Imperial Overlord

: Two hundred and twenty-two 1 sideways

"Woo...woo..." When George VI was inspecting the base, and using his stammering speech to encourage the **** RAF pilots, a sharp anti-aircraft siren suddenly sounded in the sky.

Windsor, later Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, was still a teenage girl at this time.

She heard the sound of the air defense siren, and the curious nature of a child made her raise her head and stare at the sky in a daze.

"Your Highness! You must get out of here!" An officer of the Royal Guard stepped forward and persuaded Little Loli who was looking at the sky curiously.

"Fighter take off! Fight against the Luftwaffe!" When the Luftwaffe's invasion alarm sounded, facing the earnest gaze of His Majesty the King standing beside him, Douding felt that he should do something.

"Take off the fighter jet! Take off!" The ground crew was also busy, and the pilots began to put on parachutes and leather flight caps.

Everyone is sorting out their equipment, and they have to get ready to climb on the fighter jet and take off to meet the opponent's invading aircraft in the shortest possible time.

Now, under the watchful eye of His Majesty the King, these battle-hardened pilots began to climb on the fighter jets that accompanied them.

The reason why the Spitfire was able to leave its illustrious name in World War II is inseparable from the powerful performance of this fighter.

Compared with the German fighters of the same era, the British Spitfire fighter is not inferior in main performance, and even a year later, with the update and development of the engine, it can surpass the old rival me-109 fighter.

This is the technical heritage of the old world hegemons, although this heritage has begun to decline with the passage of time and the occurrence of mainstream technological revolutions.

However, at least at the current technical level, the British piston engine technology is actually orthodox and does not lag behind Germany!

The propeller began to rotate slowly with the vibration of the engine. The British pilot was checking the instrument panel in his cockpit to check the status of his aircraft.

At the same time, behind his fighter jet, another Spitfire fighter jet has also started its own engine, and the propeller has been turning rapidly.

Under the order of the ground control tower, the Spitfire fighters on this field airfield began to take off one after another.

"They... this time... can they win... win?" Looking at the Spitfire fighter jets in formation over the airport, His Majesty King George VI asked General Dodding beside him.

After all, in his opinion, with so many fighter jets flying into the air, it shouldn't be impossible to win the battle - after all, for a quasi-layman, the number is often the main judging parameter.

"It should be possible to win, right?" Looking at the Spitfire fighter jets that were already forming in the sky, Hugh Dawding raised his head and answered absently.

The Spitfire fighters in front of him are the main fighter troop he has accumulated little by little recently, and there are Hurricane fighter troop against the German bomber troop further away.

This interception is actually a tactic that has been drawn up long ago, that is, a large-scale interception against the German fighter force will be carried out today or tomorrow.

No matter how you say it, this air battle will be fought sooner or later, but it just happened to happen today.

Above the sky, the British fighter pilots who had just left the airport, under the guidance of the ground radar, had already flown towards the German bomber group.

"See the enemy!" Inside the headset, a British Spitfire finally spotted the invading German bomber swarm near the clouds.

"My God! Too many!" The pilot of a Spitfire sighed in horror when he saw the neat formation of German bombers.

Beneath his plane, the formations of German aircraft were so densely packed that it seemed almost impossible to see the edge—there were at least 150 bombers in the giant bomber formation that bombed London.

Since the Luftwaffe itself voluntarily reduced the number of bombings, the size of the Luftwaffe bomber formations also decreased.

When the German bombers were raging in London before, the fighter units of the Royal Air Force were often passively avoiding war.

Therefore, many British pilots have not seen the huge formation of German bombers, or they have seen it, but they have not really seen it for a long time.

"Let the hurricane come first! Let the hurricane come first!" In the face of such a powerful German bomber force, there was a tense voice reminding each other on the radio of the British fighter.

Higher in the air, these British Spitfires, which were approaching the German bomber force, also found a German **** fighter fleet of similar heights.

"Let's entangle the German **** fighters! Go! Go! Go!" The front-line commander of the British fighters gave the order to attack.

