This result is not unexpected, but it is incredible.

Although the advantage of Jiang Xinghuo's side was already overwhelming at the end of the Taixue Meeting, Hu Yan and others did not seem to have the power to fight back.

After all, the inner proof of Neo-Confucianism can still be sustained.

As the saying goes, "As long as I don't admit defeat, then I haven't lost." This is the truth.

But from the perspective of debate, Hu Yan and others on the opposite side can no longer argue.

Jiang Xinghuo's material monism is very solid, but they cannot prove the existence of "Qi", so Neo-Confucianism's "Qi Theory" is destined to be replaced.

The consequences of the collapse of Neo-Confucianism's "Qi Theory" are of course very serious, which means that the nature of heaven and earth is no longer connected to the nature of human temperament.

Therefore, the opposition has fallen into passivity in the theory of mind and nature, and can only repeatedly emphasize the importance of the three cardinal principles and the five constant principles.

But in Jiang Xinghuo's case, since the moral principles of the Three Cardinal Principles and the Five Constant Rules (father and son, monarch and ministers, husband and wife, benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom and trust) are not natural principles, they are not irreplaceable.

Therefore, in the second half of the Taixue Meeting, the key point of the debate shifted to whether Jiang Xinghuo had a complete set of Xinxing theory and its practical methods.

The result is that Jiang Xinghuo has.

Jiang Xinghuo launched a discussion on the theory of mind around people's instinctive moral heart, that is, conscience, and put forward the methodology of "leading to conscience", which is "be careful of independence, respect for the Lord, and be cautious of fear."

With this standardized theory of mind that everyone can practice, the collapse of Neo-Confucianism is a matter of course.

After all, Wang Yangming's Psychology defeated Neo-Confucianism and quickly spread to become a prominent school. This is what happened in Jiang Xinghuo's previous life in the middle of the Ming Dynasty. Moreover, the reason why Wang Yangming's Psychology emerged at that time was because the social contradictions and social trends at that time had reached this very new stage. A point where thought cannot lead.

Facts have also proved that the method of "Informing Conscience" is indeed the best weapon to break the conservative and backward Three Principles and Five Constant Rules of Neo-Confucianism.

Therefore, under the same social background, it is not surprising that Jiang Xinghuo used his improved mind-based theory of mind to decimate the opposing debaters.

"Hu Jijiu, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, Wang Yunsheng couldn't help but exclaimed, got up and trotted over.

Hu Yan did not answer, but just waved his hand, indicating that he was okay and asked Wang Yunsheng to leave him alone.

Yang Shiqi also frowned and looked at Hu Yan, looking worried.

Hu Yan smiled at him and indicated that it was okay.

But anyone who looks at this look will know that he is trying to show off his strength!

Hu Yan raised his head and looked at Jiang Xinghuo with a bitter smile on his lips: "I lost. There is no way to refute the material monism; the theory of mind and nature may still have some controversial aspects, but after all, the world should change. "

His attitude was sincere and without any complaints.

Because he knew that Jiang Xinghuo won the award justly and deserved it.

And from the beginning to the end, Jiang Xinghuo's attitude was very humble and polite. Even though the pressure from the opposition was very high, Jiang Xinghuo still counterattacked politely and did not use his power to suppress the matter. This is enough to prove his character. Noble nature.

This is a respectable opponent.

"But I have a question, and I would like to ask the National Master to answer it."

"Okay!" Jiang Xinghuo appreciated Hu Yan's attitude and nodded approvingly: "In this case, I won't hide my clumsiness. Please ask Hu Jijiu."

"Although today's world has many unsatisfactory aspects, it can still be said to be generally honest. This is why we, the Confucian scholars, defend it with all our strength."

Hu Yan is right. Although new trends of thought have emerged in the south, if we look at the entire Ming Dynasty, "simple folk customs" is not a derogatory meaning. Although the people are ignorant, they are indeed under the constraints of the Three Cardinal Guidelines and Five Constant Rules and other ethical laws. Very simple.

