Jiang Xinghuo looked at the list handed over by Jin Yiwei, who was responsible for assisting in the order work, and fell into deep thought for a moment.

The masters of Neo-Confucianism in the early Ming Dynasty who can truly leave their names in history are Song Lian, Liu Ji, Fang Xiaoru, and Cao Duan, just a few of them. Song Lian and Liu Ji, the two leaders in the Hongwu era, have now become the last ones. , and Fang Xiaoru in the Jianwen era, as his nominal "master", had his entire inheritance cut off. Cao Duan, who can truly lead the Yongle era in the future, is still only a grandmaster of the younger generation.

As for the future, Xue Xuan, Wu Yubi, Hu Juren and other Neo-Confucian masters who played a connecting role in the Ming Dynasty's ideological circles are either not born or are only in their teens. As for the famous schools such as Sanyuan School and Chongren School, they are even more There is not even a shadow.

Therefore, judging from the list, as long as they are leaders of relatively influential schools of thought, they are all here.

Seeing that he was generally classified as a direct descendant of the East Zhejiang School by scholars, Jiang Xinghuo really couldn't laugh or cry.

"Did you say anything? Is this divided according to the Yongjia and Yongkang schools in eastern Zhejiang?"

Yao Guangxiao smiled teasingly and said: "It's really not the case."

The traditional concept of the Eastern Zhejiang School as a regional school is actually a general term. In ancient times, it was divided into "Western Zhejiang" and "Eastern Zhejiang" with the Qiantang River as the boundary. In later generations, the Hangjiahu area was called "Western Zhejiang" in ancient times. Ning (Yong) Shao, Taiwen, and Jinliqu areas all belong to the "Eastern Zhejiang" area.

During the Southern Song Dynasty, the Jinhua School of Lu Zuqian in central Zhejiang, the Yongkang School of Chen Liang, and the Yongjia School of Ye Shi in southern Zhejiang were collectively known as the East Zhejiang School.

Needless to say, the Jinhua School was passed down to the generation of Wang Yuli, but the Yongkang and Yongjia schools, which advocated the meritorious study of "managing the world for practical purposes", were mainly active in the Southern Song Dynasty, and eventually declined during the Song and Yuan Dynasties. It must be said that there were three generations of the Yang family. Schools like Guan Xue, which stick to their roots, are in the minority and lucky.

"The most important division method here is that the New Zhejiang School of Huang Shu-Song Lian-Fang Xiaoru, in order of inheritance, ends up with Jiang Sheng, the only one."

After the old monk's explanation, Jiang Xinghuo finally understood what it meant.

By the early Ming Dynasty, the meaning of the East Zhejiang School began to change, with the Jinhua School taking a back seat and the Song Lian-Fang Xiaoru lineage, which was the "New Zhejiang School", taking over.

The lineage of Song Lian's "New East Zhejiang School" can be traced back to Huang Shu, one of the "Four Outstanding Scholars" in the Yuan Dynasty.

This is a figure who had a profound influence on the ideological circles of the early Ming Dynasty, but is rarely known.

He was a native of Yiwu, Zhejiang, and was born in the Shuangjing Huang family. He was the ninth-generation grandson of Huang Tingjian's uncle Huang Fang. He had an unparalleled position in the ideological circles of the late Yuan Dynasty. He served as a banquet official in the Yuan court and gave lectures to the Yuan emperor. Zhizhigao was responsible for writing the emperor's edicts, and also served as a doctor of Guozixue. He served as the chief examiner of the provincial examinations in Zhejiang and other provinces for three times. He had students and former officials all over the world.

Song Lian, Huang Shu's favorite disciple and the first civil servant who founded the Ming Dynasty, once described how people rushed to recite Huang Shu's poems and essays. "Go, an article is published, and it is recited by family members. Even though it is an extremely remote country, everyone knows what it is and cherishes it." Song Lian, Wang Ye (one of the chief officials of "Yuan History"), Fu Shuo, Jin Juan, Zhu Lian, Fu In the early Ming Dynasty, a large number of Confucian scholars who could be called "Great Confucians" and "Confucian Sects" were all disciples of Huang Shu.

Therefore, the thoughts of Huang Shu’s “New Zhejiang School” were the official and official scholarship in the early Ming Dynasty.