Facing the German fighter jet group, the British Spitfire fighter jets rushed up one after another.

"Tutu! Tutu!" The German fighter at the forefront was the new fw-190a fighter jet. Because this aircraft was equipped with cannons, the frontal firepower was stronger than that of the British Spitfire fighter.

So when the head-on hit, the British Spitfire had to turn in advance to avoid the edge of the German fighter.

This made the formation of the British fighter formation chaotic first. Seeing that the scene was in his favor, the German fighter jets also dispersed, biting their respective targets and starting to hunt down.

"Damn it! This new German plane is really annoying!" The British pilot complained while maneuvering his Spitfire to avoid tracer bullets flying everywhere in the sky with agile posture.

Germany has two fighter jets with completely different personalities, which makes British fighter pilots face more complex situations in different environments.

For example, they can bully the slender me-109e fighter in the head-on impact, but they can't use the same tricks to deal with the frontal firepower of the fw-190a fighter.

As he circled his own plane, he watched for a chance to cut into the battlefield and shoot down a German fighter jet.

Looking around, he frowned because the height was slightly higher than the battlefield - because he saw that on the battlefield today, the number of rolling planes seemed to be surprisingly large.

When he was about to dive for a chance to bite a German fighter jet, he realized that what he saw was not an illusion.

The opponent had not yet entered the effective distance of his attack, but as soon as he bit his tail, the German plane immediately began to roll.

Yes, that's why he just saw a lot of rolling maneuvers over the battlefield, because it seems that the Luftwaffe is extra fond of rolling maneuvers today!

At the beginning, as an old pilot who fought in the sky more than a dozen times, the British fighter pilot didn't think there was any problem with this.

But when the second German fighter he had bitten easily got rid of his chase with a roll, he realized the seriousness of the problem.

"German fighter pilots seem to know the Spitfire's capabilities well!" This was the first thought that popped into his mind, and along with this thought, he was thrown away by the German fighter for the third time.

In the headset, it seems that it is not just one person who discovered this fatal problem. Several pilots are complaining loudly, complaining that the German fighter jets frequently get rid of their own pursuit.

As this escape increased, so did the number of British fighters being shot down - from time to time planes were shot down by the Germans, but German fighters rarely gave British pilots a chance to fire.

It was simply a one-sided crushing. The experienced British pilots managed to get rid of the attack of the Luftwaffe pilots through complex maneuvers.

At the same time, the means by which the German pilots escaped the attack of the British fighter pilots was violent and effective to the point of collapse - the opponent only had to choose a random direction and then roll.

"How can they be so determined to use the roll to get rid of our pursuit?" The British pilot with experience in air combat complained on the But his complaint has not had time to resonate with others, he The plane was shot down by the dominant German fighter.

The bullet pierced through his cockpit, turning it into a place where smoke billowed and burned, killing him directly in his driver's seat.

His plane hit the ground and turned into a flame to rescue his British Helpers, probably the busiest day ever.

Nearby, 30 British Spitfires have crashed nearby, and the loss of these fighters is only the result of the crash of two German fighters.

This day may be the darkest day for the British Air Force. If it is not for the German fighter jets that ran out of fuel and left the battlefield, the entire British fighter jet force may have been wiped out.

The Spitfire, which was battling German fighter forces at high altitudes, was shot down by 41, while the Hurricane, which subsequently lost cover, was killed even more, crashing a full 50!

In this air battle, the loss of British fighters was close to 100, but only 4 German bombers and 3 German fighters were shot down.

Such a desperate victory not only attracted the attention of the British Air Force, but even alarmed other British military services.

The German fighters used new tactics, and they were so targeted that the British Air Force lost the courage to continue fighting.

They can't let the pilot fly the fighter jet and continue to fight without being able to compete with the opponent at all.

At least, you know, why did the Germans suddenly have new tactics?


The state is not good today, there are only two updates, and the time is relatively late, I am really sorry.

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