Across the river is Yangzhou Prefecture.

As the starting point of the northern section of the Canal River at this time, Yangzhou was extremely prosperous.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Jinyiwei jointly handled the case this time. Chen Ying, the imperial censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and Ji Gang, the commander of the Jinyiwei, and the hawks and dogs under Emperor Yongle's throne, were all dispatched, which shows the high standard.

However, adhering to the principle of "entering the city quietly", neither the members of the Metropolitan Procuratorate nor the Imperial Guards wore official robes, but dressed in casual clothes.

Going down the river from Nanjing to Yangzhou, not far away, only takes a few hours, which is very convenient.

"This city is quite crowded." Chen Ying said after looking at it carefully.


Ji Gang then said: "Yangzhou City is only one-fifth the size of Nanjing City. There are 400,000 people crowded into such a small city. Is it not too crowded?"

The two of them were sitting on the boat, crossing from the east gate to the Little Qinhuai River. The houses on both sides of the river are extremely dense. Some houses are even half in the river and half on the bank. They have flower stands on the outside and window lattice in the middle. You can see through the houses along the way. There are alleys and streets of different specifications on the shore. The narrowest ones are only one or two steps, and the widest ones are only five or six steps. There are more than 600 such small alleys in Yangzhou City, so Yangzhou City also has "Alley City" name.

Not only were the land roads dense, but the water roads were also dense, and both sides were filled with people who made boats their home. It was like the lanes that occupied the road due to parking on both sides in later generations, and boats were forced to pass by.

"It's unimaginable that such a small river channel needs three million stones of grain a year."

"There are ten rivers, six rivers running from north to south, namely the Artemisia River, Erdao River, Toudao River, Yudai River, Xiao Qinhuai River, and the ancient canal in the north of the city; four rivers running in the east and west, the Hangou River, the Chaohe River, the Beicheng River, and the ancient canal in the south of the city. .”

Even so, Chen Ying still couldn't understand how to achieve a wonderful balance between this huge total transportation volume and the narrow transportation channel.

"Where is Zhang Xin?"

"Slender West Lake special business."

If we have to strictly divide the areas in Yangzhou city, it can be roughly divided into salt merchant gathering area, commercial urban area, government office area, official residential area, common people's residential area, garden and special industry area, etc.

In addition to the markets seen along the road such as Tianjiaxiang City, Jingxiangkou City, and Chaoguan City, while boating along the river, what Chen Ying and Ji Gang saw most were luxurious properties that were completely different from ordinary people's homes. These gardens Biye is often combined with rivers, lakes, mountains and forests. Even just a glimpse of it is enough to show its ingenuity.

As the governor of water transportation, the villa where Zhang Xin lived was the most scenic location in Slender West Lake.

When the brigade of uniformed guards approached, Zhang Xin was inspecting the wealth-making results in the first half of this year in a separate business.

The villa covers an area of ​​about one thousand acres. The front yard is the living room and study room, the middle yard is the bedrooms and storage, and there are several gardens at the back. There are irregular corridors outside the front and back yards, and pavilions are built along the lakeside. Even the kitchen has seven places, large and small, each serving meals for people of different levels in the industry.

In addition to these, an island in the center of the lake was built near the lake. There is a small pavilion on the island in the center of the lake. It has three floors, the upper, lower and middle floors. The middle floor is for worshiping the Buddha. The upper floor is leaning on the railing to look at the water, specially for entertaining guests. In addition, because of the small pavilion in the center of the lake, The island is located in Slender West Lake, and there is also a small pier with a short wooden simple trestle built on the pier, which looks quite quiet.

The island in the center of the lake is connected by a long arch bridge. This attic is Zhang Xin's favorite place to stay in Yangzhou, and it is also his private domain.

At this time, Zhang Xin was taking off his shoes and socks and sitting cross-legged on the futon, listening to the piano player.

But at this time, someone disturbed Zhang Xin in a terrible way.

