Imperial Overlord

: One thousand one hundred and fourteen the fleet in the night

In the late night of Istanbul Harbor, a huge black shadow slowly passed through the not spacious channel.

Its huge body makes people shudder at a glance, and this may be one of the largest war machines built by mankind, at least for now.

Following closely behind this huge black shadow, there is another huge black shadow. They pass through the strait methodically, looking mysterious and powerful.

It is impossible for a fleet of this size to pass through the strait without letting the Turkish high-level know about it. An hour before the fleet passed through the strait, the Turkish high-level got the notice.

However, even if they saw the facts with their own eyes, the top executives in Turkey still couldn't believe what they saw...

How many years have they not seen such a huge fleet? After so many years, the Black Sea is about to usher in a **** storm again.

This is a large-scale combined fleet, a super fleet composed of the Italian, French and German fleets.

The first battleships to pass through the Turkish Strait were the Italian fleet with two Cavour-class battleships and two Veneto-class battleships.

Just the battleships, Italy dispatched five ships, it can be seen how determined the Axis Navy is when entering the Black Sea this time.

Then, taking advantage of the darkness to pass through the Turkish Strait, it was the main force of the Axis fleet, the German Atlantic Fleet.

In the name of training at sea, Lütjens led his fleet and the Baltic Fleet into the Mediterranean Sea together, and merged with the German Mediterranean Fleet commanded by General Lindemann to form the most powerful combat fleet in Germany since the beginning of World War II.

In addition to the Ramirez, which returned to Kiel for refurbishment and commissioning, the 6 battleships owned by the German Navy came out in full force, and there were also 3 battlecruisers, a total of 9 battleships. Under the cover of the six aircraft carriers Dread, Ark Royal, Radiance, Elbe and Danube, they entered the Mediterranean Sea.

The six aircraft carriers can only carry about 220 aircraft in total, because two of them can only carry less than 30 aircraft.

But even so, the German Navy's more than 200 carrier-based aircraft, in both quality and quantity, were far superior to the Soviet Air Force stationed near Sevastopol.

It is precisely because of the **** of 6 aircraft carriers that the German capital ship fleet has the courage to enter the Black Sea like this.

Similarly, behind the German fleet, is the French fleet - the reason why Vichy France sent its own fleet, this matter will start from the line of Marshal Darlan.

While Germany swept the Soviet Union, the French Vichy government was also enjoying the dividends of Germany's economic recovery.

The war in Europe seemed to have come to an end with the surrender of Britain, and the entire continent was sharing in the benefits of Germany's victory over the Soviet Union.

For example, the military industry has received a lot of benefits in the orders of the German military. Almost all British military enterprises, including the Rolls-Royce engine company in the United Kingdom, have been quickly restored after the war.

They are producing shells for the German army, they are producing cars for the German army, and they are producing more and more military supplies for the German army.

France, on the other hand, benefited earlier than the United Kingdom. Even when the British fleet attacked the French fleet, the French high-level officials owed the Führer a favor.

Then, the French government began to resume production with the help of oil dividends from Libya, coupled with German military orders and civilian orders, France found that its small life was not bad.

This time, in order to deter Turkey, ensure the absolute safety of the Mediterranean route, and open up the Black Sea line of communication, Germany invited the French fleet to participate.

After struggling for a few days, Petain, Darlan and others all thought that it might be a good choice to join the Axis chariots at this time.

It was not other reasons that drove them, but they saw that on the Soviet-German battlefield map, the German front was really getting closer and closer to the Caucasus.

If Germany wins in the Soviet Union (in the eyes of Petain and Darlan, this is already a nine-to-ten event), then the Baku oil field in the Caucasus will become the next cake to be divided up.

Italy has already expressed its interest in this cake, and France naturally hopes to get a piece of the pie. Whether it is the Baku oil field or the Libyan oil field, it will have to take the Mediterranean as the choke point.

If France wants to get this cake, it can only contribute its own strength in the Axis powers! If you don't work hard at this time, when you want to work hard, you won't have much oil and water to fish for.

Europeans also know the difference between the icing on the cake and the help in the snow. Although they don't sum it up so elegantly, they do understand the relationship.

Therefore, France's decision to join the Axis military operations at the beginning of the Battle of the Black Sea is a kind of remark.

Darlan and Petain were sure that even to show the Soviet Union that Britain had not surrendered, Germany would buy horse bones and allow France to take a share of the interests of the Black Sea!

Sure enough, after France expressed its sincerity, the German head of state generously distributed one-tenth of the Baku oil field dividends to France—a gift that made Petain a national hero of France.

Who has seen the good news that the country's economy has returned to the pre-war standard, not to mention the expansion of overseas interests, not even two years after the defeat?

Therefore, after the last German battleship sailed through the Turkish Strait, the French battleship fleet appeared in the field of high-level Turkish This time, the French Navy did not slack off, and the German Navy entered the Mediterranean Sea. After that, it was added to the queue.

The battleship Richelieu, as the flagship, was commanded by the commander-in-chief of the navy, Jean Barr, and led the Dunkirk and Strasbourg to dispatch together, a total of three battleships.

17 battleships! A full 17 battleships, plus 6 aircraft carriers, 17 cruisers, and more than 50 destroyers! Under the terrified eyes of the Turkish garrison, they passed through the Turkish Strait.

"This... This news, do you want to announce it to the Soviet Union and the United States?" After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, the Turkish officer of the Straits Guard Force asked the politicians around him.

"Do you think it's useful for us to announce this kind of news now?" The politician replied with fear in his voice, staring at the Axis fleet passing through the strait in the distance.

"I think, even if we say it, maybe the other party won't believe it..." The Turkish officer squeezed out an embarrassed smile, trying to ease the depressed atmosphere, but found that the atmosphere became even more depressed.

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