This kind of world custom is conducive to the maintenance of social stability in the Ming Dynasty based on natural economy.

"But after today, when the laws of heaven are shaken, aren't the Imperial Masters afraid that the Three Cardinal Guidelines and the Five Constant Rules will collapse and the entire Ming Dynasty will fall into ideological chaos?"

After Hu Yan finished speaking, he waited patiently for Jiang Xinghuo's answer.

Jiang Xinghuo stretched out his fingers and tapped his knees lightly: "First, I want to ask you a question."

Hu Yan was stunned for a moment and said, "Excuse me."

"Do you know what justice is to the common people?"

Yang Shiqi frowned, as if he felt something.

Jiang Xinghuo raised his eyebrows slightly, and a glint flashed in his eyes: "Eating well and wearing warm clothes is the greatest natural principle. Without food in the stomach, what use is a smart person?"

"The people don't care about the disintegration of the so-called three cardinal principles and the five constant principles. People have an instinctive moral heart. Even if there is no father as the guide for the son, wouldn't there be no instinctive moral relationship between father and son? Previously, Mr. Jie said, 'Gai Zizi' Heart, when you see your father, you will naturally know love, and when you see your brother, you will naturally know respect. This is the source of heavenly principles. Why eliminate them to preserve heavenly principles, and then use them to serve your father? This is the truth. Human relations still exist even without the constraints of the Three Cardinal Principles and Five Constant Principles. It will not disappear just because the three cardinal principles and five constant principles disappear.”

"In other words, in the era before the concepts of the Three Cardinal Guidelines and the Five Constant Virtues were invented, in the era before the birth of Confucius, didn't human relations exist?"

This is a very pointed and real question.

That is to say, human social and ethical relationships exist innately. They existed before the emergence of Confucianism. Even if Confucianism dies, it will still exist.

Whether it appears or not, it is always there, motionless.

Therefore, it is self-evident what Jiang Xinghuo means. Even if the Three Cardinal Guidelines and Five Constant Virtues collapse, it does not mean the collapse of the basic human relations in society. What it was like before is what it is like now.

For ordinary people, the oppressive and restraining effect of the Three Cardinal Principles and the Five Constant Principles is far greater than its role in moral guidance.

Without the oppression of the Three Cardinal Guidelines and the Five Permanent Rules, Ming Dynasty's social atmosphere would become more open. This kind of openness is not a bad thing for Ming Dynasty, which is gradually turning to a new path.

"For scholars, Neo-Confucianism is reasonable, and other theories may not be unreasonable. The truth is here, and it will always become clearer with more arguments. Even if you are confused for a moment, what does it matter?"

Hearing this, Wang Yunsheng and Hu Yan beside them also became thoughtful.

Jiang Xinghuo showed extreme confidence in this matter.

On ideological issues, you cannot use force to suppress it, nor can you turn a deaf ear. The position is here, and if you don't occupy it, opposing ideas will.

Just face it head-on and use objective and solid theories to convince the general public, even your opponents, that it is enough to occupy this position, even part of it.

Failure to deal with it will cause ideological confusion and social unrest, but as long as the thoughts you insist on stand firm, everything in the future will be easy to talk about.

In fact, Jiang Xinghuo should have this confidence.

Jiang Xinghuo was too young, in good health and with a good mentality. Not to mention that he could easily survive Zhu Di. When Zhu Di died normally, Jiang Xinghuo was estimated to be in his forties, which is why Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Zhanji died according to the normal time. After sending them away, Jiang Xinghuo would only be in his fifties. If he worked hard to live longer, he might be able to send away all the unborn Baozong.

Time is on Jiang Xinghuo's side.

According to the current layout, Jiang Xinghuo will be able to have his disciples and former officials all over the temple in twenty or thirty years.

After twenty or thirty years of ideological changes, by that time, Jiang Xinghuo's complete theoretical system of "Material Monism + Theory of Conscience and Mind + Practical Learning + Science" must have become the official science of the Ming Dynasty, replacing the status of Neo-Confucianism.

