Imperial Overlord

: 1204 Battle of Rostov

In fact, on the silent Eastern Front, the fighting between the Germans and the Soviets is far from over. At least in the east of Ukraine, the battle of the German Army Group D's attack on Rostov is far from over.

It is really sad to say that this place was originally the hideout of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet, but now it has become a **** battlefield.

And the highest commanding height of the city is the location of the city hall. Now in that position, the German infantry was fighting frantically with their old rivals, the Soviets.

Behind a window on the third floor of the City Hall building, a Soviet Maxim heavy machine gun was firing desperately.

It was a small surprise for the Soviets to be able to carry such a heavy weapon to that position.

The Germans were suppressed by this heavy machine gun and lost many people near the street. Because of the thick walls of the city hall, the Germans did not have a good way to attack for a while.

These Soviet soldiers knew in their hearts that as long as their machine guns were fired, they would soon be suppressed by various German weapons.

So all they can do is fire suddenly, and then pour as much ammo as possible in the shortest amount of time, causing as much damage to the Germans as possible.

After all, the firepower that the Germans can suppress them is too much, so much that the Soviet army is a little desperate.

In response to this Soviet machine gun fire point, German soldiers can directly kill each other with an iron fist anti-tank rocket launcher, or they can use the faster-firing MG42 machine gun to suppress the fire.

Even the Germans could use more and more snipers attached to company and platoon levels to take out the Soviet machine gun shooters to stop the enemy from continuing to fire.

Under so many means, the possibility that the Soviet machine gun fire point can survive after firing is really very small, so the Soviet army's heavy machine gun fire requires great courage.

Just now, before the heavy machine guns of the Soviet army were fired, at least five German infantrymen near the gate of the city hall were hit to the ground by the sudden attack of Soviet bullets in an attempt to rush through the street.

In the face of this sudden attack, the attacking German infantrymen were slightly confused for a few seconds, then they stopped advancing and began to wait patiently.

"It's over there! Bazooka! Destroy the enemy's machine gun fire point on the third floor!" The German platoon commander in charge of commanding this unit pointed to the window that was constantly spraying flames in the distance, and loudly ordered his men to take measures.

Under the roar of the platoon leader, a German anti-tankman quickly approached from the attacking team. Behind him, there is a sub-shooter carrying ammunition.

They have always been in the core position of the entire infantry platoon, and they are well protected by everyone. It is also convenient for the entire infantry platoon to quickly enter the attack state when encountering a situation.

The two ran to the designated position one after the other, then raised their heads and roughly aimed their bazooka at the window that was spitting out flames.

When the loader was ready, he shoved the rocket into the barrel, and then he stepped aside to avoid the launch tail flame that would be produced for a while.

Bazooka of this era can't be fired in a room, otherwise the shooter will be very dangerous.

Seeing that the two men were ready to launch, the German platoon leader shouted loudly: "Fire! Cover! Hit me hard!"

When the surrounding German soldiers heard the order, they started a frantic counterattack in an instant.

Because the Germans had more automatic weapons, at this moment, the Soviet machine gun positions were completely unable to suppress all the counterattack firepower.

Those bullets came from G-43 rifles, from STG-44 assault rifles... In every corner of the country, Soviet shooters couldn't find the focus of the opponent's counterattack.

At this moment, the condescending advantage of the Soviet machine gun position disappeared, and the defects of obvious location and easy aiming were exposed.

Although it was only a short moment, it was absolutely enough for German anti-tank bazooka shooters.

The shooter, who had roughly aimed at the window, leaned over, stuck out his deadly rocket launcher, aimed at the target and fired a huge rocket at his own target.

A plume of white smoke rushed towards his target, and the rocket flew into the window on the third floor of the city hall with great precision.

next second. From the window on the third floor of the main building of the City Hall, an explosive flame rolled out.

One of the Soviet soldiers inside was torn by the air waves caused by the explosion, rolled down from the window, and fell directly. This firepower point was completely destroyed.

"Go! For the Führer!" With the explosion all the nearby German commanders urged their troops to move on.

One by one, the German soldiers jumped out of the ruins where they were hiding and rushed to the other end of the wide street.

"Keep firing! Keep firing! The Germans are rushing over!"

The Soviet soldier beside him picked up his Mosin Nagant rifle and opened fire desperately, trying to prevent the German soldiers from approaching his position.

Before the new Soviet firepower could come into play, the attacking German machine gun group had already set up its own MG42 machine guns at suitable flank positions.

The Führer's saw was obviously very powerful, and as soon as it opened fire, the Soviet army's position was overwhelmed by the dense bullets.

Now it was the turn of the German machine guns, and countless bullets flew towards the Soviet positions, sending out a cloud of white smoke.

A stray bullet hit a charging German soldier. He fell to the ground in pain and was pulled away from the battlefield by his companions.

The remaining German troops did not stop at all. They continued to move forward and rushed to the wall of the municipal building, ready to face each other.

"Grenade!" A German soldier loudly reminded his companions, and then the huge explosion overturned several German soldiers leaning against the wall.

Everyone's ears were buzzing. They raised their heads and saw that the second grenade had also been dropped and rolled at their feet.

"Boom!" The second explosion sounded outside the city hall building. An infantry squad attacked by the Germans suffered heavy losses. Blood and stumps and broken arms were everywhere, like hell.

The battle for Rostov has only just started for two days, and both sides have been angry here. Tens of thousands of Soviet troops fought to the death and fought frantically with the attacking German troops.

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