposite side could not bear the pressure, and suddenly flew up into the air, but although the guy was defeated, he was in danger and was in the air for a moment. Tumbled a few times and landed safely.

"Roar!" At this moment, the opponent erupted with a scream, and even formed a sound that could attack the enemy's unpreparedness, and suddenly attacked the semi-metal porcupine.

"Wow!" Suddenly by a sound wave, the porcupine's large ears were temporarily deaf, and his head was still buzzing, causing the eyes to turn black, and I couldn't see anything!

"Hey!" At the same time, the enemy beast leaped forward again, shaking a pair of sharp claws, trying to blind the porcupine's eyes.


"Bang!" At the moment, the blue-lined fierce boss rushed out of the diagonal stab. It slammed into the opponent with its own corner. The guy was caught off guard from being injured again, and his back hit the ruined wall of the stone house behind.

"Puff!" The fierce beast was full of frustration, swaying his body and spraying a large mouth of blood mist, and after struggling for a few times, he could not stand up again.

This is a "two-tailed snow-capped leopard" with a pale yellow mane and only a pinch of snow-white fluff on the top of the head, hence the name. Although the snow-capped leopard is good at howling sound waves, its speed is as fast as electricity. But he couldn't stand the half-metal porcupine and the fierce blue pattern jointly attacking, and finally fell to the ground seriously injured.

"Wow!" The half-metal porcupine doesn't know what it means to be merciful. What's more, just now the other party wanted to goug his own eyes. If it weren't for the rescue in time, it was already blind at the moment, so the angry porcupine roared and swayed. Pounce on each other!

"Boom bang bang!" Repeatedly trampled the snow-topped demon leopard with his front hoof, and the porcupine stepped on it into a big beach of minced meat in a blink of an eye. But at this moment, sudden changes occur!

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .

Seeing the sudden increase in the number of each other, the half-metal porcupine and the blue-stripe ferocious were a little nervous. Fortunately, Guan Heng did not intend to let them all down. He said at this moment: "Okay, you guys come back, the rest Let's solve it."

Hearing this, the porcupine and the fierce sigh were relieved and rushed back to Guan Heng to rest.

"Master Guan, let me deal with these beasts." The Mandrill said, already clenching his fists, eager to try.

"Well, you go."

"Hey!" Guan Heng's words were uttered, and the mandrill flew toward the group of demon leopards. The opponent has never encountered an opponent on his own one-third of acre of land. Naturally, there is also some arrogant ignorance of sitting on the well. Xiang Mandrill intends to head-on, but...

"I can't help myself!"

"Bang!" The mandrill's unfancy punch hit the nearest demon leopard's face door, and its brain was smashed to pieces, and the body was wrapped up in the remaining energy, and it fell apart with a hiss!

"It's crackling!" This group of snow-capped demon leopards felt terrified when the stubborn flesh of their dead companion hit their face, but it was too late to run.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Ping pong pong!"


Since he didn't hear the order to capture his mouth, Mandrill will now start without mercy, "It's really a bunch of waste, it's vulnerable."

Mandrill threw away the corpse of the demon leopard in his hand, and then said to Guan Heng and the others: "Master Guan, everyone, it's settled."

"Okay, let's go and take a look inside the stone house." As he said, Guan Heng had led many of his companions in.

Don't look at the dilapidated stone house on the outside. In fact, there are still a lot of storage items inside, including the piles of strange gems that you saw in the first stone house before, which can be seen everywhere here.

However, the other thing most here is the bones of various beasts and the whole animal skin, which seems to have been randomly discarded in the stone house by the guy who built the treasure house.

"Oh, these animal skins are quite tough. They seem to be ancient alien beasts. They should be able to be made into speed sails for flying boats."

"There is also the animal bones, just the length to build some flying boat masts and guardrails."

Zhenwen looked left and right, her eyes lit up and said. These things may not be too tempting to others, but for Zhenwen, a small expert who makes various utensils and materials, it is a good thing that cannot be changed.

"Earth Palace Toad, help me install all these, thank you."

"No problem, no problem." The big toad agreed, releasing the animal skins, bones, and gems around the ethereal toad cauldron.

"It seems that these things are in this dilapidated stone house."

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