Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9683: Metal disc (fifth more outburst)

Seeing this scene, King Jin Xing and Gu Huang Hou Xie unanimously shouted: "What's the matter?"

"Uh, I don't know either."

As the evil worm mother said, she grabbed the ore and shook it, but did not get the huge wandering spirit out. Then, she said: "Things are very strange, so let's go back and ask the master, he is so smart. , Maybe you can guess the reason."


After a few moments, the three of them returned to the surface, telling the story of the incident.

Then, the evil worm mother handed Guan Heng the one who sucked the wandering soul, and said, "Master, tell me, what is the reason for this?"

"Oh, maybe this mysterious ore can **** away the imprisoned invisible soul body. We haven't encountered anything like this before."

Guan Heng said casually: "The ore obtained from the bat beast king also has the effect of absorbing and imprisoning the soul. In short, the functions of the two are similar."

"Brother Guan." At this moment, Zhenwen said: "You said, can we use these two minerals to make a tool that can capture the soul?"

"Well said, I actually had this idea a long time ago." Guan Heng smiled slightly, and then continued: "It's just that there has been no time to come. If you like to research, you can take both types of ore. What will happen then? If you invent it, just share it with everyone."

"Of course it's okay, just leave it to me." Zhenwen said after receiving the two minerals. "Since the things are in hand, it's time to go to other areas to see, let's go."

"Squeak, squeak!" Just after Guan Heng finished speaking, all three green-maned raccoons gathered around, shouted at him, and Guan Heng smiled: "Why, I want to ask for food? , As long as you can help me find the hidden treasure in the stone house, you can eat as much as you want."

"Hey!" Upon hearing this, the biggest green-maned raccoon jumped up and nodded to Guan Heng. He said, "Is it possible that you really know? Then take us there quickly."

As soon as the words were spoken, the other party turned around and ran towards the distance. Everyone followed, and soon they came to the remote corner of the stone house. This seems to be just an ordinary small-scale open space, and the appearance is very inconspicuous, but as soon as he walked here, Guan Heng felt something different.

"A small piece of flat ground is overflowing with pure aura? It looks like there is treasure here!"

As expected, the green-maned raccoon who led the way stopped here, then looked up at him, and Guan Heng nodded his head: "Well, I see, you are good at leading the way, and you will be waiting for it later. Reward it."

Hearing what he said, the green-maned raccoon was extremely happy, and after nodding his head repeatedly, he slipped to the side to rest.

After that, Guan Heng said, "Earth Palace Toad, the old rules, you first make the little earth toad clones, and then I let them add another eyeball."

"Swish!" After saying this, he opened his palm in an instant, releasing dozens of wooden spirit wisdom eyes.

At the same time, the little earthy toads all jumped to the front, Guan Heng waved his hand, and his wisdom eyes immediately fell into the middle of the little earthy toad's eyebrows, giving them a third turning eyeball. In this way, the little earthy toads were underground No matter what you find, it can be directly reflected in Guan Heng's mind through wisdom eyes, which is extremely convenient.

"Okay, let's go." Guan Heng gave the order at the moment, and the three-eyed little earth toad immediately dived into the soil and began to explore the underground environment.

These little guys have wood spirit and wisdom eyes, which is equivalent to the tiger's wings, like a fish in the water, and the surrounding environment can't hide them. Not long after, the underground area within a radius of ten meters has been searched all over.

"Hey, I found it!" Suddenly, Guan Heng felt that a little earth toad's Mu Lingzhi eye had found a strange thing, and then said: "Earth Palace Toad, walk nine steps to the left, and then use the mysterious spirit. Separate the soil, it should be there."

"Okay, Lord Guan." Hearing this, the earth palace toad rushed over, releasing profound spiritual energy to quickly separate the surrounding soil, "Lala La! Huh la la!" Within a few breaths, several parties were controlled by the profound aura. All of the clods floated and fell into the distance.

"Guck, guck!" When it was too late, it was fast, and several three-eyed little earth toads jumped up, and one of them sent what he found to Guan Heng's feet.

"This is... a metal disc with cavities?" Ruotao leaned closer and looked at it for a few moments, and then asked, "Master, what use can it be?"

"Uh, this..." Guan Heng touched his chin, wondering how to make this kind of thing come in handy. At this moment, the semi-metal porcupine next to him quietly approached and arched his mouth with his long mouth. Shoulders.

"Well, want to eat Lingzhu again? Wait a while, I'm thinking about things."

With that said, Guan Heng patted the porcupine's forehead and ignored it. However, the half-metal porcupine's eyes flickered, and he whispered twice. The King Jiao said impatiently, "Hey, are you annoying? Didn't you say that Lord Guan? If you want to beg for food, you have to wait a while and go away!"

"Wow!" Hearing the other party's words, the porcupine was still a little anxious. He stretched his long mouth over, bite the metal disc in Guan Heng's hand and grabbed it to his side.

"Hey, what are you going to do? Are you hungry?" Guan Heng was relieved from his thoughts when he saw this scene, but at this moment, the porcupine put half of his metal body in front of his eyes and shook.

Guan Heng was a little stunned at first, but then he patted the opponent's body and laughed: "Hahaha, that's the case, I understand, thank you for reminding me."

"Master Guan, what do you understand?"

"Yeah, A Heng, come and listen quickly." When everyone heard Guan Heng's laughter, they knew that he had found something, so they all gathered to ask questions, and Guan Heng said, "Thanks to the porcupine reminding me, you guys. Do you see the metal body on this side? Just press the disc like this..."

"Crack!" As he spoke, the disc in Guan Heng's hand was instantly sucked into the body of a semi-metal porcupine. It turned out that this was an object that could be disassembled and installed on it. Qing Huang pointed to the disc and asked: "Then what is in this disc now? What's the use?"

"Well, although I am not very sure, I can also guess one or two."

Guan Heng stretched out his hand and rubbed the disc embedded in the porcupine half-metal body, and then said, "Did you see the circular cavity on it? I think you can put the skull spirit orb in it, so that the porcupine can use the spirit The beads release different kinds of aura attack power."

"What? It turned out to be like this!" After listening to Guan Heng's words, everyone felt that this was not like a lie.

Guan Heng continued: "The porcupine is a half-metal transforming alien animal, and it has half flesh and blood, so it can’t use the power source core. I think its transformer thought of making a circle for placing spirit beads. Mount it with a disk to make up for the defect."

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