"Master Hou, it's not good!"

Zhang Xin opened his eyes, frowned and looked at the visitor: "What are you so worried about?"

"Master Marquis, a large group of uniformed guards broke in!"

"What Jin Yiwei?"

Zhang Xin's brows furrowed even more fiercely: "When did Yangzhou have a large army of royal guards?"

The man was so anxious that he was sweating profusely and his voice was trembling: "Master Marquis, I don't know what happened. These guards in uniform suddenly broke into the house. The guards couldn't stop them at all. There are many people searching for you, Master Marquis." "


When Zhang Xin heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes: "This is actually happening!"

Although Zhang Xin is very arrogant now, he is a military commander after all, and he still has some courage. He did not escape at this time, and he felt that he was the governor of water transportation, how could he let a group of royal guards do whatever they wanted, and they were still there Capture him from his other business?

These people are really courageous.

"Go and have a look."

After saying that, Zhang Xin stood up, put on his shoes with bare feet, threw on his coat, and walked down to the attic on the island in the middle of the lake.

"Master Hou, be careful!"

The man quickly reminded him when he saw this.

Zhang Xin waved his hand, holding the knife hung on the wall, and said disapprovingly: "What's the big deal? Is this Marquis still afraid of this mere Jin Yiwei?"

There was chaos inside Bieye. A large group of guards in uniforms took off their disguises and swarmed in. They began to search, breaking down the doors of each house under the eaves.

These Jin Yiwei all wore flying fish uniforms and looked very majestic.

As soon as Zhang Xin walked out of the island in the middle of the lake, a close aide quickly came up to him. He cupped his fists and saluted, saying: "Master Marquis, the Jinyi Guards are looking for you."

Zhang Xin looked around and saw that the servants and maids in other professions were avoiding his sight, and some even slipped away quietly.

Zhang Xin nodded slightly: "Gather some people and take me to have a look."


Soon, the soldiers who guarded Zhang Xin's safety began to gather.

Although there is a proverb among the people that "one armor carries three crossbows, and three armors enter the underworld", under the Ming Dynasty system, noble families are allowed to legally own a certain number of armors. This number varies according to the title, ranging from dozens to over a hundred. No wait.

The wearers of these armors are the personal soldiers of nobles. They are kept in the mansion on weekdays, and they have to go into battle with their masters on the battlefield. They originated from the private tribes of the generals when Hongwu founded the country in the early Ming Dynasty. Zhu Yuanzhang greatly weakened them. A very small part has been retained.

When these armored soldiers marched forward in formation with swords and shields, the sword-wielding imperial guards also became a little panicked.

When they came on this trip, they brought at most a few hand crossbows and not even cowhide armor.

If a conflict really breaks out, it's impossible to say that the Jin Yiwei will really have to sacrifice their lives, otherwise there will be nothing they can do.

Chen Ying and Ji Gang exchanged glances. Fortunately, they had a backup plan.

"I wonder why you are here at my residence?"

Zhang Xin looked at the Jin Yiwei in front of him and said.

Ji Gang stands out from the crowd.

"This commander has been ordered to apprehend the suspect. Anyone else should get out of here quickly!"

Zhang Xin's face darkened: "If I remember correctly, this is my villa, not a prison."

At this time, Chen Ying laughed dryly and walked out.

"Marquis Longping, let's talk."

"Chen Xiantai."

Zhang Xin raised his eyelids and agreed to Chen Ying's proposal. Chen Ying was not afraid and followed Zhang Xin back. Twenty dozen soldiers moved out of the way.

Behind is a small courtyard.

The small courtyard is located in the center of the back of the villa, surrounded by a surrounding wall. The entire building is made of blue bricks. There is a courtyard outside the building, a rockery, and a small pond behind the rockery. There are various kinds of carp in the pond.

