The sun shines through the sparse clouds on the quiet land of Jiangbei.

Unlike the continuous drizzle in the south, Jiang Xinghuo felt obvious climate changes as soon as he crossed the Yangtze River and arrived in the Huaihe River Basin.

"When oranges grow in Huainan, they become oranges; when they grow in northern Huaibei, they become oranges. The water and soil really support a person, and his face is a little dry."

"Rub some whale oil?"

Cao Song took out a small can of whale oil. Beizhen Fusi likes to give out this kind of thing as a welfare for the Jinyiwei. When going out on a mission, if you are out of town or in a store, it can be used for heating and cooking. It can also be used for skin care. You can rub it if you feel uncomfortable.

Although whaling is obviously not conducive to animal and marine protection, whale oil is the best fuel in this era, so whaling ships often go to the East China Sea and Southeast Asia, and the laws of the Ming Dynasty did not prohibit this.

However, Cao Song was flattering at this time. Jiang Xinghuo hated smearing things on his face when it was not necessary, because it would make him feel very strange. Of course, if it was a life-or-death moment, There was nothing he could do about smearing some blood and mud, but Jiang Xinghuo was still a bit of a germaphobe.

Therefore, Jiang Xinghuo persisted in enduring the feeling of the wind drying out his skin after washing his face, and waved his hand to reject Cao Song's proposal.

They disguised themselves as a caravan all the way from Nanjing to Zhenjiang Prefecture, then crossed the river from Dantu to Guazhou Ferry in the north of the Yangtze River, and then went all the way north along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. Now that the Huanghuai Chief Envoy is here, they have arrived at a famous place below Gaoyou Prefecture. It is a small village in Zhangjiagou.

Zhangjiagou is located on the east side of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. Further east is a large-scale lake Qingshuitan. Across the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, there are a series of Jieshou Lake, Fanliang Lake, Bishe Lake, Xinkai Lake, etc. The lakes that have been filled in or diverted are part of the Song Dynasty's overall project to control the Yellow River and divert the Huaihe River into the sea.

The reason why Jiang Xinghuo disguised himself as a businessman was that he planned to stop by to see with his own eyes the implementation of the New Deal among the people.

Because this is the heartland of the Huanghuai Chief Envoy, you can not only see the promotion of land clearing work, but also see the pilot work of policies such as the household registration progressive tax, the household division notary tax, and the integrated grain payment of the gentry. You can even inspect the water control. .

In short, this place has convenient transportation and is a middle ground between neither south nor north. It is the most suitable place to observe the effects of the New Deal.

And once the Nanjing-Beijing trade trunk line is to be laid at all costs, this must be the place to pass.

The villagers in Zhangjiagou saw dust rising in the distance and a group of people approaching slowly, but they did not panic.

During the Battle of Jingnan, this place was briefly affected, but because it was not a strategic location, neither the Yan Army nor the Southern Army had any interest in it, so calm was quickly restored. Even if there was only a little banditry, it was still there. Last year's large-scale bandit suppression subsided. Now, although it can't be called rich, it is at least stable.

Life in the village is as usual. The old man is playing leaf cards leisurely under the shade of the trees, the children are chasing and playing in the fields, and the women are sitting around the stream, washing clothes and chatting about home affairs.

However, under this calmness, there is also an undercurrent that is about to surge.

The caravan disguised as a caravan stopped here. At the entrance of the village, there was a tea shop set up by the villagers. Not only did they sell a big fat pot of herbal tea for a penny, but they also sold some food such as steamed buns and noodles.

"Ten bowls of pan noodles."

Ban Mian, as the name suggests, is noodles smashed on a chopping board. This kind of noodles is particularly chewy and has been around since the Han Dynasty. The Huanghuai generation especially liked it. If you go further north to Shandong, you will eat more steamed buns.

The noodles arrived quickly. There wasn't much seasoning, and it couldn't be said to be very delicious, but Jiang Xinghuo, who had been on the road for half a day, enjoyed the noodles.

"How do you eat this?"

