Imperial Overlord

: Nine hundred and sixty-eight 1 until death

The outer wall of the First Hospital was already covered with mottled bullet holes. After only two hours, the infantry regiment attacked by the German army advanced to the vicinity of the First Hospital.

Under the consumption of the SS Foreign Corps, the Soviet losses increased instantly, and then the entire line of defense collapsed because the ammunition was exhausted.

"Grenade every wounded! Let them kill the Germans as much as possible! This is the order above and must be implemented!" An officer ordered his subordinates in the basement of the First Hospital.

His order made all the grassroots commanders stunned for a while, and let the wounded commit suicide with a grenade. This order was indeed a bit excessive.

But in the current situation, it seems that there is nothing worth holding on. The entire line of defense has been riddled with holes, and it is impossible to hold on without some extreme methods.

In other words, even with this extreme method, they can no longer hold on. Every soldier here is very tenacious, but it is not as tenacious as the steel of the other side.

"Let the soldiers who can fight shrink their positions! Set up new defensive positions near the hospital and the bridgehead! The speed must be fast! The German attack is faster than our preparations!" The commander then issued a more normal order. .

More than 3,000 Soviet troops were compressed within the narrow defense line of the Xietong River. The situation here was very critical, and it was easy to be partially surrounded by a certain defense line being penetrated.

"The German self-propelled anti-aircraft gun is our biggest enemy, and that thing is even more desperate than the assault gun." An officer wrapped a bandage on his head and complained: "We need anti-tank weapons..."

The anti-tank weapons of the Soviet army are not absent, but they have all been transferred to the area on the other side of the Xietong River.

Because these anti-tank artillery pieces are treasures, the Soviet army cannot afford to lose them, so they can only give priority to withdrawing these weapons and equipment from the battle.

As a result, the current situation has resulted in the fact that the position has not been lost, or has not been completely lost, and the heavy weapons have been moved away first.

"There are no heavy anti-tank weapons! All the troops are gone! You can only rely on Molotov cocktails or grenades to solve the problem!" The officer replied coldly: "It was also arranged like this before, wasn't it?"

The officer moved his Adam's apple, but finally closed his mouth and did not speak: he really wanted to say that he had more than 1,500 soldiers in his hand before, but now there are only more than 400 left, not because of the result of anti-tank grenade Did you lose a lot?

Before there were many people, it was okay to lose some. Now everyone is very precious. If you lose soldiers for useless reasons, your position may not be able to hold...

"According to previous orders, if the battle has reached this point, it should be allowed to retreat..." Another Soviet commander asked, "Did the people above forget us?"

The leading Soviet general sneered in his heart. Of course, the people above will not forget them silently, just because this time, the people above are not allowed to retreat...

Losing the First Hospital was a situation that Khrushchev was unwilling to accept. So the death order he gave Konev was to stick to the First Hospital at any cost.

The reason for this order is actually quite understandable. After all, even if other blocks are lost, they may be recaptured by launching a counterattack, but this triangular area alone cannot be recaptured no matter what.

Once the German troops have arranged a line of defense along the river, it means that this area has completely become a bridgehead for the German army's security, and the German army can use it to expand its control area to the surrounding area.

Even if the Soviet army fought back, they could only hit the river at most, and there was no possibility of attacking.

"Retreat is not allowed, we can only be here and fight for the motherland to the end." The leading commander said: "I, like you, can only stand here until the Germans hit me outside the door. …”

As he spoke, he held down the pistol on his waist, and continued firmly: "I will use this pistol to end my life! Tell all the soldiers, I am just like them!"

Outside the fence, a Soviet soldier stuck his head out and saw a German tank that was crashing into the low wall beside the ruins across the street.

It was a No. 4 tank with thickened armor. The slender 75mm caliber tank gun pointed in the direction of the Soviet army, giving it a dazzling feeling.

Before he could retract his head, the soldier was hit by a German bullet and fell to the ground on his back.

The Soviet soldiers around him tried to help him up, only to find that there was a hole in his helmet, and blood had filled the entire interior of the helmet.

Another Soviet soldier had no choice but to stick out his head to look again. This time he was smarter, and he shrank back in a split opened his mouth to report to the officers around him: "A lot of German soldiers, there are tanks..."

Behind the outer wall of the hospital, there is an anti-slope that the Soviet soldiers piled up with mud and various things.

On this reverse slope, the Soviets established a defensive position. Originally, they planned to spend all their efforts on building this line of defense, but the time was obviously too late.

The hastily formed line of defense could not withstand the German attack at all. The German rocket launchers and the grenades fired directly from the tank guns quickly collapsed the outer wall of the hospital.

The Soviet troops behind suffered heavy losses, but they were helpless with the well-equipped German soldiers. They could only stand helplessly behind the remaining courtyard walls, waiting for the next German attack.

"!" Through a gap in the wall, a Soviet soldier shot a bullet, and he didn't care to see if he hit the target, so he quickly retracted from the gap.

Just behind him, a mortar shell fell, sending the Soviet soldier and the surrounding people flying out.

Shrapnel swept through every corner like a storm, and before the explosion subsided, the second mortar shell fell.

The Soviet army reserves in the main building of the hospital were pulled out and began to fill in various loopholes in the defense line.

The German army on the opposite side has not yet started to attack, and the Soviet army here has lost more than 100 people. And such battles are going on almost everywhere around Moscow.

"Comrade Konev... My line of defense has collapsed... In an hour at most, this place will be occupied by the Germans." Holding the phone, the Soviet commander told the microphone with a crying voice: "I will stick to it. Here, until death! Long live the Soviets!"

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