Song Lian, Wang Yi and others of the "New East Zhejiang School" mainly inherited Zhu Xi's Neo-Confucianism advocated by Huang Shu. However, while Song Lian learned from Huang Shu, he also inherited the ideological lines of Xu Heng, Wu Cheng and others, emphasizing the heart. He takes seeking enlightenment and self-awareness as his primary task in learning, that is, "The world seeks saints from people, and seeks saints' teachings from scriptures. It's so far away. I can be a saint, and my words can be scriptures. It's not like that." "Sitting on the ears" means a little bit of learning to think with your heart, but the core is still returning to one's own body, which belongs to the category of sincerity and righteousness.

Why was Fang Xiaoru so famous during the Jianwen era? In addition to the fact that his knowledge is indeed extraordinary, the most important reason is that he is a direct disciple of Song Lian and the head of the "New Zhejiang School", which is the most prominent school in the Ming Dynasty.

However, as a disciple of Song Lian, Fang Xiaoru's academic views are still somewhat different from Song Lian's. Fang Xiaoru emphasizes "learning about etiquette and studying things to gain knowledge", advocates diligent practice, and opposes empty talk about the character of the mind, such as "abandoning books and language, giving up thinking, and constricting one's ears and eyes." Fang Xiaoru advocated the enlightenment practice method of "not letting one go, but luckily realizing it once". Fang Xiaoru advocated reading to learn the truth, opposed self-enlightenment and shared Song Lian's different interests. This was developed through the thoughts of Liu Yin, Xu Qian and others.

But generally speaking, Neo-Confucianists in the early Ming Dynasty focused on erudition, examining the cultural relics system, and compiling the works of predecessors and the history of previous generations. They made little theoretical achievements, and their ideological characteristics were not very obvious. Even in the "New Zhejiang Province" Within the "Eastern School", there are also generations of leaders with different ideas.

It's a pity that the "New East Zhejiang School" was basically wiped out two years ago because of Fang Xiaoru's words: "So what if you kill my ten tribes?"

Jiang Xinghuo had heard a joke before, which was called "Four crosstalk talkers swear at each other and kill them, and the one who survives will be the old artist."

Isn't this a coincidence?

Quite a bit like a joke from hell, now there is only one person left alive in the "New East Zhejiang School".

Jiang Xinghuo looked at the glass mirror in the yamen.

——The only successor in the literal sense of the "New Zhejiang School" and the master of the Yongkang and Yongjia schools of "Old Zhejiang School" in terms of practical learning and meritorious service.

It’s you, Jiang Xinghuo!

"Psychology and Neo-Confucianism require some people. Well, these people are very good."

Jiang Xinghuo looked at the list again and then at the arrangements for himself. The more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became.

In fact, this arrangement is very natural. In the eyes of the outside world, if Jiang Xinghuo throws away the mysterious color of "relegating an immortal" to him, his academic thoughts are generally compatible with Neo-Confucianism and practical learning, and he has made practical achievements in the world. He is a scholar who mainly belongs to the orthodox Yongkang and Yongjia schools in eastern Zhejiang. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the master of practical learning.

For the ideological and academic circles of the Ming Dynasty, at the academic level, Jiang Xinghuo's main contribution was to the Neo-Confucian theory of heaven (using contradictions to solve Tai Chi), the theory of matter (bold assumptions, careful verification, and practice to achieve true knowledge), The decisive breakthrough made by Gongfu Theory (the combination of knowledge and action, the endless cycle, and the conscience), these three bricks that have never been filled in the Neo-Confucian building were filled by Jiang Xinghuo and the holes were filled.

Judging from his known academic contributions alone, Jiang Xinghuo is already a top-ranking Confucian in the entire academic world.

Not to mention there are also unpublished views such as proposing a new theory of mind behind the scenes, answering the theory of destiny and the theory of ambition, etc.

Therefore, even among the most traditional defenders of Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism, no one questioned Jiang Xinghuo's academic level, but generally did not agree with his stance and views.

Jiang Xinghuo's practical learning at the moral level and science at the practical level together built the "new learning" unique to Ming Dynasty. Although it is still very weak in terms of the overall relative number, in terms of absolute number, the followers are already Like a carp crossing the river, his influence in the academic circles of Ming Dynasty was naturally extraordinary.