Jiang Xinghuo asked, looking at Zhu Youyou who was squatting on a bench with garlic and eating a bowl of noodles.

"I don't understand this."


Zhu Youyi didn't lower his voice, and the tea stall owner also heard it and trembled in fright, pretending that he didn't hear anything.

After all, although Lao Zhu died eight years ago, it is difficult for his residual influence to dissipate completely. It is not uncommon for him to be sent to prison for a single word.

But Zhu Youyi is not afraid of this. This treacherous son can even report his father, so why is he afraid of his grandfather who is already buried?

Anyway, when they were studying in Dabentang, Zhu Youxu and Zhu Gaoxu were both hung up and beaten by Lao Zhu.

Now that his grandfather is gone, and he can't crawl out from the Xiaoling Tomb in Zhongshan to beat him, Zhu Youyi is naturally able to bury him.

As for whether Lao Zhu has this habit, Jiang Xinghuo really doesn't know.

But since Zhu Youyi said it so vividly, especially when he slurped the noodles and made a loud noise, Jiang Xinghuo was inclined not to believe it. Maybe there was a rebellious kid behind his head who was blackmailing Lao Zhu.

Jiang Xinghuo didn't like to eat garlic with noodles, but took a few salted duck eggs from the basket placed by the stall owner and distributed them to Cao Song, Huikong, Wang Bin and others.

“Gaoyou Prefecture’s salted duck eggs are famous far and wide, try them.”

Jiang Xinghuo knocked one and put it into the noodles. It was double yellow.

"The albumen jade has an egg yolk like agate, red and white, and the walls are connected with beads. It is truly a treasure in the world."

Zhu Youyi was almost done eating when he suddenly asked: "By the way, Huikong, can you eat duck eggs?"

Huikong's chopsticks paused in mid-air, and after thinking for a moment, he asked, "Why can't you eat it?"

Zhu Youhuo lowered his voice: "When I went to sea last time, I met many monks in South Tianzhu. They didn't eat eggs, and they didn't even eat duck eggs. I asked them why, and they said that in the Tripitaka There is a saying: All eggs that are born are inedible, because they all have children.”

Yao Guangxiao was not a serious monk, and neither was Huikong.

"We Chinese monks could still eat meat before Xiao Yan, Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty in the Southern Dynasty, promulgated the "Essay on Prohibition of Wine and Meat". What's the point of eating a duck egg? What's more, there is no duck in the duck egg." Huikong said confidently.

After all, take a bite of a double-yolked egg.

There was a young man next to him who was salivating when he saw them eating happily. Jiang Xinghuo threw a duck egg to him.


The young man had dark skin, was lean and strong, and had muscles on his arms. He grinned and said something auspicious.

"Thank you, noble man. Everything goes well, noble man!"

But Jiang Xinghuo's duck eggs were obviously not for free.

"Where is my little brother from?"

"From Sanduo Town in the southwest." The young man said while eating noodles.

"You look like this, did you just finish your work?"

"Yes, I just came back from filling the lake in the west a while ago. What, is the noble caravan missing a guide?"

The young man is very smart. One look at Jiang Xinghuo's clothes and he knows that he is not a pure businessman. It is difficult to hide his elegant temperament.

"No need, just chat."

Seeing that he was very alert, Jiang Xinghuo laughed and made some random remarks.

That is to say, the construction site manager does not care about food, beatings or scolding, etc.

The results obtained were pretty good. During the flood control and dam construction, the hired laborers were not deprived of basic food, but they were still beaten and scolded. However, it is said that there were very few serious injuries. In short, compared with before, There is still progress.

After eating, Jiang Xinghuo went to the entrance of the village again. After enduring the strange looks and whispers of the aunts, he started talking to a passing old man who was picking dung.

"My father-in-law, how is the imperial government's recruitment situation for flood control this year?"

The old man put down his burden, looked at Jiang Xinghuo, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said with a smile: "Are you the censor of Jianhe? To be honest, your colleagues have been here several times."

Jiang Xinghuo: "."

Jiang Xinghuo finally understood why everything he encountered when he came here seemed a bit weird.

