After typing the words "Complete the book", I sat in a chair in a daze for a long time.

From January 4, 2023 to January 31, 2024, a whole year, 3 million words.

To be honest, even now when I am writing my reflections, I feel quite mixed. I feel relieved to have finished the book, but also sad to say goodbye to this story.

But in any case, I would like to express my most sincere thanks to you, my dear book friends.

Thank you to every book friend who subscribed, voted, and gave rewards. Thank you. It is your love and dedication that have brought the book "The Imperial Master of the Ming Dynasty" to such a high level, which I never dared to dream of before. high.

——Before "The Master of the Ming Dynasty" exceeded 70,000 average subscriptions on June 9, 2023, there were no works in the historical genre with more than 70,000 average subscriptions.

It is the subscriptions of book lovers with real money that have supported "The Master of the Ming Dynasty" to break and continuously create new performance ceilings for historical works during the serialization period.

And at the end of the year, being able to be selected as the 2023 historical masterpiece of China Literature Group and the TOP 100 online literature writers in 2023 is also a great affirmation of the work "The Master of the Ming Dynasty" and myself. I think it is very Something honorable and proud of.


Back to the story itself.

In terms of story structure, "The Master of the Ming Dynasty" is a very complete story. The main storyline is the process of teaching the dragon slaying technique, using the dragon slaying technique to transform, and finally slaying the dragon.

The first volume [The First Spark] and the second volume [Lectures in Prison] are about the art of slaying dragons and how to reform.

The third volume [National Master Prays for Rain] and the fourth volume [Jiangnan Calming Rebellion] are to break the resistance to the reform and sharpen the dragon-slaying knife.

Volume 5 [The Debate between the Old and New] and Volume 6 [Industrial Revolution] promote reform and practice the art of slaying the dragon from both the ideological and practical aspects.

The seventh volume [Yongle sweeps the north] and the eighth volume [The Sun and the Moon Never Set] are about the reform that turned history into a new direction and finally slayed the dragon.

Volumes 1 and 2 are certainly the most exciting from the perspective of some readers, but from the overall structure, they are just a warm-up introduction.

The tone of the story also determines that the relaxed joy at the beginning is unsustainable, and becomes more and more depressing as it goes on.

But this is also the core of the story I want to express, that is, slaying a dragon is not something that can be accomplished by giving lectures. This is bound to be accompanied by a lot of lengthy temple battles, ideological debates, and the deduction of the progress of civilization.

However, there are so many book friends who have continued to subscribe. I am really lucky to be able to accept this kind of writing.

I took a look at the best-seller list. It was not updated yesterday. It is now at 35th place. It is probably more than 20th place when it is updated normally.

In fact, when I decided to finish the book, many friends tried to persuade me not to finish it.

A work of 3 million words is still in the top 20 or 30 bestseller lists every day. From the author's point of view, it is most likely that he is reluctant to finish it, because every extra month of writing will make him a lot more money.

But for me, it is not difficult to continue writing.

If I were asked to write in detail the process of Ming Dynasty conquering every country in the world, and to deduce the story of this era in detail, I believe that there would be no problem in writing 4 million words.

But I personally feel that this is enough of the story.

Continuing to write endlessly not only consumes my own creative enthusiasm, but also destroys the work.

This book is more than just "a story" to me. From a personal point of view, I am unwilling to continue to write 4 million words or more in a "hydrological" way to ruin the work that I have devoted so much effort to. I don’t even want to live my life resting on the merits of this book.

So, thank you for tolerating my willfulness!

Thanks to my editor-in-chief Qingzhou, editor-in-chief Ruili, and editor-in-chief An Yi!

Special thanks to the sponsor, Brother Nuanyang, for supporting me!


About the next book.

I planned to write a story about Zhu Yuanzhang's period. It is a big regret that this book does not write about Zhu Yuanzhang. I believe you can also see this in Xiao Jiang's words.

As for the new book, it should be available to everyone soon. When the new book is released, individual chapter notifications will be issued in this book, so book friends are asked to continue to keep "The Master of the Ming Dynasty" on their bookshelves.

Finally, I would like to thank every book friend again for your companionship and support.

I sincerely wish you all the best!

It rained in West Lake on the evening of January 31, 2024.

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