And this influence will continue to grow as time goes by.

If this debate is won, then the academic style of the Imperial College will undoubtedly move in the direction Jiang Xinghuo wants, which is to become more innovative and exploratory and become the forefront of Ming thought.

In addition to the Imperial College, Jiang Xinghuo also directly controls the Ming Dynasty Administrative School.

As for the imperial examinations one after another, with the changes in teaching materials and the actual control of propositions held by the imperial court, as long as the reformists can obtain the dominance of rural examinations in as many areas as possible and the dominance of palace examinations as much as possible, then one term after another A generation of scholars will naturally turn from Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism to the New Neo-Confucianism, which is a mixture of Xunzi's thoughts such as "the Queen of Laws and the King of Laws" and the thought of "managing the world for practical purposes".

Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism was the official school of the Ming Dynasty. Since the Ming Dynasty court could support it for thirty years, it could naturally be improved and transformed. To put it bluntly, Confucianism has been constantly evolving for thousands of years. How can it be better? How to adapt to the needs of rulers in different eras is an issue that Confucianism itself needs to seriously consider in the process of evolution.

Judging from the history of Yanshenggong's lineage, it is obvious that Confucianism is very "adaptable".

However, things like future education and talent training, as well as changes in academic styles, are obviously things that need to be discussed later.

The most important thing is to win the battle in front of you first.

Jiang Xinghuo carefully weighed the list again, and finally made some cuts. Looking at the final version of the list, he said with satisfaction.

"Xie Jin is very motivated. Add Xie Jin to the list, and then Hu Jiya. Don't let this old man hide, and add them together."

Yao Guangxiao read the list and thought it was very appropriate, but he felt vaguely that something was missing.

"By the way, who is that?"

"How about we make a bet to see if he will come?" Jiang Xinghuo said with a smile.

"I don't think so."

"I think he has the spirit. If he doesn't, there will be no chance at all in the future."

"Then let's wait and see." Yao Guangxiao smiled.

There are countless geniuses among scholars in this world, but above geniuses there are super geniuses. It is really unknown whether these outstanding people in the past have the determination to climb to the top when faced with Jiang Xinghuo, who can be said to be "the highest mountain in the world". .


The final list of those who went to the Imperial College to participate in the debate was in the hands of Sanyang at the same time.

Although Zhu Gaochi is now shutting himself up and thinking about his mistakes, he is still very concerned about the affairs of the government and the public. As a confidant, Sanyang naturally has to be vigilant at all times.

Moreover, this list itself vaguely represents the current schools of thought and academic circles in the Ming Dynasty, as well as the status of each representative figure.

Yang Shiqi sighed: "Confucius died, Zengzi only got his biography, and the biography was Zisi, and Mencius, Mencius disappeared without a biography. From the Han Dynasty onwards, Confucian scholars' discussion of the Dao was not very precise, and their words were not detailed, and heresies began to talk about it. And if you take advantage of it, it will be destroyed for more than a thousand years. In the middle of the Song Dynasty, Zhou Dunyi came out of Chung Ling and got the knowledge that the sages had not passed down. He wrote "Tai Chi Illustrations" and "Tongshu" to deduce the principles of yin and yang and the five elements. It is as clear as the nature of nature to man. The people of Yuan Dynasty compiled "History of Song Dynasty" and wrote "Biography of Taoism". They believed that Zhou Dunyi inherited the Taoism of Confucius and Mencius and started the Taoism lineage. However, now he regards Lian Xue as the authentic one. It’s back to Cao Duan.”

Zhou Dunyi was the first to be listed in the academic genealogy of Neo-Confucianism in Zhu Xi's "Yi Luo Yuan Lu". Only then did the academic community accept the concept of regarding Zhou Dunyi as the founder of Song Dynasty Dynasty and respect him as the "Master of Taoism". Scholars in the late Yuan Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty regarded Lian Xue, Luo Xue, Guan Xue and Min Xue as the four major schools and Taoist schools of Confucianism in the Song Dynasty.