Co-author Xunhe Censor has visited this place several times!

But this is not surprising. This place directly belongs to Gaoyou Prefecture and is a supply point along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. There are lakes on the left and right. It would be strange if the river patrol censor did not come.

But the old man was still very happy and said: "To be honest, when I heard that manpower was going to be recruited, the people in the village were a little worried, fearing that there would be some corvee like before. But later I heard that the imperial court not only paid wages, but also took care of food. , everyone is very happy. Once the dam is built, the river will no longer flood, and our crops will be guaranteed, which is a great thing for the benefit of the country and the people."

Jiang Xinghuo asked again despite the strange looks from the aunts, and the responses were basically the same, but it didn't seem like they had a unified tone, but more like the real situation.

The management of the Yellow River from the Huai River to the sea is not a day's work. It requires a concerted effort to succeed. Now it seems that the people are not stupid.

Where did the word "Huanghuai" come from in the Huanghuai Chief Envoy Department? The fact is that the people of the Huanghuai River were more or less troubled by river flooding, and the imperial government's water control policy was very popular among the people. Overall, the construction of the dams was going quite smoothly, at least the dams along the way. Jiang Xinghuo had already checked it out, and there was nothing wrong with the quality.

At this moment, a group of tax collectors also came to the village. These tax collectors who were later trained did not know Jiang Xinghuo and his party. They just followed the requirements of the New Deal and went door to door to inform them of the current tax policy adjustments, especially the progressive household registration tax. , separate notary taxes and the gentry's unified payment of grain.

For a while, the village was filled with knocks and conversations.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Xinghuo went to the fields again to inquire about the situation of clearing the fields here, and the results he obtained were similar. Because there were not many big landowners here, the clearing of the fields went smoothly last year, and the officials enforced the law impartially.

Afterwards, Jiang Xinghuo stood aside quietly, observing everything.

It's not yet time to collect summer taxes, and tax collectors go to the countryside to promote tax policies. What they promote is the content of local taxes, not the summer and autumn agricultural taxes. The local tax system established by Jiang Xinghuo is currently mainly based on the household registration progressive tax and the family separation notary tax. A variation of the poll tax, it created financial resources for local governments and further divided local officials and gentry.

From the perspective of the central government, collusion between local officials and gentry is extremely harmful, and the worse the relationship between the two, the easier it is for the central government to control the implementation of local policies.

Since these two taxes are directly related to the vital interests of the gentry, according to the requirements of the New Deal, every household must pay progressive taxes according to the number of household registrations, and family separation requires notarization and payment of a large tax, so this is important for For local landowners who are already searching for money, this situation is undoubtedly worsening.

However, although the landowners are dissatisfied, they also know that resisting taxes and not paying them is absolutely impossible. They can only hope that the state government can be considerate of the people's sentiments and make some adjustments to local tax policies.

However, it is obviously difficult for the state government to change these new policies, especially for the chief envoys in Huanghuai, Zhejiang, and Jiangxi, which are close to the center of southern Zhili.

Furthermore, even if they have the ability, the local government will not change it, because this variant of the poll tax is a long-term business. As long as there are people in this place, it can continue to be collected, supplementing the local and state government's financial resources for expenditures. Why bother? Not for?

Later, the tax collectors notified the gentry of paying grain as one body.

The same points Jiang Xinghuo mentioned.

"It is strictly forbidden for unscrupulous gentry to collect money and grain from others and to take the lead in resisting grain; it is strictly forbidden for officials and gentry to collude in lawsuits; it is strictly forbidden for students to supervise students, and it is strictly forbidden for students to strike exams and schools."

At present, the issue of the unified payment of grain by the gentry, as well as the establishment of two lists of "illegal gentry" and "illegal members", have been piloted in South Zhili. The Huanghuai Chief Envoy in the north of the Yangtze River has not yet carried out the pilot. Taxmen It is just to publicize and implement the policy in advance so that the people and gentry can prepare their psychological expectations.

In fact, this is also Jiang Xinghuo's little trick in management.

