Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9702: Cancer Evil

"Look, there is an inconspicuous rock cave mouth above." Qing Huang raised his hand and pointed, and said to Xianxin beside him.

"Well, I also feel a weird aura emanating from it, could it be..." "It's probably a guy like an evil spirit."

Xianxin's eyes lit up, and then she raised her voice: "Guan Heng, let your Mu Lingzhi look up to see the situation in that cave."

"Okay." Hearing this, Guan Hengku snapped his fingers, "Huh!" A wooden Lingzhi eye was formed in the air, and it rushed directly to the cave near the top of the wall.

"Bang!" In an instant, the wisdom eye trying to approach the entrance of the cave was suddenly blocked by an invisible force, and then abruptly bounced off.

"Whhhhhhhh!" At the moment when Mu Lingzhi's eyes flickered, he sent all the information he had seen to Guan Heng's mind.

"What?!" Guan Heng narrowed his eyes at this moment, and said in a low voice: "I can't imagine that there is such a big prey in the cave. Of course I can't let it go. Everyone, get ready to do it!"

"Guan Heng, what on earth is in that cave?" Hearing this, Xian Xin said hurriedly: "Tell us."

"All in all, it is a big evil spirit. You will know the specific waiting time by yourself."

After saying this, Guan Heng waved his hand: "Ice Jiao, Flame Golden Eagle, and Howler, the three of you will attack each other's location in a rush later, and don’t show mercy under your hands. It doesn’t matter even if the cave is collapsed. Our goal is The opponent must be driven out."

"Yes, Lord Guan, we understand." Upon hearing this, a worm and a scorpion flew into the air like lightning, and the flaming golden eagle flew into the sky, and was responsible for coping by the side. The three of them came to the cave entrance near the cave entrance.

"Huh, get out of me!" The roar of the ice glider rose sharply, and at the same time three ice **** condensed with freezing cold air were released, "huhuhu!" The ice ball suddenly slammed into the cave with the wind.


"Boom boom boom!"

It's too late, it's fast, a dark evil spirit suddenly flew out of the cave on the opposite side, and Huo Di hit the ice puck, and the two forces instantly offset the collapse in the air. It looked like they were evenly matched, but the ice scorpion didn't even show three points of strength. , Is just deliberately paralyzing the enemy.

"Hey, it's my turn!"

"Huh! Whoosh whoosh!" Between the electric light and the fire, the ancient roar that flew by released a large number of wind blades, crushing all the evil spirits that had not had time to recover from the cave.


"Ping-pong-pong!" Immediately afterwards, the wind blade blasted on the rock wall one after another, causing the cave entrance to hum constantly, and there was a danger of collapse at any time.

"Hahaha, stupid beast, come out and die!" At this moment, Ice Jiao laughed loudly. But the guy hiding in the cave really calmed down, and he just refused to show up.

"Hmm!" Just at this moment, the flaming golden eagle flew nearby, and it shouted: "You two get out of the way, I'll give it a big ‘surprise’!"

"Huhu!" When they heard this, Hou Ling and Bing Jiao immediately withdrew back to Zhang Yuyuan.

At the same time, the blazing golden eagle released a fiercely fierce original fire flame, which blasted directly at the front of the cave entrance. In a short time, fierce fire and black smoke swept the cave inside, and the guy hiding in it couldn't help but let out a miserable cry: " Ouch!"

There is no doubt that as long as the other party is still a body of evil spirits, there is almost no resistance to flames, "Huh!" The next moment, the embarrassing evil spirit rushed out of the cave and fell straight toward the ground.

"Bang!" The opponent fell to the ground and was bounced high, followed by falling dust, which barely stopped the spirit body's decline.

"This evil spirit turned out to be a huge crab?"

"Hehehe, I saw such a big evil spirit for the first time, but why did it hide in the cave above?"

Hearing Ruotao's question, Guan Heng said casually: "Maybe it's a prey waiting for the initiative to come, maybe it's trying to ambush us, in short, this evil spirit is not small, after absorbing it, the soul recovery urn will definitely evolve a lot."

"Then what are you waiting for? Come on!"

"Huh!" In the next moment, Xianxin already shook the Starry Spirit Spear and flew forward, "Chichichi!" The tip of the gun slammed at the Cancer Evil Spirit with cold air, and the opponent yelled to parry, but it was still too late. Block it all.

"Puff puff puff!" In the light of thunder and fire, Xiao Xin's attack had already broken through the opponent's double-claw defense and directly plunged into the core part of the evil spirit.

"Bing Xuan Spirit Spear is great, burst!"

"Ping pong pong!"

"La La La!"

It was just a blink of an eye, and the violent cold air was engulfed by the strong wind swiftly and sharply, and it exploded in the evil spirit. This guy even had time to struggle and was already frozen solidly.

"Set it down, Guan Heng, catch it." Picking up the frozen Cancer Evil Spirit with the tip of the spear, Xiao Xin shook his wrist, and threw it back. Guan Heng, who was not far away, was connected with the Soul Recovery Urn, and the evil spirit just fell. Into the urn.

"Buzzing!" In the sparkling fire, the big belly urn kept shaking and shaking, and the mysterious patterns on the surface continued to flicker, and several new patterns became vivid in the flashing.

"Not bad, huge evil spirits always bring surprises."

Guan Heng smiled, and continued: "It seems that Fuhun Urn is very satisfied with this kind of prey, but we can find more."

"Master!" At this moment, the evil worm mother flew from not far away, and it screamed: "The scorpions and black stings sent out just now found the tunnel exit."

"Go, go over and take a look." As he said, Guan Heng led everyone hurriedly toward the front. After more than ten breaths, everyone came to the area where the colorful fierce beasts and black stings were located, and there were still a few evil beast corpses dead.

The insect mother said: "These goat-headed evil beasts planned to ambush the sub-clams and black stings here, but they were counter-killed, but their strength and physique were too weak to generate soul bodies."

"Unexpectedly, because not every evil beast has the qualifications to transform its soul body."

"Huh—" Guan Heng said, waving his hand to release a fire spirit, burning the body of the goat's head evil beast. The next moment, everyone saw the tunnel exit blocked by the other party. It turned out to be a huge on the ground. Potholes.

"Sure enough, there are a lot of evil beasts and evil spirits here." Guan Heng said: "As long as you stand at the entrance of the cave and investigate, you can clearly feel the presence of the other party."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Ruo Tao said with a fist shaking at this time: "Hurry up and get into the opponent and capture them all."

"Don't worry." Guan Heng shook his head, and then said: "First, make a plan to kill these guys in one go. Don't let one go!"

Immediately afterwards, he said something to everyone. After all the tasks were properly assigned, Guan Heng said: "Okay, let's do it like this. If there is an accident, just act accordingly."

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