Imperial Overlord

: One thousand eighty-eight friendship between two countries

"500 aero engines?" Toyoda Zhenjiro looked at Ribbentrop in surprise. He didn't believe that Germany was so kind and willing to sell so many engines to Japan for emergency.


Because Japan has always introduced aero-engine technology from Germany, it knows how advanced German aero-engines are.


Although during World War II, German aero-engines were not the most advanced, but they were enough to reach the most advanced first echelon.


After all, apart from the United Kingdom and the United States, Germany’s engine technology can definitely be ranked third. No one can deny this.


In fact, the aircraft engines of Japan and the Soviet Union during World War II can only be regarded as ordinary, not the most advanced.


Not to mention other countries. Some of them can't even produce aero engines, but France can produce them, but they are beaten down when they come up, so they can't be counted.


"One-time payment! After all, temporary production is too late, we can disassemble it from the existing aircraft!" Seeing that, Ribbentrop gave his own answer.


Hearing that it was a second-hand product, Toyoda Sadajiro, who was sitting opposite Ribbentrop, just wanted to say no, but Togo Shigeru hurriedly agreed and said, "Okay! We have done this deal!"


The navy doesn't take the gold in its hands, and the army certainly doesn't want to be left behind. The biggest problem in Japan now is the lack of production capacity, and it must be in a state of wanting something.


What's more, for Dongxiang Promos, these aero-engines are better than those produced domestically, because they are "A-class products" used by the Germans themselves.


In the early years, the aero-engines or aero-engine technologies exported by Germany to Japan were all "B-type products", that is, technologies and objects that were one generation behind.


Now that the Germans are willing to give something better, there is no need for Dongxiang Maode to refuse. What's more, these aero engines are generally not part of the Navy!


The Navy's aircraft engines are all air-cooled, including the Zero fighter, the engine used and the liquid-cooled aero-engine used by the German me109 fighter are not the same thing at all.


In addition, the Rong 12 air-cooled engine used in the Zero fighter produced by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has a maximum horsepower of only 950, which is not comparable to the German db601a engine.


The maximum output horsepower of the German db601a engine has reached 1050, which far exceeds the fuselage structural strength load of the Zero fighter.


In other words, if the Navy is equipped with German high-horsepower engines, the fragile fuselage structure of the Zero fighter will disintegrate in the air because of too much horsepower.


Don't doubt the possibility of this. The Zero fighter may have disintegrated in a high-speed dive earlier, so this is also a tactical action that Zero fighter pilots are strictly forbidden to do.


In comparison, the Japanese Navy's Zero fighters are more willing to use tactics such as hovering and dogfighting when fighting, which is completely different from the impact tactics of German fighter pilots that pull up and dive away.


Since the navy fighter jets can't be used, these engines are all from the army! With these engines, the Japanese Army can definitely create a more advanced ki fighter, surpassing the Navy's Zero!


As long as advanced fighter jets reach the front-line islands, the Japanese army's defense line will be stabilized and will not be defeated in a short time.


"Very good! As for the price, we have discussed it before, and both of them seem to accept it. This is really good news." Ribbentrop was very happy when he sold all the junk he had eliminated to Japan.


In the same way, Admiral Raedl and Air Marshal Milche, who heard the news, also showed happy smiles.


They can't help but be unhappy, because they are now considered to be really rich people. The Japanese pay real money and silver, as well as rare metals that are in short supply in Germany.


These things are brought into industrial production, and of course they can be turned into massive aircraft and warships, making Germany's navy and air force stronger.


Originally, the army also planned to come to share a piece of the pie. Brauchitch hoped to sell dozens of No. 3 tanks and at least 100 t26 modified vehicles to Japan, but the sale agreement was rejected by Japan.


The first reason is that Japan does not lack such ground weapons for the time being, and the second reason is that the transportation conditions are not very good.


Of course, there is a third point, which is that these things are too expensive, and the Japanese executives found that they could not afford them at all.


There are also ready-made me109 fighter jets for aero engines, which Germany directly sold for ten times the purchase price. The profit is so high that it is staggering, and this does not include the transfer cost of the related drawing technology.


Similarly, the Navy sold the old-fashioned destroyers moored in the port for five times the original price.


If Japan produced their own, the price of buying these destroyers would be enough for them to produce the same number of light cruisers


Even so, the condition given by the German Navy is that the seafarers will pay extra for sending the ship, and the fuel consumed by the ship to Japan will also be charged separately!


In this way, the Japanese Foreign Minister and his entourage who came to negotiate found that the gold they brought with them almost ran out of money.


"Our funds are already very tight, and we really don't have much." After calculating how much money he had spent in his mind, Togo Shigeru, who had an ugly face, hurriedly said to Ribbentrop.


He was really afraid, and the German side would continue to speak loudly. Although a large amount of gold and metal were plundered from China and Southeast Asia, the total amount was there, and no one could change it. More isn't it?


"In view of the friendship between our two countries, we also hope to bring some radars, preferably CRT technology radar detection technology." The more he said, the more he felt guilty, the Japanese Foreign Minister Toyoda Sadajiro lowered his head and his voice gradually became lower.


Airplanes and engines are already expensive, and the sale price of the Navy's destroyers is simply a steal. Now when it comes to high-tech radars, God knows how much the Germans will knock away.


Knowing that the gold brought by the Japanese was almost used up, Ribbentrop also decided to take it as soon as possible.


Because from a general perspective, the Japanese navy still has to shoulder the heavy responsibility of delaying the development of the United States. Germany does not want to see Japan fall, so it can only help Japan to stabilize its position within the limits of its ability.


Radar is a necessary condition to help Japan stabilize its position. Therefore, even though Japan stabbed Germany in the First World War, the German high-level officials decided to disregard the previous suspicions and pull the unfortunate child of Japan.


Therefore, Ribbentrop said generously: "Our two countries have always been friendly and trustworthy. We have prepared a batch of radar equipment and plan to sell them to your country at a low price to help your country regain the Pacific battlefield. Take the initiative!"


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