In the four corners of this building, there are several trees planted that Chen Ying cannot name. They are quite lush, with green leaves and a faint fragrance, which makes people intoxicated.

“This is such a great place!”

Seeing this, Chen Ying sighed, her eyes filled with envy.

"If Chen Xiantai likes it, I will give you one."

Zhang Xin smiled.

"No need, I'm not going to die."

"Okay, then do whatever you want."

Zhang Xin shook his head slightly. In fact, at the beginning, he felt that as a general, he was not a person who was greedy for enjoyment and should perform meritorious service on the battlefield. He also knew that money was an external thing, but these things must be understood clearly. Once a comfortable life is lived, money will Silkfield House keeps buying and selling, and I really can’t stop.

Chen Ying looked at the osmanthus tree in the yard, rolled her eyes, and asked, "Did Marquis Longping plant this osmanthus tree?"


Chen Ying praised: "Osmanthus is a good thing, especially in autumn. It is extremely good. It is a pity that it is not blooming now. Otherwise, we can enjoy the flowers while eating wine."

Zhang Xin smiled and did not answer, but just asked: "Chen Xiantai is indeed called the sweet talker and the sword by the nobles. At this time, while talking about eating wine, he is probably thinking about how to use me to tiptoe for promotion?"

Chen Ying's smile gradually turned cold.

Zhang Xin held the knife and glanced sideways at Chen Ying: "It's a pity that you can't defeat me just by yourself."

After that, he took out something from his arms.

"Chen Xiantai, do you recognize this thing?"

Chen Ying glanced at it: "Why don't you recognize the iron coupon of the elixir book?"

After the founding of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang used the Ming Dynasty Law to stipulate that the awarding objects of iron certificates of alchemy books were limited to honorable ministers who had achieved military merit and were named dukes, marquises and uncles. In the Ming Dynasty, the iron certificates of alchemy books were divided into seven grades, among which dukes were divided into First class, marquis is divided into second class, and earl is divided into third class. Each class of iron coupons has different sizes. The largest duke's first-class iron coupon is one foot high and one foot six inches wide. The other grades of iron coupons are roughly one foot each. Both height and width decrease by five points. The smallest earl second-class iron coupon is seven inches high and one foot two inches wide.

All iron certificates are in duplicate, one is awarded to the recipient, and the other is hidden in the inner court. When it is necessary to inspect, just put them together to identify the authenticity.

In the third year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang granted a great title to the founding heroes, and thirty-four people including Li Shanchang, Xu Da, and Li Wenzhong were given iron certificates of alchemy. In the first year of Yongle, Zhu Di also granted a great title to the heroes of Jingnan, and they were also given twenty Iron coupons for six people.

Compared with the previous generation, there have been obvious changes in the text of the Ming Dynasty's alchemy certificates. First, treason will not be forgiven, but other capital crimes will be forgiven; second, the exemption from death is limited to the person himself, and his descendants will not be exempted from death.

Zhang Xin's arrogance is here.

"I have an iron certificate in the alchemy book. I am not plotting rebellion. I am just buying some property. What can you do to me?"

At this moment, a disdainful baritone voice came from outside the hospital.

"I have quite a few pieces of this stuff at home that I keep for dust. If Marquis Longping thought that he could dominate the world with just a piece of alchemy and iron coupons, wouldn't it be unjust for so many princes in the Hongwu Dynasty to die."

Zhang Xin raised his eyes and saw that Li Jinglong was swaggering in while waving his folding fan. Behind him, a black mass of soldiers had completely surrounded the courtyard.

The soldiers and horses led by Li Jinglong were naturally Chen Ying and Ji Gang's backup plan.

As a typical example of Jiangnan Qingtian, Zhang Xin must be hung up and used as a target, so arresting Zhang Xin and bringing him to justice must be foolproof.

For this reason, Jiang Xinghuo specially asked Li Jinglong, who could best control the situation, to go there in person.

