Imperial Overlord

: 1070 Solomon Islands Naval Battle

Just as fighter jets were taking off from the U.S. airfield in the Solomon Islands to cover Spruance's Second Fleet, another telegram arrived.

The telegram made the officers in the telegraph room wide-eyed, and then hurriedly ran out of the telegraph room at the fastest speed and rushed to the ground command and dispatch room.

"The attack plane of the First Fleet flew to the Japanese fleet! The attack plane of the First Fleet flew to the Japanese fleet!" He rushed into the dispatch room and shouted loudly.

"What? The attack plane of the First Fleet took off? Hell!" Hearing the news, the general who had ordered the **** fighter jets to take off complained in despair.

Now, the airfields on the island are in a mess, the fighter jets that were supposed to perform air defense missions over the Solomon Islands are running out of fuel, and fighter jets on the ground are preparing to take off.

The already busy airport is now even more crowded. Exactly how to arrange these planes has become a difficult problem for American commanders.

"Let the fighter jets on the ground take off at the fastest speed! Fast!" Finally, the American commander, who gritted his teeth, gave the order loudly.

The fighters in the sky can still hold on for a few minutes, and use this time difference to take off the fighters on the ground first.

Then, at the risk of being raided by Japanese bombers, the patrol fighters that ran out of fuel in the sky were taken back, and **** fighters were launched to the Japanese fleet to provide **** for the attack aircraft formation of their own fleet.

Finally, after these planes took off, fighter jets for Solomon Islands air defense took off.

"The Japanese should not have enough troops to launch two attacks at the same time. They are attacking General Spruance's fleet, so it is impossible to trouble our Solomon Islands airport again!" The commander said firmly.

Now that he has made up his mind, everything begins to be executed in an orderly manner. The fighter jets on the ground began to take off frantically, and then they flew out of the airport airspace without even forming a formation.

Next, the fuel-depleted P-40 fighter jets flying in the sky began to descend, occupy the airport runway, and began to land for refueling.

On the tarmac full of planes on the other side, the American ground crew was desperately trying to debug the machine for the fighter.

These standby P-40s will soon take off to cover a carrier-based attack from the Navy's First Fleet. It's a pity that they have to wait and wait for the airport runway to be vacated before they can take off and participate in the battle.

On the other side, General Halsey stood on his flagship Sangamon and gave the order to take off the second batch of attack aircraft.

Halsey knows that even if he has 4 aircraft carriers, even if the Japanese Navy's carrier-based aircraft have been almost consumed, he still has no advantage at all.

If the Japanese fleet came to its senses and found that there were U.S. aircraft carriers nearby, his fleet would not necessarily be able to win against the Japanese fleet.

Therefore, the preemptive attack is the key for him to save himself! He had to defeat the Japanese fleet once to win this naval battle.

Just as the Japanese high-level officials did not know that the United States had aircraft carriers participating in the war, the American high-level officials could not judge the strength of Japan's participating troops.

According to Nimitz's inference, the Japanese army is likely to gather around 10 battleships in the Solomon Islands.

In this way, if the air forces were tied and the Japanese fleet broke into Solomon, Halsey's three fleets would still be defeated.

"Let the second batch of carrier-based attack aircraft take off! Then let the rest of the fighter jets take off! If the attack doesn't work, then we are passive!" Halsey broke the boat and took out all his attack power and defense. strength.

Halsey's nickname, Bull, proved that he was a stubborn and powerful commander. The things he decides, ordinary people can't change.

Now, the bull showed its sharp horns, ready to smash into the distant target that didn't know the danger was approaching.

At the same time, on the battleship Nagato, the flagship of the Japanese fleet, Yamamoto felt an unprecedented pressure.

He is waiting for news of his first batch of attack aircraft, and he hopes his first attack will work.

As long as he can sink or seriously damage the American battleships, he can let the battleships under the 2nd Squadron rush to kill the opponent's southern fleet.

Then, the main aviation fleet and its direct fleet can cover the transport fleet and the landing fleet, and immediately retreat out of danger.

"How much time is left for the attack aircraft to reach the target?" Rarely, he asked the officer beside him nervously with his hands behind his back.

As the commander-in-chief of the Japanese Combined Fleet, Yamamoto Fifty-Six has always been calm and composed, giving his subordinates a sense of strategizing.

At this time, only he knew that he was already nervous, and he strongly hoped that he could get the battle situation on the front line as soon as possible.

"Your Excellency Marshal! In a few minutes, they will be able to carry out the first round of attacks on the target!" The officer in charge of liaison reported with his head down.

Yamamoto fifty-six nodded, looked at the direction in which his attack aircraft troop was flying, and then ordered: "Let Nagumo turn to the north and prepare to leave the battlefield! Take off the second batch of attack aircraft troop..."

Protecting the aviation fleet behind his own fleet is what Yamamoto is most concerned about. In the last few island attacks, as a direct commander, he has thoroughly understood the importance of carrier-based aircraft.

If there is no large-scale carrier-based aircraft in the future, whether it is to defend the island or attack the island, it will fall into a comprehensive passive.

Therefore, the Japanese Navy must have as many carrier-based aircraft as possible, as well as large aircraft carriers to carry these carrier-based aircraft.

"Hi!" The officer in front of him stood at attention and bowed his head, turning to pass on the new order of the marshal. Soon, the Japanese Navy's second batch of attack aircraft began to be sent to the deck to prepare for takeoff.

Nagumo Chuichi also felt that it was too dangerous for his fleet to stay in place. After all, the American fighter jet that had just shot down and followed his carrier aircraft would definitely report the location of his fleet.

These American fighter jets were not afraid of death, and they didn't even intend to return. They didn't leave until they ran out of fuel. It was obviously a tactic that they had already prepared to die together.

But don't make the mistake of thinking that the U.S. military is all greedy for life and fear of death. In fact, even after World War II, the U.S. military's nuclear strike plan has a one-way bombing death squad that "goes without return".

"Shift north! Let the Zero fighters in the sky pay attention! Don't let the American planes get close to the fleet!" Nagumo Tadashi emphasized while carrying out Yamamoto's order.

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