Imperial Overlord

: One hundred and seventy-one British countermeasures

Churchill certainly didn't want an answer when he asked this question. Of course he knew what was going to happen, of course he knew his stress had reached a tipping point.

It's not domestic anti-war voices, but some voices from other dominions and colonies.

The war has reached this point, and unless there is a turnaround victory in North Africa, everything else seems to be unable to help Britain turn the tide.

In the process of changing and growing, Germany is destroying the top ten industrial areas in Britain. After a year, maybe German bombers can fly to Ireland for air strikes.

At the same time, Germany has acquired a Libyan oil field that did not exist in history, and this oil field will increasingly support Germany's wartime industrial system.

With a lot of oil, Germany can produce more gasoline and diesel, making Germany's invincible military machine faster and better!

On the other hand, the derivatives of petroleum will gradually become materials that the Germans can squander in large quantities, and various materials, including artificial rubber, can be mass-produced.

During the whole process of World War II, all countries used to fight for hegemony were oil, steel and rubber. Now Germany has oil and steel. If the last shortcoming is filled, it will be a real disaster.

On the other hand, the United Kingdom, having lost the ally of France, has fallen into the situation of fighting alone. Homegrown industries were destroyed by German bombing, and it would take time to return to their former state.

The German Navy's submarine force was engaged in a more efficient engagement than ever against British transport lines, and Churchill himself was not sure when British industry would recover.

In this case, next year, that is, when 1941 arrives, if Germany really defeated Britain in North Africa and landed on the British mainland - then who would negotiate peace with Britain?

Negotiations for peace also require chips. The more Britain plays now, the fewer chips left. In this state, there will only be more and more people eager to negotiate peace.

"If Rommel continues to attack and occupied Alexandria one day in the future! Then we will lose the chance to make peace with the Germans." Churchill himself knew better than anyone that the victory or defeat in North Africa was related to the future of the empire.

Of course, he wasn't thinking about going to Hitler to make peace. What he was thinking about now was how to defeat the Germans in North Africa.

"Isolate all the suspicious officers who haven't been found yet! We don't have time to identify their innocence one by one!" Churchill ordered: "Let Cunningham stick to Alamein! Don't take another step back!"

He looked at a few generals of the army, and repeated it word by word in a ruthless tone: "No! Yes! Again! Back! Back! One! One step!"

"Yes! General Cunningham also believes that he is sure to stay near El Alamein, waiting for our support to arrive!" An army general quickly assured.

This assurance of his did not seem to be much convincing, because Cunningham was also silent in Matrouh and fled with people.

It may be more difficult to expect such a front-line commander to fulfill the order of never taking a step back than ordering them to attack.

"Let the 2nd Infantry Division in South Africa get to the front as soon as possible! We can't let the Germans rage in North Africa any longer!" The second order, Churchill issued, was to dispatch reinforcements.

He knew that with the army of North Africa, it was a bit risky to refuse the city and defend it, and it was simply wishful thinking to face Rommel's Afrikaans in the wild.

Therefore, in Churchill's plan, North Africa must reinforce at least 50,000 people in order to form a "balance of power" against Rommel in Alamein.

"The 2nd Infantry Division of South Africa has already set off, Mr. Prime Minister." The army general swallowed a mouthful of saliva, believing that he had survived the state of being scolded just now.

"Mr. Prime Minister, how should we respond to and deal with Greece's request for help?" An official in a suit from the diplomatic service looked at Churchill and asked a fatal question.

Now, if you want to reinforce Greece, you can only move the British army in the Middle East and North Africa. The army in the Middle East is urgently being transferred to North Africa, and the army in North Africa has been wiped out by the Germans.

If Greece is to be reinforced at this time, the only ones who can go to the Balkans are the several divisions that are being mobilized to North Africa.

Of course, these troops cannot give up Egypt and become some peace envoys to Greece. So Churchill made his own decision without even thinking about it.

He looked at the diplomat, stood up and patted the other's shoulder with his hand, explaining: "Now, the North African battlefield is our last hope. As for Greece... we can only let them endure temporarily."