Among these four major schools, Lianxue refers to Zhou Dunyi, who originally lived in Lianxi, Yingdao, Daozhou. He is known as Mr. Lianxi in the world. He is the ancestor of Song Dynasty School and the teacher of Cheng Yi and Cheng Hao; Luoxue refers to Cheng Yi and Cheng Hao. Brother Hao, because he lived in Luoyang, the world called his school Luo school; Guan school refers to Zhang Zai, because he lived in Guanzhong, he was called Mr. Hengqu in the world, and Zhang Zai's school was called Guan school; Fujian school refers to Zhu Xi, who taught at Fujian Kaoting, so it is called Fujian school, also known as "Kaoting school".

Looking at the list, Yang Rong agreed: "This list must be divided according to the four major schools of Neo-Confucianism and the three pillars of Neo-Confucianism, Psychological Science, and Practical Studies in the Southern Song Dynasty. It is very high-level."

Among the four major schools, Cao Duan has now fully inherited Zhou Dunyi's thoughts and improved them. In terms of academic pedigree, he is indeed the orthodox Lian School; while Zhang Zai's Guan School was passed down to Yang Jingcheng, the generation of the Yang family.

As for the remaining Luo School and Min School, there are too many opinions. The two schools of Luo School itself have different specialization directions. Seriously speaking, Luo School was later directly divided into Cheng Yi-Zhu Xi Neo-Confucianism and Cheng Hao-Lu Jiuyuan Xinxue. Branch, also commonly known as "Xinxue" and "Neo-Confucianism".

As a student of Er Cheng, Yang Shi was a key figure in the Southern Transmission of Luo Xue. He played a role as a bridge in communicating the thoughts of Er Cheng and Zhu Xi. What he passed on was the orthodoxy of Cheng Yi's lineage. From the perspective of academic genealogy, Passed to Zhu Xi.

Therefore, Zhu Xi’s Fujian Neo-Confucianism, or the so-called “Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism” in general in later generations, should actually be accurately defined as Cheng Yi-Zhu Xi Neo-Confucianism. After fully developing in the Southern Song Dynasty, it passed through the Yuan Dynasty and in the early Ming Dynasty, and became an official and official school. The most important representative school of Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism in the early Ming Dynasty was the "New Zhedong School" with Song Lian and Fang Xiaoru as its leaders. However, the discontinuation of the inheritance of the "New Zhedong School" does not mean the discontinuation of Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism, because Apart from it, most schools and students in Ming Dynasty studied Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism.

Another branch of Luo School, Cheng Hao-Lu Jiuyuan Xin Xue, was promoted by Zhang Yuchu of the Taoist sect under the guidance of Jiang Xinghuo in the current Yongle era, and the set of "My heart is bright and I will become a saint" For dissemination, the Xinxue has developed extremely rapidly. Taoism and Xinxue have now mixed with each other, forming a version of Xinxue similar to the Taoist Zen version. In short, it is really a situation where a hundred schools of thought are contending.

"The four major schools of Confucianism, Lian Xue Cao Duan, Guan Xue Yang Jingcheng, and Luo Xue studied the mind of Zhang Yuchu. Another branch of Luo Xue, Fujian School, is now an official school, and its participants are such as Kong Xilu, the leader of the Nankong Sect, and Jinhua Wang Yuli of the school, Gao Xunzhi, Mr. Lushan, and other Confucian scholars, plus Jiang Xinghuo, who inherited and carried forward the Yongkang and Yongjia meritorious studies of the Eastern Zhejiang school, the various university schools are complete."

The more I think about this list, the more I feel it is impeccable. At least from the perspective of academic factions, it is indeed complete. Whether it is Lianxue, Luoxue, Guanxue, Lianxue, Luoxue, Guanxue, etc. that are recognized in the history of the development of Confucianism in the two Song Dynasties in the "History of the Song Dynasty" Fujian studies, or should we say that the academic circles of the Southern Song Dynasty presented three pillars: Neo-Confucianism (Cheng Yi-Zhu Xi Neo-Confucianism), Xinxue (Cheng Hao-Lu Jiuyuan Xinxue), and Practical Xue (Yongjia and Yongkang Shigong Xue). On this list, they are all Corresponding inheritance and representative figures can be found.

Of course, don’t look at the list to be intimidating. In fact, if you look at it in proportion, Lianxue, Guanxue, Xinxue (Cheng Hao-Lu Jiuyuan Xinxue), and Shixue (Yongjia and Yongkang Shigongxue), these four schools add up to At the same time, in today's Ming Dynasty, I am afraid that those who adhere to these orthodox traditions will not account for more than 5% of the total number of scholars.

