Imperial Overlord

: one thousand seventy five late

Where did the U.S. support fighter jets go? They flew in the wrong direction and wasted 10 minutes in the vast sea before they found the right course.


So, when these American P-40 fighter jets flew over the U.S. Second Fleet, they saw the USS North Carolina that was rolling.


There is also the Japanese Type 97 carrier-based attack aircraft group surrounding the battleship like flies.


"Disperse! Disperse! Zero Fighter!" A hasty reminder from his companions came from the earphones of the US Army Air Force fighter pilots.


While they saw the Japanese Type 97 carrier-based attack aircraft, the Japanese Zero fighters escorted at high altitudes also saw these US Army fighter jets from afar.


The performance of the Zero fighter is better than that of the P-40 fighter, but the United States has developed new tactics to deal with the Japanese fighter, so the battle between the two sides will test the pilot's skills.


At this time, the Japanese fighter pilots had not yet reached the state of decline. Among them are many veterans who have experienced many battles, and their combat effectiveness is quite strong.


Therefore, even if they are not superior in number, these Zero fighters dare to attack the U.S. fighters with superior numbers.


Soon, the fighter jets of the two sides were entangled together, and some American fighter jets also took advantage of the chaos to enter the Japanese Type 97 carrier-based attack aircraft, disrupting the formation of the other side.


Standing on the smoky deck, the sailors of the battleship North Carolina waved their fists against the sky and cheered like a mountain of friendly fighter jets.


"They're finally here... bastards!" Through the thick porthole on the bridge, Spruance finally breathed a sigh of relief.


Although the news just came that the most advanced battleship under his feet could no longer be rescued and was about to sink, he was still very happy.


In any case, the rest of the fleet was safe, and the Japanese's attempt to completely wipe out his Second Fleet seemed to be in vain.


As long as his fleet is not annihilated, no matter how many victories Halsey's fleet has achieved, the United States will be considered invincible in this battle.


Soon, a Type 97 carrier-based attack aircraft was shot down by the U.S. land-based aviation force. Although the performance of the Type 97 carrier-based attack aircraft is good, it is still too bulky compared to professional fighter jets.


What's more, in order to achieve better attack effect, the Japanese attack aircraft units deliberately saved their own ammunition.


When American fighter jets joined the fray, half of the Japanese carrier-based attack aircraft had bombs and torpedoes hanging under the belly.


In this state, trying to evade the pursuit of fighter jets is a fool's errand. Therefore, although the Zero fighters worked hard to cover their friendly forces, they could only watch their comrades get shot down.


When the second Japanese carrier-based attack aircraft was shot down, the determination of the Japanese naval aviation pilots to fight to the death began to shake.


The first to launch the attack, the first to join the battle, these planes, after a series of involvement, there is not much fuel left.


With the pursuit of American fighter jets, the chance for them to drop bombs has almost disappeared. Apart from increasing casualties, it seems that there is no other use for them to stay here.


Although some mad Japanese pilots were desperate and ended up crashing into a heavily rolled American battleship, most Japanese pilots thought it was time for them to retreat.


The Japanese army dispatched a total of 30 Type 97 carrier-based attack aircraft and 12 Type Zero fighters to **** them.


In the attack just now, Japan lost 3 attack planes and severely damaged the USS North Carolina battleship.


If the Japanese aircraft retreated at this time, they not only sank the battleship, but also kept their losses small.


It is a pity that there is no if...they were entangled by American fighter jets. When the fuel was about to run out, they were shot down by 8 Type 97 carrier-based attack aircraft and 1 Type Zero fighter.


The first wave of attacking echelons had lost 12 fighter jets before they returned, which can be said to be a heavy loss.


You must know that American land-based fighter jets still have a lot of fuel, and they can chase and kill them for a while. The slower-speed Type 97 carrier-based attack aircraft is likely to lose more.


What's more terrible is that because of the US attack, the second batch of attack aircraft groups originally planned by the Japanese aviation fleet did not take off, which made the possibility of the Japanese navy's expansion of the victory disappear.


Sure enough, when the Japanese carrier-based aircraft retreated, American fighter jets caught up, and under the watchful eye of American sailors on the sea surface, they shot down another 6 Type 97 carrier-based attack aircraft and 2 Zero fighter jets that turned back.


As a result, as many as 20 of the 42 carrier-based aircraft that the first batch of Japanese took off were shot down. Each of these pilots is a treasure for the Japanese army, and now these treasures have fallen into the waters of the Pacific Ocean.


It's just that the current Yamamoto fifty-six and Nagumo Chuichi have no time to consider the loss of these precious carrier-based aircraft pilots.


All their attention now has been drawn to the south, how to confront those American carrier aircraft heading north.


"Your Excellency Marshal! The scrambled Zero are heading south to face the approaching American attack planes! We have plenty of time, so there shouldn't be any problems!" The liaison officer reported the results of the aviation fleet's response. To Yamamoto fifty-six who was waiting for news.


This is good news for the Japanese fleet. As long as these American fighter jets can be intercepted, the Japanese navy can take advantage of the time difference and take off attack planes to chase and kill them along the return route of the American planes.


Once the U.S. aircraft carrier fleet is found, and the Japanese main force is overwhelmed, they will be able to annihilate the Americans one more time before the U.S. aircraft carrier fleet is fully fledged!


In this way, it can gain another one to three months of respite for the Japanese Navy. At that time, the Kaga and Hiryu aircraft carriers, which have been returned to the factory for maintenance, can return to the front line.


At that time, the First Air Force will still have 5 aircraft carriers, plus the Yamato battleship, the combat power will return to the level of the Battle of Midway, and Japan may not be able to fight against Midway.


More importantly, by taking advantage of this period when the U.S. military was out of touch, the Japanese army could continue to attack, occupy the Marshall Islands and the Solomon Islands, and complete the strategic encirclement of Australia.


At that time, whether Australia surrenders or not will not be mentioned for the time being, it will only cut off the supply line between the United States and Australia, which will also be of great benefit to Japan strategically.




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