After all, this is a set of knowledge that is more empirical than Neo-Confucianism and more applicable to Ming society.

By that time, as one of the few great philosophers in history who had constructed a complete theoretical system of "ontology + mind-nature theory", and as someone who had popularized various scientific concepts, Jiang Xinghuo had already arrived at the "Five Sons of the Northern Song Dynasty" He has become the only being in the world who can be called a "zi", that is, a reserve of saints. His name has long been resounding all over the world and he has many fans. He can almost be said to be a leader in the contemporary ideological circle. Anyone can Everyone, even the emperor, must be treated with full respect.

As a politician, he must also know that once without the help of the ruling power, no excellent theory can be implemented, and the so-called academics are just empty talk.

Not to mention, the troubled times have just ended.

Everything must be done with swords and guns!

As long as the military power is on his side, any turmoil in the ideological world is actually nothing to fear.

The use of force is the last resort, but it does not mean that it is not an option.

"Then today's Taixue meeting."

Jiang Xinghuo continued to speak, his eyes flashing with sharp light, and his tone was sonorous and powerful: "All dialogue discussions will be compiled by the officials responsible for recording in the cabinet, and they will be serialized in Ming Pao tomorrow and spread to the world."

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding area suddenly became quiet.

Hu Yan and Yang Shiqi's expressions instantly became stiff and silent.

The process of the Taixue Meeting itself is secret.

But since the result is what it is, it must be made public.

However, Hu Yansheng, Yang Shiqi and others are scholars and consider themselves gentlemen.

But now, Jiang Xinghuo opened the window paper and directly put this issue on the table and put it in front of them. Even if he didn't admit it, it wouldn't work.

"National Division."

Wang Yunsheng, the director of the Imperial Academy, looked ugly and hesitated to speak in a low voice.

Jiang Xinghuo waved his hand and interrupted him: "There should be a result. As for the right and wrong, let the people of the world comment on it. Just like the meeting between Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan at Ehu, this is also a public case. .”

He stood up, looked around, and said loudly: "Now, do you have any objections?"

There was silence below, no one said a word, and everyone's eyes were focused on Kong Xilu.

But Kong Xilu just twisted his beard and said: "For the way of learning and the way of teaching others, a gentleman has integrity and harmony without difference."

The first eight characters still use the theme of the "Ehu Meeting", which is the core topic of the debate between Zhu Xi of Neo-Confucianism and Lu Jiuyuan and Lu Jiuling of Xinxue.

The last eight words are derived from "The Analects of Confucius·Zilu" "Gentlemen are harmonious but different, villains are harmonious but not harmonious". The implication is that the result of the "Meeting at Ehu" was that Zhu Xi was so angry that he walked away. Went, both sides broke up unhappy, and at today's Taixue meeting, Kong Xilu hoped that no matter what the final views and opinions were, and how the world commented and interpreted them, everyone present at the meeting was basically a great Confucian of the time, with the most basic gentlemanly demeanor. , is to be maintained.

These sixteen words can be regarded as the final conclusion of this Taixue meeting.

Zhengfang, represented by Jiang Xinghuo, achieved complete victory in ontology and became unique in the theory of mind. From then on, it was regarded as a school of its own.

In Jianghu parlance, this is called "standing a stick".

The opposition represented by Hu Yan is naturally defeated in ontology. The ontology pulls the theory of mind and is struggling to support it. Although he can be tough and insist on not admitting defeat, Hu Yan is a mellow scholar and he is not so thick-skinned, so he admit.

Therefore, Jiang Xinghuo achieved an overall victory in the Taixue Meeting, but there may be some disputes and different opinions on the theory of mind, but these are not important anymore.

After going through several debates and ideological debates about the reform, that is, whether or not to reform, what is the legal rationale of the reform, and whether the impact of the reform on the world and academic style is good or bad. These issues are finally settled today.

From then on, in the ideological circles, there will still be endless debates about the aftermath of these issues, but they will no longer pose much hindrance to the reform.