The remaining 95% of scholars studied Fujian studies, which is Cheng Yi-Zhu Xi Neo-Confucianism.

But when it comes to selecting representatives for battle, it must be done based on academic factions, not based on the proportion of the population base. Each party sends its leader and that's it.

There are indeed many people studying Neo-Confucianism between Cheng Yi and Zhu Xi, but there are also many factions in it!

Although the "New East Zhejiang School" has been dismissed, Cheng Yi-Zhu Xi Neo-Confucianism, as the official school of the Ming Dynasty, has developed for at least hundreds of years since it was respected in the Yuan Dynasty, and has long spread across the country. Leaves.

Even overseas, such as Goryeo Prime Minister Zheng Mengzhou and Annan Emperor Hu Jishen, these foreign Confucian scholars also studied Cheng Yi-Zhu Xi Neo-Confucianism.

Well, according to the analysis of the list, Hu Jiyou was invited to participate this time because he had a special status as an overseas scholar who had surrendered.

In addition, Kong Xilu, the leader of Nankong Sect, as a contemporary Confucian with unrivaled bloodline and reputation, is also coming.

Then there are the editors and supervisors of the "Yongle Dadian", Xie Jin, the minister of Honglu Temple, and Yao Guangxiao, the Duke of Rongguo, who participated as official scholars.

Yang Pu looked at the list and analyzed: "So, Mr. Jingcheng of Guan School, Mr. Shidao of Jinhua School, and Mr. Luoshan (Gao Xunzhi), plus Hu Jijiu, basically adhere to the same principles. point of view.”

Yang Shiqi shook his head and said: "Guan Xue Yang's position is humble and he may not dare to speak."

Yang Rong disagreed: "In academic debates, these four people should all dare to speak. What's more, as long as Ruosi (Hu Yan) is here, what can't be said?"

"Just looking at other people, the chances of winning are not good."

Yang Shiqi was a bit tempted to surrender to the counselors today. It seemed that recent events had made him quite discouraged.

"Hu Ji Ya doesn't necessarily dare to speak. Sect Master Kong is the only one who can stabilize Jiang Xinghuo, but I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup Jiang Xinghuo has been pouring on him recently. It would be nice if he didn't defect before the battle."

The more I count, the more frustrating it becomes. With Kong Xilu, the SSR, in charge, Cheng and Zhu Lixue will definitely win in any debate. Who knows what happened to the Nankong sect leader? His attitude towards Jiang Xinghuo is quite strange. , which was tense at the beginning and now quite affectionate.

Zhang Yuchu, who was left with Xinxue, and Xie Jin and Yao Guangxiao, who were on the reformist side, no need to think about it, must be on the same side as Jiang Xinghuo.

This has become a three-legged situation with twelve people on the list.

Affirmative debaters: Jiang Xinghuo, Zhang Yuchu, Xie Jin, Yao Guangxiao.

Opposition debaters: Hu Yan, Gao Xunzhi, Wang Yuli, Yang Jingcheng.

Neutral debaters: Cao Duan, Hu Jiya, Kong Xilu, Wang Yunsheng.

But to be honest, it is very doubtful whether these so-called "neutral debaters" will jump to Jiang Xinghuo's side.

As for why this list came into Sanyang's hands, the reason is simple, because as a member of the cabinet, Sanyang's establishment is not in the cabinet.

In the current Yongle era, the cabinet is only a temporary office. The status of cabinet members is that they are "sent" by Sanyang, and their establishment is placed in the Hanlin Academy.

For example, the positions of Yang Shiqi and Yang Pu are both editors of the Hanlin Academy (seventh grade). Yang Rong was just promoted to be a scholar of the Hanlin Academy (sixth grade) this year. Xie Jin, who was promoted before them, had the official career resume of being the first Hanlin Academy editor. After completing the "Records of Emperor Taizu Gao", he was promoted to the bachelor's degree (from the fifth rank) of the Hanlin Academy, and got the title of President of "Yongle Dadian" and Vice President of the President's Reform Affairs Yamen He was sent by two officials, and after the Lianghuai Salt Envoy's corruption case, he was directly promoted to the top of the Hanlin Academy, that is, a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy (the fifth grade). After recovering from his injuries for several months, he made up for the minister of Honglu Temple (the fourth grade). product) position.

