Imperial Overlord

: One thousand seventy-nine is not an attack aircraft

Right now, things can only be left to fate. For Yamamoto fifty-six, the last thing he wants to see is the current situation.

Just as the Japanese Navy's warships adjusted their positions and prepared to meet the first round of attacks by the US Navy's carrier-based attack aircraft, the US Navy and the Army were already dumbfounded by the loss.

The cutting-edge battleship USS North Carolina, which had just been launched, was sunk by a single attack by the Japanese.

The flagship commander General Spruance had to transfer to the battleship USS Washington after the enemy planes left to carry out his command tasks.

There was only one battleship left in his fleet, and he did not dare to rush towards the combined Japanese naval fleet, so he could only retreat to the Solomon Islands to seek shelter.

As for returning to the Marshall Islands, Nimitz, as the commander-in-chief of the Pacific Fleet, rejected this suggestion.

The battleship, lacking air defense protection, proved to be very vulnerable in battle. The ocean in this era already belongs to aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft, so General Nimitz is determined to avoid using battleships alone in future wars.

In addition, a major mistake in coordination caused the losses of the US military to exceed their previous expectations.

First of all, the fighter forces stationed in the Solomon Islands have lost more than half of them because of several battles and one-way tracking of the Japanese combined fleet.

Moreover, the B-25 bomber unit that took off to carry out the ultra-long-range attack on the Japanese combined fleet has also been completely wiped out by the Zero fighter.

Such a huge loss has made the commanders of the U.S. Army Air Forces desperate. They paid the price of hundreds of fighters and dozens of bombers, but not even a single Japanese destroyer was killed.

What made them even more depressed was that the lack of training for the Army Aviation Corps missed the opportunity for the two missions to reinforce their own fleet.

The navy has been desperate for the performance of the army aviation: the P-40 fighter jets supporting the Second Fleet arrived at the scene only after the battleship North Carolina was sunk.

The Army Air Force, which was ordered to cover the first batch of US carrier-based attack aircraft, took off late, leaving the carrier-based aircraft on the attack mission alone to face the Japanese Zero fighters who came to intercept them.

Such a major mistake caused heavy losses to the first batch of U.S. Navy carrier-based attack aircraft. More than 40 aircraft were almost wiped out.

You must know that the number of carrier-based aircraft in the US Navy is actually not as good as that of the combined fleet of the Japanese Navy's 4 Sangamon-class aircraft, with only 160 aircraft in total.

Actually, not all of these planes can be dispatched, at least some of them must be reserved for their own air defense, so the US Navy does not have many offensive forces.

Over and over, there were only more than 100 aircraft available for attack, and as a result, the first batch of attack aircraft lost as many as 40 aircraft.

Counting the several US reconnaissance destroyers and cruisers that were sunk outside the Solomon Islands, the Japanese Navy is still crushing the US Navy in terms of results.

Because until now, apart from Japanese fighter jets, the U.S. Navy has not sunk even a single Japanese warship.

Nagumo Chuichi paced back and forth on his battleship because his heart was actually full of fear.

The American plane was approaching his fleet. Although he had made preparations for air defense, he still had no certainty that he wanted to retreat from the attack of the American carrier plane.

"The anti-aircraft gunners are all in place! Your Excellency! The destroyer has also started to fight against the air! It's only a few dozen American planes, so it's not difficult to deal with." His chief of staff stood aside, looking at the anxious Nagumo, and said comforted.

"I hope so! Don't make a mistake!" Nagumo Zhongichi said with a bit of anguish.

He had made a mistake before and lost the aircraft carrier Soryu. Now he is considered guilty and meritorious, so he has become so cautious.

In the end, there was still a problem. He really began to wonder if Amaterasu was joking with him.

If another aircraft carrier were to be sunk this time, he, the fleet commander, 80% would have to kill himself and be buried with the combined fleet.

After all, in the current situation, although the Japanese Navy is still fighting offensive operations, senior generals like Yamamoto and Nagumo can really feel that the giant of the United States is entering a state little by little.

The enemy is fighting more and more and getting stronger and stronger, which has made many Japanese navy senior officials anxious. Over time, Japan has started to weaken.

Not to mention anything else, let's just say that the U.S. Navy, relying on Australia, carried out unrestricted submarine warfare in the South China Sea and the waters near the Philippines, causing the Japanese Navy a headache.

Coupled with the inability of the frontal Japanese navy and army to attack the Marshall Islands and the Solomon Islands, it can prove that Japan has actually fallen into a disadvantage.

People of insight in Japan have tacitly understood that if a small country like Japan cannot win a war against a big country quickly, it will actually be considered a loss.

Time passed by, just as Nagumo Chuichi and his chief of staff were helplessly waiting for the American plane to appear, the American plane finally appeared in the sky.

The curved tracks drawn by dozens of warships on the sea prove that the Japanese navy also embarked on a zigzag voyage. This is the standard sailing mode for the fleet to confront the aircraft, and the Japanese began to turn as soon as they discovered the American aircraft.

At the same time Zero fighter jets that had just intercepted the first batch of US carrier-based attack aircraft also flew back and circled over the Japanese fleet.

Although most of these Zero fighters have run out of ammunition, they still have enough fuel and decided to stay in the air to contain the American attack aircraft force.

Nagumo hopes that these planes can disrupt the U.S. military's attack planes and prevent the U.S. military from dropping bombs as much as possible.

Nagumo Chuichi, who was afraid of the loss of the aircraft carrier, finally decided to break his arm, and prepared to use these dozens of Zero fighter jets to exchange the fleet for safety.

But, will the result really be as he intended? The answer is: no! Just as the Japanese fleet was ready to fight, Captain Yoshida, the commander of the Zero fighter in the sky, suddenly found something wrong.

"I'm Yoshida! I'm Yoshida! Look closely at those American planes! They don't seem to be attack planes!" He squinted and asked uncertainly as he looked at the US military planes that were adjusting their formation under the clouds.

"Captain... It seems that they really didn't carry torpedoes and bombs..." The Japanese Zero fighter pilot who had looked carefully, also saw the plane on the opposite side as the distance got closer.

"It's a P-40 fighter jet! Haga! That's a fighter jet! An American fighter jet!" Captain Yoshida recognized the old opponent just after he could distinguish the silhouette of the opponent.


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