Zhang Xin looked gloomy: "What does Mr. Cao Guo mean by this? Does it mean that Mr. Cao Guo wants to go against His Majesty?"

Li Jinglong sneered and was prepared. He shook his sleeves and slipped out an imperial edict.

"Longping Marquis Zhang Xin accepted the order."

Zhang Xin's head thumped, but he knelt down without any hesitation.

"The emperor who has been appointed by heaven to carry the emperor, Zhi said, Zhang Xin, the Marquis of Longping, does not know etiquette, relies on favors and is arrogant, acts wantonly, and poisons the common people. He is now serving as the governor of water transportation and is being escorted to the imperial prison to await trial. I admire this."

Zhang Xin took a few steps forward on his knees, holding out his hands to receive the imperial edict.

Even if Zhang Xin wanted to shirk this decree, there was no room for him.

"Marquis Longping, do you still have any objections?"

Li Jinglong looked at Zhang Xin with a smile. He asked this question on behalf of the emperor.

Zhang Xin shook his head: "I have no objection."

Li Jinglong smiled and said: "Then please ask Marquis Longping to set off immediately!"

He immediately turned around and said, "Come here!"

The guard in Jinyi outside the courtyard gate promised and had his own carriage ready.

"This is prepared for Marquis Longping. You can just send Marquis Longping to Nanjing."

Li Jinglong looked at Zhang Xin: "Long Pinghou, I advise you not to deny it. Your crime is not punishable by death now, but if you are stubborn and stubborn, it is really uncertain."

At this time, several Jinyi guards wanted to step forward and hold Zhang Xin down, but Zhang Xin held the imperial edict in one hand and pulled out the knife with the other.

"Which of you dares?"

Zhang Xin's eyes narrowed and murderous intent surged. What he hated most was others threatening him.

The Jin Yiwei behind him took a few steps forward, pointing the hand crossbow and handgun at Zhang Xin.

Ji Gang sighed: "Marquis Longping, you are forcing me to do something!"


Chen Ying also sneered: "Marquis Longping, do you want to rebel?"

"Hey, don't use knives or guns."

At this time, Li Jinglong smiled and said: "Come, I will personally send Marquis Longping on his way."

After that, he stepped forward and held Zhang Xin's hand, and said something else.

"Did my mother really say that?"

"The old lady told me personally. If you don't believe me, just go back to Nanjing and ask."

Zhang Xin let out a long sigh and then dropped the knife with a clang.

Although Zhang Xin doesn't have much brains and his personality is typical of a villain who becomes domineering after gaining power, he has one advantage, that is, he listens to his mother.


Zhang Xin, the Marquis of Longping, was dismissed from his post as Governor of Water Transport and was escorted to Nanjing Prison for trial. As soon as the news came out, an uproar soon arose.

And Jiang Xinghuo could no longer tolerate it. What he failed to do last year in the Lianghuai Salt Envoy's Salt Tax Corruption Case, he did this time.

Not only was the water transport system overhauled, but all the left-right and left-right political advisors resigned. The former chief envoy was transferred to Huguang as chief envoy. Huang Huai, who came out of the cabinet, was transferred back to Nanjing. Jiang Xinghuo inspected himself. Later, the outstanding officials whom he trusted were placed in several middle- and high-level positions in the Huanghuai Chief Envoy Department.

The most important thing is that Zhu Di, who was on the way, approved Jiang Xinghuo's recommendation. Pingjiang Bo Chen Xuan, who had cooperated with Jiang Xinghuo, was transferred back from the north to serve as the new water transportation governor.

In this way, Jiang Xinghuo's influence on the local area expanded from Jiangsu and Zhejiang to the Huanghuai Central Plains.

In addition to these matters in the temple, the downfall of Longping Hou Zhang Xin also meant that Qingtian's work at the top level no longer had any public resistance.