After all, this kind of dispute is only temporary. The novelty will soon pass, and the true purpose of the reform will gradually be revealed in the next few years, ten years or even longer.

Moreover, Jiang Xinghuo believed that as long as he was around, the reform would never stop and would become stronger and stronger.

that's enough!


Sitting in the carriage, Yao Guangxiao couldn't help but look at Jiang Xinghuo with admiration.

"How was it? My performance today."

Jiang Xinghuo smiled and was not modest at all.

He is not a saint, and it is impossible for him not to have any emotional fluctuations. Now that he is facing the challenge and has achieved such a great victory, he should be happy.

Just like Uncle Liu Huang's line, "I have been fighting for so many years, can't I enjoy it?"

"Today's victory is hearty."

Yao Guangxiao nodded, with relief in his eyes: "Being able to make new ideas known to the world early will definitely be of great help to change."

This is a great truth.

In the long history of China, there are precedents for reforms in each dynasty. Almost every ambitious emperor would intend to change and cheer up when he came to the throne. This is how reforms came about, but not all reforms are not accurate. To put it bluntly, most of the reforms should have failed halfway.

At the beginning, it was all hello, me, and everyone, but the conservative forces never thought about making changes, and they had no motivation to make changes. Therefore, until some serious conflicts of interest occur, the conservative forces will block the reform.

It is precisely because of this historical tradition and this deep-rooted belief that "reform is difficult to succeed" that many people are not optimistic about reform. Even those who are optimistic about reform feel that in the process of reform, they should go with the trend rather than follow the trend. We should fight against the "potential".

But people whose eyes are obscured by heavy fog cannot clearly see the nature of "potential".

While times create heroes, heroes can also create times.

Jiang Xinghuo is the person who can really create "momentum".

However, even if there is Jiang Xinghuo in this world, the process of reform is destined to be unsmooth.

It's just that Jiang Xinghuo's ability is too powerful. He has single-handedly reversed the old "trend" against the various constraints imposed by the reform.

In Yao Guangxiao's eyes.

Jiang Xinghuo is the one who breaks the shackles.

In this historical time and space, he advanced the Jialong Ten Thousand Reforms by hundreds of years for the world to witness. He charged into battle again and again on the battlefield without smoke, so that there was no one in the world who could directly block the reform, even the eldest prince Zhu Gaochi , nor can we directly oppose the reform.

Reform will surely thrive on the soil of the Ming Dynasty until it reaches the pinnacle of history and even goes to unknown places.

"After today, the situation is set."

"My goal is to let everyone in the world understand what the true truth is in this world."

Jiang Xinghuo nodded slightly, and a bright light flashed in his eyes: "Not only the secular world, but also the spiritual 'heaven beyond the sky' of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, these realms of heavenly principles, immortals, Buddhas, ghosts and ghosts, must all give way to the reform."

"One day, Xinxue will be the spiritual master of this world."

"And our theory will be carried forward, and the academic world will return to debate."

"I dare not say that only the New Learning is the only one in the world, but I am also confident that I can lead the people of the world to transcend the constraints of the Three Cardinal Guidelines and the Five Constant Virtues."

"Would you like to come with me?"

Jiang Xinghuo looked at Yao Guangxiao and Xie Jin in the carriage.


The end of the Taixue Association also heralded the official announcement of a new stage of reform. In the process of this new stage of reform, many people are destined to benefit a lot.

The wave of the times will beat some people to death, but there will also be some people who can keenly grasp the direction of the wave and become the trendsetters of the times.

In the spring of the second year of Yongle's reign, the great scholars from other places began to leave the capital one after another.

The aftermath of this Taixue meeting will also spread from Nanjing, the heart of the Ming Empire, to the entire empire due to the departure of these great scholars and the imminent flow of imperial examination candidates.

Kong Xilu returned to Quzhou for the time being, Yang Jingcheng, who had been away for a while, was going back to Shaanxi, Cao Duan was going back to Henan and then back, and Gao Xunzhi was going back to his hometown in Xuzhou, giving lectures between Yangzhou and Xuzhou for a while, and holding the title. Hu Yan, who left, chose to return to his hometown, Jiangxi, which now has the highest proportion of native places of officials in the DPRK and China.