For example, the Qingli New Deal and Wang Anshi's reform were both carried out in a turbulent manner. Today, the New Deal decision was made in Kaifeng, and tomorrow it will be implemented throughout the Song Dynasty. Not only is there a lack of pilot projects, but there is also a lack of information to pave the way.

It looks like he is acting vigorously and resolutely, but in fact, underneath he often looks confused or bewildered, without any mental preparation at all.

But Jiang Xinghuo is not like this.

What Jiang Xinghuo wants to do, all policies are first piloted in a certain prefecture in North and South Zhili, and then fine-tuned based on the pilot experience. The fine-tuned policies are promoted to North and South Zhili and tested again. They are not promoted until they are confirmed to be correct. To the whole country.

Moreover, before any local-related policies are announced, they will be publicized in writing and orally through Ming Pao or the Tax Guard in advance, so that local people must be mentally prepared.

But no matter what, the scene of the New Deal in this small Zhangjiagou is quite interesting.

The propaganda of the tax collectors, the common people's affairs, and the helplessness of the gentry and landlords. These situations were all seen by Jiang Xinghuo.

Each class has its own interests. Jiang Xinghuo holds the knife to cut interests in his hand, so he naturally has his own considerations.

The implementation of the New Deal is for the country's long-term plan, but as a policy maker, he also understands that the implementation of policies needs to take into account the actual situation of the people.

At present, the implementation of the two tax types of local taxes is still being piloted in several chief ministers and bureaus in and around South Zhili. How to determine the specific tax rate will need to be determined after two years of pilot testing, based on the feedback and feedback from each chief marshal’s bureau. Depending on the actual investigation, Jiang Xinghuo also decided to think carefully and see how to find a balance between the new policies and public sentiment.

After all, except for the gentry in Jiangnan and Jiangxi who belong to a unique class due to their financial resources and temple influence, the gentry in other places, especially the gentry in the north, is actually not exaggerated in the proportion of land they hold. In other words, the gentry in the north is not called There is no way that the gentry can be called only landlords. Since the Jingkang Incident, whether it was the Jin people who divided the land or the Han nobles in the Yuan Dynasty, they all relied on force to actually eliminate the monopoly that could form the Jiangnan gentry. The gentry class with the right to speak.

By the time of the Ming Dynasty, more than thirty years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the situation in the north was still the same.

The most intuitive example is that those who supported King Zhu Di of Yan in the Battle of Jingnan were all small and medium-sized landowners and farmers in the north. Many of them even paid for their own swords and bows to join the Yan army.

Why? In addition to the fierce folk customs, since the Jingkang disaster, the barbarism in the north has become so serious that the landowners have little interest in farming and studying honestly, and passing on the land wealth through farming, studying and passing down the family.

——How can robbery happen faster in farming?

You just farm, I just sharpen the knife.

Therefore, the people in the north lack sufficient landlords, or there is not much "gentry culture" in the north. Of course, since it is an agricultural society, there cannot be no landlords. It is just that the people lack it, and the military aristocrats actually It still occupies a large amount of land.

However, the military aristocrats are very wealthy, and their main source of wealth has come from robbery in the past few years. Therefore, they currently don’t care about the household registration progressive tax and family division notarization tax, and it is impossible to oppose the New Deal because of this trivial matter.

Those who really voiced opposition were the gentry in Jiangnan, Zhejiang, and Jiangxi.

Along the way, Jiang Xinghuo saw countless villages like Zhangjiagou. He continued to go north, to Huailou Town, Baoying, Qingjiangpu, Matou Town, Suqian, Xin'an, Xuzhou, Peixian, and all the way to Jimingtai. He left the territory of the Huanghuai Chief Envoys Division and arrived at the Shandong Chief Envoys Division.

Jiang Xinghuo met Song Li at the former Hedao Prime Minister's Office in Jining Prefecture, Yanzhou Prefecture.

After not seeing each other for more than a year, the other party has become so dark and thin, as if his whole body has been eroded by the sedimentary sand of the Yellow River.

Song Li's face was already thin and out of shape, but his eyes were really bright.