The land that the honorable nobles should retire all retreated, and the civil servants, even though some of their property interests in their hometown were affected, saw the downfall of the favored Zhang Xin, who originally shouted with joy, but now they remained silent. Dare to speak up.

Zhang Xin, a marquis and governor of water transportation, was not only a favored minister, but also a powerful local faction. Because he obstructed Qingtian, Jiang Xinghuo ruthlessly eliminated him. Who else dares to take the lead? In other words, who else thinks that he is more powerful than Zhang Xin and is more favored by the Holy Spirit?

Zhang Xin's downfall gave a full shock to all those who opposed Qingtian.

These conservative civil servants began to re-examine Jiang Xinghuo's power.

Even Longping Hou Zhang Xin, because he blocked Jiang Xinghuo's reform, said that if he lost his official position, he would lose his official position. This ability to kill a top dynasty official like a fly swatted to death really made many people shudder.

After this incident, Jiang Xinghuo's prestige increased invisibly, which must be fully attributed to Zhang Xin, who was regarded as the "chicken" in "killing chickens to scare monkeys."

Now that the resistance at the top is gone, the middle and lower levels are no longer a problem.

For the subordinate officials in the four Jiangnan mansions, Jiang Xinghuo held a bloody butcher knife in one hand and provided sufficient benefits with the other.

The subordinate officials were afraid of the consequences of beheading and did not dare to clear the land without seriousness and fairness. They also coveted the property and prospects of the gentry and landlords, so they also set off a trend of reporting.

Jiang Xinghuo meant what he said. As long as these subordinate officials' reports about the "surrender" of the gentry and landlords were true, then while the entire family of the gentry and landlords would be sent into military exile, part of the gentry's land and money would also be distributed to the subordinate officials who reported them. As for the remaining All the money left behind will be returned to the public after being returned to the farmers.

After the subordinates in Suzhou Prefecture confirmed that they not only had land, money and silk to divide, but also could enter the Ming Dynasty Administrative School and become officials in the future, they immediately turned from hesitant at the beginning into a pack of wolves smelling blood. The gentry, who were originally aloof and benefactors of benefits, began to bite wildly.

A large number of gentry were reported, and many subordinate officials obtained benefits that they could not obtain after half a lifetime of hard work.

And as the gentry in Suzhou Prefecture went bankrupt, the news spread like a tornado to the surrounding prefectures and counties. The gentry saw Jiang Xinghuo playing it real, and saw these subordinate officials who had been standing closely with them. The guards began to betray them and stab their backs with daggers. They could no longer sit still.

Being reported would cost the life of the whole family.

If you voluntarily surrender, all you have to do is return the "surrogate" fields to the farmers, and all you will lose is profits.

They can still tell which one is light and which is serious.

Therefore, the gentry and landlords turned themselves in to the government for their wrongdoings, and this became a trend for a while.

Moreover, each one of them was afraid that their explanation was not thorough enough, that they might have omitted something, or even that they would have to return too much property, so they just wanted to avoid being targeted.

Jiang Xinghuo's nickname naturally became "Jiang Hell King".

Those ubiquitous tax pawns naturally became the "little devils" under "King Jiang Hell".

Being hated by the gentry, Jiang Xinghuo didn't care.

On the other hand, many subordinate officials in prefectures and counties found that the gentry had taken the initiative to explain what "secrets" they had in their hands that could not be exchanged for benefits. Instead, they cursed God and mother, and resented the gentry.

The countryside of Changzhou County, Suzhou Prefecture.

Jiang Xinghuo specially came to Yao Guangxiao's hometown, where his sister and nephew were still at home.

Jiang Xinghuo was chatting under the eaves of the earthen house with the old monk's sister.

"The court must be reasonable. As long as we complete the land clearing, there won't be so many things in the future. Farmers will not be asked to pay whatever land tax they pay, and there won't be these miscellaneous taxes now. Can Reduce the burden on farmers to a minimum.”

After hearing this, Mrs. Yao immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

She opened her toothy mouth and said with a smile: "That's good, that's good."