Bailudong Academy on Lushan Mountain in Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province, known as "the best academy in the world", sent him an invitation to take over as its director. Hu Yan is now famous all over the world. He is not attached to power and simply chooses to resign and return to his hometown. Write books and establish opinions.

Wang Yunsheng took over the imperial duties at the Imperial College.

Wang Yunsheng is also a well-known scholar, but his character is not as upright as Hu Yan, and is more mediocre. Although he has his own position, he is easily swayed by strong power.

Moreover, Hu Yan also said some heartfelt words to Wang Yunsheng before leaving.

Hu Yan felt that there was a fierce fight in the temple right now, and many people might rise to high positions in a short period of time, or they might fall into the abyss and be smashed to pieces.

Therefore, rather than persisting in the eye of this storm, it is better to withdraw and leave.

What did Fan Zhongyan say? If you live high in a temple, you worry about its people; if you live far away from the rivers and lakes, you worry about your king. The storms in the temple are too big, so sometimes I go fishing in the rivers and lakes. When the storms subside, and I feel good about it, it is not too late to come back.

After all, raising hopes in the world is also a strategy.

No one can accurately predict the future development. Maybe there will be no such better position in the future. Maybe once the emperor and the courtier, everything is uncertain, but for Hu Yan, it is his best to leave at this time. chosen.

In a meeting of Taixue, Hu Yan tried his best. It can be said that he was honored even though he was defeated.

It's not that he is too weak, but that his opponent is too powerful.

Any great scholar in this world can now say: It is embarrassing to lose to others, but it is really not embarrassing to lose to Jiang Xinghuo.

After the Taixue Meeting, it has been widely recognized that Jiang Xinghuo's historical status in the ideological world will eventually be equal to that of the Five Scholars of the Northern Song Dynasty.

As time goes by, Jiang Xinghuo will definitely become the undisputed number one person in the world. Even the opponents who are least willing to admit this must hold their noses and admit it.

This is hard power.

Not long after, Dong Lun, a former minister of the Ministry of Rites and in charge of the Hanlin Academy, passed away peacefully at home in February of the second year of Yongle.

In his last words, this old man, who was respectfully called "Mr. Beizhou" by scholars, did not choose to be buried in his ancestral home in Shandong or Wanping where he had lived for generations. Instead, he chose to be buried in Beizhou (Daming Prefecture) in Hebei Province. .

When Dong Lun was the dean of the Hanlin Academy, he brought out many students, and among his disciples, Xie Jin was the most famous.

When Xie Jin heard about Dong Lun's death, he was deeply saddened. He was really sad, and he was not pretending. There are not many people who are kind to Xie Jin in the world, and there are not many people who can appreciate his talent. Dong Lun is one of them, Jiang Xinghuo Count half, the reason why I say this is because Dong Lun is his teacher, and Jiang Xinghuo is better than him, so he doesn't envy him, and most others have difficulty getting along with him.

Thinking of his mentor's last help before the Taixue meeting, Jie Jin, who was already weak, became seriously ill again. He wrote a letter asking for filial piety for Dong Lun on the grounds that his mentor was like his father.

Zhu Di did not approve it for three years, but gave Xie Jin a three-month holiday and gave him the task of going to Beijing. Xie Jin then insisted on going with Dong Lun's family and embarked on the road to escort the coffin back to the north.

Wang Yuli, the head of the Jinhua School, was also preparing to return to Jinhua, Zhejiang after participating in Dong Lun's memorial service.

Before he left Beijing and returned to his hometown, he specifically told a group of clan members and disciples to stay. Some went to the Imperial College to study, while others went to the Ming Dynasty Administrative School. They must implement what he asked and not leave any regrets.

What Wang Yuli ordered was naturally the change of the Jinhua School.

