Imperial Overlord

: One thousand one hundred thirty-three battles without blood

"Where am I?" When he opened his eyes, Govorov saw a bright and spacious room.


There is bright sunshine outside the window, and the inside of the house is a white wall, which is quite beautifully painted. There are also drinking glasses on the table in the distance, which are very uniquely arranged.


Then, he saw a nurse with a smile on his face, holding a folder and looking at him.


"Where am I?" With dry lips, Govorov asked weakly.


"You are still in Kyiv, but now it has been occupied by the German army." The little girl replied with a smile.


As soon as her voice fell, the door was pushed open from the outside. Several officers in black SS uniforms entered, followed by several soldiers in gray-green Wehrmacht officer uniforms.


"Good morning! Marshal Govorov." The leading SS officer smiled and took off the hat on his head, revealing his blond hair.


The officers who can serve as the SS are undoubtedly pure-bred Germans. They were proud of their blond hair and were all very tall.


The news that the Soviet Union had promoted General Govorov to the position of Marshal of the Soviet Union could also be heard on the radio.


Therefore, the news of Govorov's promotion was heard by the German executives a few days ago. They knew Govorov's identity, and this was the highest rank among the Soviet officers they captured alive.


It is said that on the day the German army attacked Kyiv, after Govorov was blown to the ground by a grenade thrown in, the German army occupied the place.


It can be considered that Govorov was lucky. The grenade did not cause fatal damage to him, but only broke one of his ribs and injured his limbs.


But the few officers who were standing with him were unlucky. They were all hit by shrapnel and died of anger before they could be rescued.


German medics on the front line rescued the unconscious Govorov and brought him to safety.


Fearing that his injury would worsen, the commander-in-chief of Army Group d, Field Marshal Bock, did not order Govorov to be sent back to the wolf's lair, but instead placed him on the spot in Kyiv.


This is definitely a big fish. For the first time since the war began, a marshal has been captured in the Soviet Union, so it is natural to plan for such an exciting news.


It was inevitable that it would be handed over to Goebbels, which is why the SS intervened in this matter.


Originally, the Wehrmacht captured Govorov, and the Wehrmacht had the right to dispose of this prisoner. But it is an unwritten rule that all prisoners must be handed over to the SS, not to mention that Goebbels also named this Govorov to launch a propaganda offensive.


It turned out to be like this. The SS sent some people to arraign Govorov, and the officers of the Wehrmacht wanted to jury it.


"Why didn't I die?" Govorov felt the pain in his chest, and also felt that his limbs seemed to be injured.


Some injuries are on the shoulders, some on the arms, and some on the legs - now he can't seem to be able to do large-scale exercise.


"You are lucky, the shrapnel has been taken out without any damage, but it will take some time to recover." The SS officer replied with a smile.


"Why don't you let me die?" Govorov looked at the ceiling and asked in a low voice.


"Why do you want to die? Is it bad to live? We need a capable person like you, and there is absolutely no need for you to sacrifice your life for a dying red country." With a bewitching voice, the SS officer followed suit.


He has been specially trained, and his voice, including his voice, has been carefully selected. He is very knowledgeable in inducing others.


As long as he is enlightened, even stubborn Jews are willing to give up their beliefs and devote themselves to the warm embrace of the German nation of the Third Reich.


Just a little meal, he continued to comfort Govorov softly: "Soon, Russia will be liberated, your family will be reunited with you, and the evil Stalin will be eliminated."


"I won't cooperate with you," Govorov said without looking sideways, his eyes still fixed on the ceiling.


"It doesn't matter, we can wait for you to change your mind. Our victory is doomed, and you will soon find out." Not arrogant or impetuous, the SS officer's magnetic voice was still peaceful.


Just like the kind-hearted grandpa from the next door neighbor's house, amiable and amiable like the sunshine outside the window.


Govorov, who was lying in front of him, stopped talking, letting the brainwashed officer of the SS whisper slowly beside him.


The two seemed to be fighting fiercely on another level. On the battlefield without gunpowder smoke and fire, they fought brutally on the battlefield of spirit.


The morning sun was a little slanted, and it was almost time for lunch, but Govorov still didn't mean to speak.


He seemed to be a mute, just quietly listening to the chattering of the German officer there.


And the German officer is obviously not simple. From the time he entered the door to the present, he didn't even drink a sip of water.


After another hour, the SS officer stood up and said in a low voice with a smile: "Perhaps you haven't figured it out yet, it doesn't matter, I'll be back tomorrow. My name is William Herner, and I know you. Delighted, Marshal Govorov."


Finally, Govorov's eyes moved, and he glanced sideways at the officer named Herna, but did not speak.


After closing the door of Govorov's ward, Herna took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the sweat on his forehead lightly.


Seeing the surprised eyes of his subordinates, Herner smiled bitterly and said in a low voice, "It's a tough opponent. It's the first time I've seen such a person."


"He started not eating." In the an officer walked into Herner's office and reported bad news.


Herner's office is at the end of the corridor, and he actually came to Kyiv for Govorov.


Hearing this news, Herner frowned. Obviously, this Govorov's uncooperative attitude made him a little annoyed.


The other party keenly chose the option he was most afraid of - escape! Using death to escape his attack can be said to be the most powerful and effective way to resist.


Because Helner is confident that as long as the other party doesn't die, he will definitely compromise within a week.


On the day of the month, Govorov died in the Kyiv ward by refusing to eat. With a tragic death, he rewarded Stalin, who was promoted to marshal.




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