Imperial Overlord

: 1095 to see Japan

Things seem to be going very smoothly, and even the backhands prepared by many heads of state have not been used. All the people involved in the three armed forces agreed to this system reform.

In fact, this time the head of state held a meeting and the reason why Speer, a proud student, was called in, is to use the advanced deeds in military production to persuade the military.

In the organization of industrial production, Speer's talent is already on full display. He has more than doubled the industrial production capacity of the empire.

It has been more than half a year that the workers take advantage of the extra day off to teach the old and the new to impart knowledge and expand the workforce.

In the past six months, Germany has produced 1 million female workers, who can engage in various industrial productions, saving a lot of manpower for Germany.

After the use of female and child labor, as well as the reemployment of elderly workers, the managers of German factories found that many types of work were even performed by women or children, and the efficiency was the highest.

Under a series of distributions, the unemployment rate in Germany has been reduced to the lowest level in the world. Even in a large part of the region, there has been a spectacle of zero unemployment.

Night schools and weekend training institutions educate child laborers and female workers, and even before graduation, factories are vying for dignitaries.

Emerging textile factories and other factories with a large number of female workers have even experienced labor difficulties. The army has also received 300,000 female soldiers, who are engaged in secretarial dispatching and rear guard work.

These female soldiers are responsible for guarding women's labor camps, and are also responsible for air security, security inspections, and picket patrols in some large cities.

Policewomen have also appeared on the streets of Berlin, and policewomen with guns have also become a beautiful sight in the city.

It was precisely because the industrial and civil sectors were familiar with the old-new model that the Führer moved to ask Speer to explain the benefits of this aspect.

But who would have thought, the navy and the air force all accepted the Fuhrer's orders naturally, and even the stubborn army did not mean to prevaricate.

Needless to say about the navy, everyone in the original naval force has now become a trainer and the backbone of the ship, with thirty or fifty apprentices under him, which is already what the head of state wants.

Although the Air Force has strong heroism, it is relatively late to form an army and the system has not been rigid, so it is relatively easy to mobilize and change.

At least Goering didn't dare to go against the grain, because the army became more and more obedient, so his role as the imperial marshal for "restricting the army" became less and less. In order to keep his job, he could only rely more and more on the head of state and support the head of state. decision making.

The army, which is the most difficult to shake the system, has become more and more submissive after Brauchitch's defection. This is the biggest gain Li Le has seen.

As long as there are fewer and fewer people restricting you and everyone is united, victory will be easier.

After thoroughly improving the relationship between the Supreme Command and the Army Headquarters, mutual distrust and mutual deception were basically eliminated, and the operational command efficiency was higher and more effective.

Judging from the current situation, it is not a difficult thing to defeat the Soviet Union and enter the mode of competition between the United States and Germany.

Karjus, Wittmann and others who were fighting on the front line did not realize at this moment that their destiny had undergone tremendous changes with the policy implemented by the Führer.

According to Li Le's plan, Germany will no longer have superheroes like Karjus, Wittmann, Prien, Rudel and Hartmann.

Because before they can achieve those amazing "achievements" in the original historical time and space, they will leave the front line to popularize their skills, tactics and combat experience...

Maybe later generations will no longer see those familiar monsters in World War II, but the point is that Germany's overall combat capability will go to a new level.

This may not be good news for fans who like to exaggerate the record and relish the German hero.

Because, maybe in the end, most of the German tactical wizards in World War II will be drowned in the dust of history like the American trump cards and become unknown.

There is a price to do anything, but the price is big or small, more or less.

"Let the troops go to France and the United Kingdom to rotate. Could it be that the head of state has any idea?" After the meeting, the army commander-in-chief Brauchitch caught up with Raeder, who had taken a step ahead, and asked in a low voice.

The reason why he asks this is because if the head of state intends to strengthen the Atlantic barrier, the first thing that will be used is the navy, so he does not necessarily know that the commander-in-chief of the army will know.

The main reason why Germany is playing so smoothly now is the existence of the backer of the Atlantic Wall.

Once the Atlantic barriers are loosened, Germany will immediately fall into the embarrassing situation of two-front warfare, and the winner or loser will be self-evident.

Now, Germany is a country that can beat the Soviet Union with 90% certainty, but if someone stabs you in the back, then there will be a change.

"I don't know either, but the Führer's recent strengthening of the navy is a set trend." There was no need to hide it, and Rader replied.

Strengthening the navy is the policy decided in the combat meeting a few days ago, and it is mainly aimed at Japan's defeat in the war and the reduction of the pressure on the United States.

Germany is going to create some controllable friction in the Atlantic to distract the US and indirectly help Japan.

If you want Germany to declare war on Japan, the head of state and the German high-level are absolutely reluctant. But creating some trouble for the United States is something that everyone likes to see.

For the past three months, Germany has been trying to speed up the production of naval weapons and equipment. Including the training of carrier-based aircraft and pilots, as well as the deployment of large patrol aircraft.

The four temporarily rebuilt Super Fleet aircraft carriers are also in the process of accelerating production. After the defeat of the Solomon in Japan, the construction of these four aircraft carriers was accelerated.

No matter which direction you look at, the head of state has some scruples about the United States. Expanding the navy also goes hand in hand with strengthening control over Britain.

In any case, maintaining the absolute security of the Atlantic Wall was an important item that was never overlooked in the German general strategy of war.

And the naval aviation, paratroopers, and marines, as well as the Atlantic Fleet, all exist for this entry.

"Hopefully, there won't be any changes to the Atlantic Barrier..." He made up his mind in his heart, and was going to secretly transfer some elites back. Marshal Brauchitch, who was stationed in France, muttered and left the Prime Minister's Office.

"This's hard to depends on whether Japan can support it..." Looking at Brauchitch's back, Raeder sighed.


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