Jiang Xinghuo couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This official fan had really worked hard since he became the governor of the river. In order to control the Yellow River, he ran on the river embankment day and night, fighting against the wind and sand, and fighting against the floods. In exchange for today’s achievements of completely cleaning up the Huaihe River Basin.

If nothing else, this persistence and tenacity are really admirable.

"Thank you for your hard work, Ben." Jiang Xinghuo spoke first, breaking the silence.

Song Li smiled slightly and shook his head: "In a big way, it's for the country and the people, but in a small way, it's for myself. How can we talk about hard work? But the national teacher is already busy, and this time he has come all the way here, which is really true. Not easy."

Song Li knew why Jiang Xinghuo went north.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and neither of them mentioned what they had been thinking when they first met at the war battle.

Now, Song Li relied on his ability as a technocrat to have half-stepped into the throne of minister, and was only half a step away from the position of supreme minister. He devoted his whole heart and soul to the management of the Yellow River, but he had no distracting thoughts.

Jiang Xinghuo is also a pragmatic person. He carefully looked at the drawings of the current Yellow River management situation for a long time, and only thought of four words - the road is difficult and long.

The problem of the Yellow River is a centuries-old legacy of the Song, Jin, and Yuan Dynasties. It has countless old ways and is so wanton that it cannot be sorted out in a short time.

"As I have been going along, I have found that the Huaihe River Basin has been managed very well. The headless lakes in the Yellow River Flood Area have been filled in. Dams have been built where dams should be built. The clear water of the Huaihe River and the turbid water of the Yellow River have been separated. The Yellow River and the Huaihe River are not It’s not easy to figure it out.”

Along the way north, Jiang Xinghuo saw a lot and asked a lot, but almost no one intervened.

Because he knew very well that many things did not require him to do it himself. For example, Song Li had worked hard for a year to manage the Yellow River. The engineering was difficult, the communication was complicated, and the earth embankment of more than 100,000 feet. Where was he? How can I give instructions in a rhetorical manner after just looking at the drawings a few times?

Setting up a system and selecting the right people is like selecting seeds and soil and cultivating the seeds.

People who grow flowers only need to take good care of them and wait for them to bloom and bear fruit. This is the right path, instead of pruning branches today and plowing the soil tomorrow, which looks like they have done a lot, but in fact it is all in vain.

"Seizing the Huai River and diverting it into the sea is actually a centuries-old disadvantage. Wanting to correct the Yellow River back to its original course in Henan and Shandong is really lacking in confidence. The Yellow River is unruly and difficult to control."

Song Li's words, which were a bit complaining, could only be told to Jiang Xinghuo.

Song Li has faced extremely complex difficulties for more than a year and nearly two years.

First of all, the sediment problem in the Yellow River is the most difficult to control. The water of the Yellow River surges down from the middle reaches, carrying a huge amount of sediment. This sediment not only blocks the river channel, but also silts all the tributaries and even the original Huaihe River system. The riverbed continues to rise, threatening the safety of people on both sides.

Secondly, the water volume of the Yellow River is unpredictable. Sometimes it floods to the sky, and sometimes it dries up and bottoms out. This extreme change in water regime also brings great uncertainty to the project of adjusting the Yellow River's flow from the Huaihe River to the sea. The time for water control is based on years. Calculate, and there are flood and dry periods every year. During the flood period, Song Li needs to ensure that the new dykes and the old ones can withstand the impact of floods; and during the dry period, he has to consider how to allocate water sources to ensure that the river channel The basic flow rate will prevent the people of Huanghuai from having no water to irrigate their fields.

In addition, the geography of the Huanghuai River Basin is really complex and changeable, which brings great troubles to the location and construction of dams.

Of course, the most important thing is that the court does not have sufficient funds.

Managing the Yellow River requires a lot of manpower, material and financial support. However, the financial situation of the imperial court is not optimistic. Although the income has skyrocketed, the expenditure has also skyrocketed. The project of managing the Yellow River is very important, but it is not important enough to obtain an unlimited budget, so Every step must be taken to save costs while ensuring quality.