Mrs. Yao is over seventy this year and looks much older than the old monk. She has lived in the rural fields all her life and has never left her hometown much. Therefore, her way of looking at problems is definitely different from Yao Guangxiao.

But one thing is the same.

Just like Yao Guangxiao sent a letter from Hangzhou, asking Jiang Xinghuo to visit his old sister in the countryside for him. Although this old sister did not let Yao Guangxiao in at all, beat him out, and even severed the relationship, she also felt the same in her heart. Here, I silently cared about this younger brother who had been rebellious all his life.

"So is he okay?"

"It's very good. My legs and feet are very good. I'm still building roads in Hangzhou."

After hearing Jiang Xinghuo's words, the wrinkles on Mrs. Yao's eyebrows seemed to fade.

"That's good, that's good," she murmured.

At this time, Mrs. Yao's son, who was also in his fifties, asked him about his concerns.

"Then we pay less summer taxes than before?"

"Definitely, and there will no longer be gentry occupying land and asking farmers to pay taxes for them."

Mrs. Yao's son breathed a sigh of relief.

Over the years, they really didn't rely on Yao Guangxiao. They lived by their own efforts. A few years ago, when Yao Guangxiao was the number two rebel, they didn't rely on him. Now that Yao Guangxiao has become the number two hero, they don't rely on him either.

But no matter what, although I work hard all year round, I still save some food. As an ordinary farmer, if the court can "exempt taxes" for everyone, oh no, this is not accurate. It should be said "reduce taxes" If the farmers in these fields can save more food to support their families, why not do it.

The main reason why they are willing to communicate with Jiang Xinghuo is that Jiang Xinghuo has a good reputation among the people.

Yes, things like reputation are also in a Schrödinger state.

While Jiang Xinghuo was called "Jiang Hell King", many people also spontaneously called him "Jiang Bodhisattva", referring to Jiang Xinghuo's reform measures. It was indeed a thunderous method to keep the bodhisattva's heart and reduce taxes for the people. A lot of burden.

This reduction in burden is visible to the naked eye. Petty officials and servants no longer dare to defer taxes to make a profit, powerful men no longer dare to encroach on their fields, and gentry no longer dare to "take refuge" in various strange ways to pass on the tax burden. .

Although the taxes collected by the court were substantial, after these extra things were reduced or even disappeared, the shoulders of ordinary farmers felt as if they had been moved to the mountains.

"So, how much will our actual tax reduction be this summer?"

Jiang Xinghuo thought for a while and said: "Based on our results in clearing the land, under normal circumstances, the reduction should be about 30%."

"About 30%?"

After hearing this number, even Mrs. Yao couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"This result is too scary."

"Yes, I also think this result is very good." Mrs. Yao's son, Yao Guangxiao's nephew Yao Ji, agreed.

If there are no accidents, Yao Ji will be adopted as an adopted son and inherit the title of Rong Guogong before Yao Guangxiao passes away.

Jiang Xinghuo's trip has undoubtedly greatly advanced this process.

At this moment, Mrs. Yao's knees suddenly became weak.

Jiang Xinghuo's expression changed greatly. He quickly helped him up, looked at Mrs. Yao and said, "What do you mean?"

"Young man, you also know that we are poor here, there is no food, and taxes are not high, so in the past few years we have been relying on our savings to get by."

Mrs. Yao said, her voice choked up, and continued: "This tax belongs to the imperial court. I cannot take it arbitrarily, but this harvest is also voluntarily handed over to the imperial court."

The old man's words were a bit messy, but Jiang Xinghuo understood the general meaning.

At the end of the conversation, Mrs. Yao handed Jiang Xinghuo some pairs of insoles.

"The descendant, for you; and for him."

Looking at the old man's back, Jiang Xinghuo looked down at the insole in his hand and suddenly placed it on his chest, feeling quite warm.

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