Regardless of San Yang's guidance every day, it is reasonable to say that they are also a trio that can leave a name in history. However, in the early years of Yongle, Xie Jin was the one who dominated them in terms of talent, reputation, and ability. We understand the value of "three yuan in a row" I do not know?

In the first cabinet, those with the highest academic level were Xie Jin and Hu Yan. Hu Yan was a scholar who had studied Neo-Confucianism for decades, while Xie Jin was not only good at Neo-Confucianism, he was also good at poetry, song, calligraphy, painting and music. .

By the end of the Ming Dynasty, Jie Jin's calligraphy was always at the forefront. He was capable of regular script, running script, and cursive script. Especially his cursive script even influenced many calligraphers in the late Ming Dynasty. Following the works of the Tang and Song dynasties, Mi Fu, Huai Su and others were the sources of their works, and they used ancient methods to form their own school.

Not to mention anything else, Jiang Xinghuo's "Earthworm Walking" font was forced back by Jie Jin. Now Jiang Xinghuo is good at writing small and regular script when reviewing official documents.

So Jie Jin had just put on the scarlet robe at this time, so don't expect young San Yang to do anything big. The purpose of giving this list to San Yang was that the emperor wanted to send them to the Imperial College to take notes on the spot. It is just a clerk's job. With their level of knowledge and academic status, they are not even enough to participate in debates.

However, compared with the young people at the same time, Sanyang's future is undoubtedly bright and lofty. Hanlin officials have clear business tasks. The most basic is the compilation work of the imperial court, such as compiling historical records, historical records, etc. Wait, if you meet an emperor who doesn't cultivate books, or if the records of the late emperors are not that troublesome, then it will be easy. It is normal to have nothing to do for a few years. Usually it is singing poems or giving lectures to the royal family, but when you meet Emperor Yongle who likes Those who repair books will be miserable.

Now most of the Hanlins in the Hanlin Academy have joined the compilation team of "Yongle Dadian". The same batch of Hanlins as San Yang are copying books in the Hanlin Academy every day until they are dizzy. There are only San Yang and others left. Several people are responsible for daily participation in drafting documents and edicts.

In any case, whether it is drafting documents and edicts or going to the Imperial College to take notes, it is not a heavy task for Sanyang. These talented and ambitious young people experience the power of being extremely close to the center of the empire. The information is poor. On the one hand, you are like a transparent person who can only see and cannot do anything. His mentality is also relatively complicated.

After discussing the gossip about the list, Sanyang dealt with some cabinet affairs, and then sat together in the duty room drinking tea.

As the sun was setting, Yang Shiqi said something behind closed doors.

"You guys say, is this reform really unstoppable?"

Sanyang is similar in age, and they are highly compatible with each other in temperament and conduct. Although they are not real brothers, after joining the group for such a long time to keep warm, they are not much different from real brothers. In addition, they are all on Zhu Gaochi's side, so they are firm. The First Prince is a faction, so there are some things that cannot be said.

Yang Rong was not too surprised by Yang Shiqi's frustration.

At the beginning, no one was optimistic about the reform.

At that time, Jiang Xinghuo was still squatting in the imperial edict, and no one supported the reform. The only supporter of the reform was the black-clad prime minister Yao Guangxiao.

It was precisely because of Yao Guangxiao's strong support and the emperor's attitude toward reform that the vigorous New Deal began in the fourth year of Jianwen.

The reform and new policy did not go well from the beginning. Jing Qing's blood oath cast a thick haze over the reform. The Imperial College students who were encouraged to collectively kowtow almost caused the reform to collapse halfway.

It was Jiang Xinghuo's miraculous performance in turning the tide again and again that allowed the reform to pass smoothly through the initial stage.

But the difficult follow-up continues, including the rebellion in Jiangnan, the heavy flood control, and the three debates of "the king dominates the past and benefits the righteousness and benefits the past and present" to determine whether the reform is justified.

Later, there was the Fengtian Palace Debate, the Ming Dynasty's version of the Salt and Iron Conference, which established a new direction for economic development. Along this new direction, the Ming Dynasty began to develop industry and commerce in one year, and saw the Significant economic results.

Looking back now, all this obviously happened in just over a year or less than two years. To those who witnessed it, or bystanders, it seemed like ten years.