Who could Song Li tell these difficulties?

He is the governor of the river and canal. He is also in charge of the river prime minister's office and the canal transportation governor's office. Not only is he extremely busy with water control projects, but he also has to coordinate personnel. This backbone really cannot show timidity at all, because if he shows no confidence, then I'm afraid those who follow the management of the Yellow River will be completely panicked and there is no need to continue working.

Jiang Xinghuo knew that Song Li was not asking for answers, but for confidence, but he still thought about it and gave the other party some suggestions that he came up with after thinking about it.

Jiang Xinghuo pondered for a moment and then said slowly: "The Yellow River is full of mud and sand. There is too much sediment. Only by confining water to attack it can we keep the river smooth. This is the foundation of river management. However, this method needs to be adapted to local conditions. We cannot generalize that the Yellow River has too much sediment. It flows in the form of subsurface currents, especially for sediment, and its transportation process is extremely calm. In the middle reaches of the Yellow River, there is often a clear layer, under which the sediment particles are dynamically combined, in the shape of bundles or spindles, almost tightly It flows close to the bottom of the river bed.”

"What does the Imperial Master mean?"

"Each stage has its own method. There is no distinction between controlling the Yellow River and the Huaihe River. To control the Yellow River to seize the Huaihe River and flow into the sea, you must use the method of condensing water and attacking the sand. But if you reach the border of Shandong and want to return the Yellow River to its old course, you might as well spend time clearing the old course first. Then build cement embankments at key locations, and then change the term "water-restraining sand-restraining" to "water-restraining-returning trough". I came up with it on the way here, and it may not be an appropriate description."

Song Li didn't think about it for a while: "Shui Shui and return to the trough?"


Jiang Xinghuo drew a schematic diagram to Song Li: "Since we have reinforced concrete and the old Yellow River road is now empty, we can clean up the silt first to make the river bottom flat, and then build cement dams on both sides and wait for the cement in the open state. It is easy to dry. It is much more convenient than using cement embankments in the Huaihe River Basin, which requires first separating the river water with earth embankments and then building cement embankments. The overall regulations are the same as the "four embankments", but because the cement embankments will not be separated from the earth and rock. The embankment is also penetrated by the Yellow River water, so floods and sediment can be allowed to enter the wide beach between the levee and the remote embankment. As long as the terrain of the beach is low, the sediment will pour in and be deposited inside, where it will be cleared after the flood peak recedes. Just silt it out.”

"I see!"

Song Li said: "The water in the Yellow River is turbid because of the sediment and sediment, so no matter how clean the river bottom is and how strong the embankments are, as time goes by, sediment will still accumulate on the bottom of the river, and then continue to form an elevated above-ground river. "

"The main course of the Yellow River is very affected by the rainy season, and has the characteristics of sudden rise and fall of floods. In this way, using cement embankments to alternate the centers of gravity of the main embankments and remote embankments can have the effect of additional siltation and embankment consolidation, which is equivalent to When the flood comes, it is diverted to both sides. After the flood peak passes, the floodwater on the beach will inevitably return to the river channel, and the silt left on the beach can be dug out. Although it cannot completely change the sedimentation of the Yellow River, it can certainly have a considerable effect. Effect."

Jiang Xinghuo nodded in agreement: "That's what I mean. To control the spread of the Yellow River's tributaries and divert the Huaihe River into the sea, it is best to use water to attack the sand. But for the main Yellow River, it is better to control the water and return it to the trough."

The two of them started talking about the source of the Yellow River, and continued to talk about which old channel to enter the sea. They discussed the direction of the river, the construction of dams, the sedimentation of sediment...everything. No detail is spared.

The discussions between the two were sometimes intense and sometimes peaceful, but they always centered on the core issue of how to manage the Yellow River.

The management of the Yellow River is a major matter involving nearly 10 million people in Henan, Hebei, Shandong, and Huanghuai. If the Yellow River is not managed well, it will be difficult for northern agriculture to develop well.

A peck and a drink, could it be a predestined decision.

In fact, Jiang Xinghuo had already made up his mind as early as when he was imitating the Yuan Dynasty in prison.