This temporary patience is also a comfort with no time limit - the British themselves do not know when they can defeat Rommel's Afrikaans, and naturally they do not know when they can reinforce Greece.

So, for Greece, this is just a comforting promise from the British allies.

And how valuable this promise is, it can only be evaluated by hehe-remember the evaluation of the United Kingdom and France to Poland back then...

"Okay! I will inform them and try to appease their unease as much as possible." The diplomat glanced at Churchill and nodded to accept the difficult task.

He said it lightly, but in the face of Greece, who was already on fire, any consolation was better than giving people a gun.

If it is necessary to truly let Greece accept this reality, instead of turning to Germany and Italy, only God knows what kind of hard work and dedication the foreign ministry will have to go through.

"But! Mr. Prime Minister... If the Axis Powers really invaded Greece, how would we respond?" Finally, the official in charge of diplomacy asked Churchill.

Churchill also knew that Italy and Germany could not look at the countries in the Balkans and flirt with Britain like this.

He could only nodded helplessly, indicating that he knew this concern: "This, we can only wait for Italy and Germany to actually invade the Balkans."

"Okay! Mr. Prime Minister! If you really decide this way, I will try my best to buy time for you." The official smiled bitterly, but still did not refuse.

Seeing his subordinates wilting one by one like frost-beaten eggplants, Churchill himself felt uncomfortable.

At a time like this, he actually didn't want to put such a huge pressure on his subordinates - but now the difficulties faced by the whole of the United Kingdom are already staggering.

"That's it!" Churchill wanted to dissolve the meeting, waved to his subordinates, and finally suppressed his anger.

At this time, the piercing air defense alarm reverberated again, and in the past few days, the German bombing, which had stopped, started again.

The Luftwaffe had made two more visits to London, after arranging for bombers to visit the fortifications on the coast that resisted the landings.

Much to Churchill's relief, the radar station he built secretly has not been bombed by the Germans, which shows that the other party did not know that the construction of the facility was slow.

Several guards entered the meeting room and asked Churchill to go to the underground air defense facility to avoid possible air strikes by the German ** team.

Churchill reluctantly signaled everyone to follow him. After all, the meeting had just ended, and it was not safe for these people to leave here.

The group soon followed the slightly dim light on the wall, and in the broken stairs, came to a safe underground bomb shelter.

Compared with ordinary bomb shelters, the lighting here has independent power supply facilities and a complete underground telephone communication network.

Telegrams from afar can be received here, and senior commanders of air defense and army units can be found directly by telephone.

Almost the same as above, there is a Churchill-specific Prime Minister's Refuge Office, and the furnishings and documents inside are almost identical to those upstairs.

Churchill walked into his office, and the others did not follow. Everyone found a random place to sit, waiting for the sound of bombs dropped by German planes exploding on the ground.

Because of the involvement of the espionage Now everyone at the top of the UK is cautious, and almost never goes to other people's offices easily.

All the British commanders who were lucky enough to pass the examination were afraid of being involved in the espionage case again, so as long as they were not involved in their own affairs, they generally did not even ask questions.

"Boom!" As if in a distant place, the first bomb exploded on the ground. Because the distance was far enough, there was no vibration at all here.

The officials sitting in the corridor could only hear the dull sound that seemed to come from the ground. It was disturbing, as if a giant was pounding the ground on the soles of his feet.

"Boom!" Another dull sound, it seems that this time the German bombing is indeed fully prepared - just like before the bombing was stopped, the scale was huge and real guns were fired.

"Damn it, our two night bombings were intercepted by the Germans." An air force general raised his head and muttered softly while looking at the ceiling.

"Night bombings have been intercepted? It seems that the Germans' radar technology is also improving." An army general asked curiously.

"Boom!" As the two of them chatted, another bomb exploded in the distance, this time the distance was obviously closer.

Because the water that the waiters poured for them was placed on a small table by the side of the hallway seats. The boiling water in the cup can already see a slight vibration.

As if a gust of breeze blew across the surface of the boiling water in these cups, there was a slight ripple on the surface.

On September 12, German bombers flew to London and dropped hundreds of bombs. The city fire, which was finally extinguished, burned again.


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