Sanyang watched the progress of the reform step by step. From having no one to share it with, it gradually grew stronger. Until today, the reform faction began to occupy one-fifth to one-fourth of the middle and high-level positions in the court. He began to achieve all-round victory in political, economic and other speculative propositions, and began to vigorously develop industry, agriculture, and domestic and foreign commerce.

And an unconscious mentality of "being left behind" arose in Sanyang's heart.

Somehow, they, the elites of the old era, these young talents, began to fall behind the times.

Helplessly, the flowers fall away, and the familiar swallow returns.

Tomorrow's Guozijian debate is very similar to the three debates of "ancient and modern kings overlords, righteousness and interests" in the past.

But compared to when no one believed Jiang Xinghuo could win, how many people believe Hu Yan can win now?

Jiang Xinghuo really has a "momentum" now, and the road to reform is the road to the future. Those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish.

"The trend is set. We can only hope that Hu Jijiu will perform exceptionally."

Yang Pu and Hu Yan were not that familiar, but at this time they could only reach the stage of "trusting Hu Yan".

It is obvious that, except for Hu Yan, the remaining defeated generals and side characters of Jiang Xinghuo are all Zu Mao, Yu She, and Pan Feng who laid the foundation for Guan Erye to kill Hua Xiong. It is impossible to rely on them completely. .

"I'm really unwilling."

Yang Rong smiled bitterly. He could not sympathize with Yang Shiqi's feelings.

But at this time, Yang Shiqi thought about it for a long time, gritted his teeth and stood up.

"We're the same age, and we're both comparing ourselves to geniuses, but let's not talk about Jiang Xinghuo, even Jie Jin is far behind us. Every day, we feel sorry for ourselves, imagining that someone can really turn the tide, or just sitting and watching people build tall buildings, What’s the use of entertaining guests if the building collapses?”

"what are you up to?"

Yang Pu was the last to enter the cabinet, and he was cautious, sometimes even a little too cautious, and rarely made risky moves. Therefore, it is a bit difficult to understand when he looks like this.

According to Yang Pu's mentality, these cabinet members are all low-level workers. Even if they feel that they are talented and ambitious, they can just point out the country to vent their anger sometimes. Isn't this not the time for us to show our talents? Just take it slow, there's nothing you can't sit still for.

But this is not the case for Yang Shiqi. Unlike Yang Rong, who is good at observing people's emotions and is arrogant and slightly contradictory in character, Yang Shiqi's harsh living environment in his early years created his perseverance and always wanting to be the first.

However, although Yang Shiqi's talents and learning are high, he has always been in a state of oppression since he became an official. Not only was there the most talented man in the Ming Dynasty ten years ago in the cabinet, but also the Xie Jinjie gentry who "won three yuan in a row" suppressed him. On top of Jie Jin, there was the even more perverted Immortal Jiang Xinghuo suppressing him, and Yang Shiqi was still unable to raise his head.

This kind of mentality is just like the top mortal genius in a certain world. After going through all kinds of hardships and ascending to immortality, he found that he was just one of the hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals besieging the monkeys.

In an instant, my mentality collapsed!

In fact, to be honest, not to mention Jiang Xinghuo, even Jie Jin probably didn't take Sanyang as an opponent.

But unknowingly, for a long time, San Yang, a genius of a lesser degree, has always been suppressed. There is a saying that is good, if he does not explode in silence, he will die in silence.

Seeing that the reform faction was about to complete its success in this last ideological debate on "official style, world style, and academic style", and that the entire Ming Dynasty's thinking would be completely unified in one direction, Yang Shiqi finally couldn't sit still.

Regardless of whether he believed Hu Yan or not, he wanted to do it himself this time!

"I will definitely participate in tomorrow's debate."

Listening to Yang Shiqi's powerful words, Yang Rong took a serious look at his old friend.

This is really a big deal.

If Yang Shiqi wants to participate, he must be a debater for the opposing side, and there is no way he can cheer for Jiang Xinghuo.

But Jiang Xinghuo is now their immediate boss. If you go out and openly contradict your immediate boss on issues of principle, you will be done with it if you see through it or not.

It is one nature for a few colleagues in the office to form small groups in private and disagree with their immediate boss's views and management methods. But if you make it public, it is another nature.