No matter how much money he spent, no matter how much time he devoted, he had to clean up the mess left by the Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties.

In this way, the north and the south can develop together, and there is no risk of the Ming Dynasty being torn apart.

Time passed unconsciously, and the sun was setting in the blink of an eye, but both of them seemed to have forgotten the existence of time and were still immersed in the heated discussion.

It wasn't until Wang Bin couldn't bear to report that dinner was ready that Jiang Xinghuo and Song Li stopped their discussion as if they had just woken up from a dream.

Jiang Xinghuo looked at Song Li's face that had become dark and thin, and he was full of confidence. With such an official dedicated to river management taking full authority to handle this matter, the Yellow River management plan would be successful.

Departing from Jining Prefecture, he went north to visit the battlefield site of the Battle of Dongchang. Then Jiang Xinghuo turned around and headed west to Kaifeng to meet Zhou Wang Zhu Zhu. Zhu Youyi coyly called out "Dad, Zhou Wang Zhu Zhu" He looked at his son, who had been sunburned like a monkey after drifting at sea for several years, and kicked him out. However, I heard that Zhu Ru secretly wiped his tears afterwards.

King Zhu Zhu of Zhou was good at growing herbal medicines. Not only did most of the royal palace become a traditional Chinese medicine breeding farm, the fields outside were also full of them. His experience in concentrated cultivation of various herbal medicines was basically summarized.

Zhou Wang Zhu Ru has been interested in medicine since he was young. Before that, he had completed the compilation of "Baosheng Yulu" and "Pocket Prescriptions". The latter is something similar to the "Guide to Common Chinese Herbal Medicines for Household Use", which can be said to be The categories of prescriptions are clear and easy to use. After reading it, Jiang Xinghuo felt like he had found a treasure and immediately decided to use this to print it for free and distribute it to doctors to improve the medical level of the entire Ming Dynasty countryside.

The big project Zhu Ji is currently undertaking is to organize a group of specialized doctors and scholars in Kaifeng, including Liu Chun, Teng Shuo, Li Heng, Qu You and others, to compile a major medical summary, that is, "Puji Fang".

The big project of "Puji Prescriptions" has been basically completed. It has hundreds of categories including general theory of prescriptions, luck, viscera, body shape, diseases, women's conditions, infants, acupuncture, herbal medicine, etc., and contains more than 60,000 prescriptions. and more than two hundred drawings.

That's not all. Zhu Ju recruited a group of painters and farmers to record the entire growth process of the medicines and some common plants in his traditional Chinese medicine farm, which is called "Herbal for Famine Rescue". Now it has recorded more than 400 records. plants and medicines, and unlike traditional herbal books, Zhu's descriptions come from direct observation, without cumbersome descriptions. He only uses concise and popular language to describe plant forms, etc., and describes a plant with an illustration. , the combination of pictures and text is quite compact.

With this thing, Jiang Xinghuo's dream of centralized cultivation of Chinese herbal medicines to reduce the cost of medicines for the people is really possible.

With gratitude to Zhou Wang Zhu Ju, Jiang Xinghuo promised that all of Zhu Ju's works, "Remaining Records of Preserving Life", "Pocket Prescriptions", "Puji Prescriptions" and "Herbal Medicine for Famine Relief" will be included in the "Yongle Dadian/" without any changes in full text. These books in the "Encyclopedia of the Ming Dynasty" and bearing Zhu Ju's name will become the standard reference books for the Ming Dynasty's medical breeding, doctors' guidance on prescriptions, and common people's household medicines.

But unexpectedly, Zhu Xi was not very interested in leaving his name. He only asked for the signatures of everyone involved.

In fact, in this world, except for being an emperor, Zhu Ju has almost everything he can have, and he is different from his brothers. He is a person full of high-level interests - promoting medical skills to save lives and heal the wounded. That's what interests him the most.

As he traveled north to realize this, Jiang Xinghuo finally arrived in Beijing, a city he had never been to in this life, in the midsummer of the fourth year of Yongle.

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