The principle that a small boat is easy to turn around does not apply to the Jinhua School, which has a large family and a large business. Moreover, the Jinhua School has switched to Neo-Confucianism for a hundred years. It is really ugly to change the door and wall this time.

What's more, although the current situation is clear, the final success or failure of the variable method is still unknown in Wang Yuli's eyes.

But no matter what, in order to pass on the Jinhua School, it must make changes.

In Wang Yuli's view, the biggest possibility at present is that as time goes by, Jiang Xinghuo's new learning will replace Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism and become the official school of the Ming Dynasty.

Before this day comes, the Jinhua School must also be fully prepared to welcome it.

Sending the younger generation to study new learning was his chess move.

At the same time, Zhejiang Jinhua is close to Ningbo, and it is also a strategy to invest part of its wealth in maritime trade.

For this reason, Wang Yuli even kept his own grandchildren.

In his opinion, Wang Shouxin is his most outstanding junior. There is no doubt about his talent. As long as he is trained step by step, his future achievements will be far higher than that of his father, who has no qualifications.

Therefore, it can be seen that although the outcome is uncertain, Wang Yuli has great expectations for the reform.

This is also the reason why Wang Yuli rushed to Nanjing in person and had private discussions with Jiang Xinghuo to prepare for the future. If he could show the necessary attitude, then the rest of the matter would actually go smoothly.

Jiang Xinghuo naturally knew this, but he was also extremely cautious.

In the ideological world, many people from many schools, such as the Wang family of Jinhua School and the Yang family of Guanxue School, recommended many of his nephews to study and learn new things. However, Jiang Xinghuo did not accept them all. It’s about filtering and making choices.

In fact, as soon as the Taixue Meeting came to an end, Jiang Xinghuo started to get busy.

First of all, it is natural to dispatch and promote some officials of the Imperial College who are ideologically close to the new learning, so that the Imperial College, the main seat of Ming Dynasty thought with nearly 10,000 scholars, can be under his control.

Secondly, there is the strict discipline of the Imperial College. Scholars can worry about state affairs, but some things, especially the most basic education, cannot be delayed.

Finally, while recruiting academic officers, a new batch of Imperial College students will also be recruited.

The imperial examination is about to begin. In terms of training future officials, the imperial examination, the Imperial College, and the administrative school must go hand in hand, and no one can fall behind.

In addition to these, Jiang Xinghuo also personally wrote articles for newspapers and participated in many gatherings in the scholarly community, using the remaining power of the Taixue Association to promote his new theory.

The effect of this kind of personal publicity is very good. By the way, it also helped the microscope sell out.

The best effect of seeing is believing is that the authenticity of this theory can really be seen by the naked eye. This unparalleled sense of personal participation is something that the past Neo-Confucian theory of qi cannot provide.

After all, luck in meditation really depends too much on personal qualifications, or in other words, it's too metaphysical.

At the same time, not long after the ideological debate ended, Jiang Xinghuo began to arrange the next stage of reform. However, what he considered was not just how to reform, but some measures after the reform.

"The core of reform is money, and everything needs money to support it."

"Therefore, it was decided to allocate the corresponding budget from Taicang to build trade routes in Zhejiang, starting with Ningbo."

"In addition, we are also preparing to establish some schools in key cities across the country and invite some highly respected gentlemen to settle in to teach students and spread new ideas."

“The sale of government bonds and the recycling of currency must be intensified.”

"If we go step by step, the reform will gradually take shape, and we will truly gain a firm foothold."

Jiang Xinghuo issued orders one by one, and soon officials from various departments of the President's Reform Affairs Office responded and executed them.

And he continued to think about the next reform matters.

"Reform is not only to solve the current problems, but also to occupy a dominant position in the future world. Therefore, we not only have to do it, but also do it well."

"Whether it is officials or the people, they must be unified in their thinking. Only in this way will they not cause trouble."

"Of course, behind the reform, there is a arduous goal."

"The goal is to bring the reform to the grassroots level."

"In other words, the imperial power is sent to the countryside."

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