"calm down."

"I'm calm right now."

Yang Shiqi did not pace back and forth in the duty room as usual, but looked at Yang Rong and Yang Pu seriously and asked: "What's the point of us ordering Hanlin and entering the cabinet?"

"The Imperial Academy raises hopes, and the cabinet experiences." Yang Pu's answer is a standard answer, and there is nothing wrong with it.

"Raise Wang? Is there any better opportunity in the world to raise Wang than now? As for experience. Now that I have experienced it, these are the things for the center. The big deal is, I will be sent to another place to be a county magistrate."

Yang Shiqi had obviously thought about it carefully. He said seriously to his two friends: "I want to go out to fight tomorrow. I don't want to turn the tide or help the building from falling. It's just that in the past year, everything I have done and thought is really... The contradictory discomfort has been trapped in my heart for a while. If I don't express it, my heart is really uncomfortable. This is the last chance."

Seeing Yang Shiqi being so frank, Yang Rong also felt sad, so why wasn't he the same? Covered by Jiang Xinghuo's light, there was no chance to shine. It was originally a self-consciously radiant existence, but unfortunately now it is like the light of a grain of rice competing for the brilliance of the bright sun.

It's just that compared to Yang Shiqi, Yang Rong is more tolerant.

In Sanyang, Yang Pu was the latest to join the cabinet, because he had never personally experienced the time when Jiang Xinghuo was giving lectures in the imperial edict, nor had he experienced watching Jiang Xinghuo go from being a prisoner to where he is today, step by step. With today's achievements, the psychological gap is not so big. In addition, Yang Pu is cautious and has a relatively peaceful mentality, so it is not so difficult to accept.

But Yang Pu can understand Yang Shiqi's mentality.

"How sure are you?" Yang Pu asked.

Yang Shiqi hesitated for a moment and replied: "Three points, I'll try it first. If it works out, I'll discuss the specific arguments with you."

"But what if Jiang Xinghuo disagrees? After all, he decided the list."

"Then I will go into the palace to find His Majesty. No matter what, I have to try."

Seeing that Yang Shiqi had decided to do this, Yang Rong and Yang Pu naturally couldn't stop them. Seeing Yang Shiqi going to the President's Reform Affairs Office to look for Jiang Xinghuo, they could only wait for the good news.

To be honest, even if Yang Shiqi was scolded by Jiang Xinghuo or simply beaten up, Yang Rong and Yang Pu would not be surprised at all.

But the surprise still came.

Not long after, Yang Shiqi came back.

There was an additional name on the list in his hand, signed by Jiang Xinghuo himself in neat lowercase letters.

"What did you say?"

Yang Rong looked a little strange and swallowed.

Yang Pu also turned his head and came closer, with a searching look in his eyes.

"Did Jiang Xinghuo think you were going to help him?"

Yang Shiqi just shook his head silently, looking quite lost.

He fell down on the check-in couch, clutching the blanket and saying nothing for a long time, almost frightening Yang Rong and Yang Pu.

Yang Rong came over and patted Yang Shiqi's shoulder and touched his arm. He didn't see any obvious scars. It didn't look like he had been beaten. But this thought only happened for a moment. The court still has decency and rules, and no matter how much you don't deal with them, you won't actually hit them.

"What's wrong? Could it be that I scolded you?"


Only then did Yang Shiqi come to his senses and said with a complicated expression: "He only said, you are here."

"I asked what he meant. He said that he had made a bet with Duke Rong that I would come after reading the list. I came before sunset today. He was very happy. After all, he was a little angry. This game is interesting."

As soon as these words came out, Yang Rong and Yang Pu looked at each other, both of them dumbfounded.

What else is there to say? My own thoughts were carefully manipulated. In the final analysis, I didn't get out of the chess piece pattern. Even if I could play, I had to give permission from the chess player before I had a chance.

Psychologically speaking, I have been hit by dimensionality reduction.

And Jiang Xinghuo's demeanor and style really made them feel a sense of admiration in their hearts.

But Yang Shiqi was Yang Shiqi after all. He was in a state of shock for only a moment, then he cheered up and said to Yang Rong and Yang Pu.

"Come, come to my house tonight. Since you give me this opportunity, I don't believe it. There is really no way to break the situation."

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