Imperial Overlord

: Two hundred and twenty-six chemical fertilizers and reclamation

"In order to allow our industrial system to produce more products in the next year, I have arranged for a new Deputy Minister of Industry." The head of state said with a smile as he looked at the head of the company.

"We have heard about this, my head of state." The person in charge of IG Farben nodded and replied.

"Yes! I have arranged for Mr. Albert Speer to be the deputy minister of the Ministry of Industry... Let him be in charge of industrial mobilization." Li Le nodded and introduced Speer who was sitting beside him.

Speer stood up and nodded to the heads of the big companies around him, which was an introduction before he officially took office.

The companies present here are all the big chaebols who supported the Nazi Party to come to power, and they all became the direct beneficiaries of Germany’s rise after the head of state came to power.

As for how much profit it has made, we will find one of the most representative IG Farben companies from these companies, which is very intuitive.

When it comes to IG Farben, there is actually a place that is often misunderstood.

Farben is not a company, but a conglomerate of German chemical oligarchs. Farben is not a personal name, and there is no chemical giant named Farben in Germany.

The full name of this group is the Dyestuff Industry Interest Group. It was established in 1925 and consists of eight chemical companies. The director is called Bosch.

Hitler received strong support from Bosch before he came to power. He persuaded Bosch and fully supported Bosch to expand the chemical industry after he came to power.

In the process of Germany's foreign expansion, IG Farben has become a pioneer, helping Germany realize the self-production of the two most important raw materials.

The coal-to-oil technology has enabled Germany to use inferior gasoline that is not very easy to use, but can be produced and sold by itself; and the artificial synthetic rubber technology has helped Germany to make up for the last raw material shortcoming.

No one knows how important Farben is, and no one knows how huge Farben is!

In 1940, the large-scale production of synthetic fuels and synthetic rubber by IG Farben made Germany break the resource embargo. In addition, 100% of methanol and lubricating oil, 80% of explosives, 70% of black powder and 35% of sulfuric acid are also produced by this group.

In the short five years from the establishment of the group in 1925 to 1930, the plastic process patents applied by IG Farben are twice as many as all the patents in this field by human beings in the past 140 years!

In the field of vinyl resin, a quarter of the world's patents belong to this group! In terms of scientific research investment, this group is also well-deserved world number one!

In the real World War II, IG Farben obtained a total of 889 international patents, while the number of patents obtained by DuPont, the world's second largest chemical group, was 321 during the same period!

If the advantages of the United States are a strong industrial system, an invincible geographical advantage, and a superb strategic vision to dominate the world.

Germany's reliance on becoming a world power before World War II was its tyrannical education system and its terrifying organizational power.

From this, it is enough to see how important and inevitable the universal education in our country is today! Even today, if 300,000 high school students are casually trained for two months, the combat effectiveness is definitely stronger than that of the second-class main force of the Central Army 70 years ago.

Even war, modern warfare no longer allows a group of farmers to take up arms and serve as an army, which increasingly needs highly educated people.

Throughout World War II, Germany relied on 100,000 well-trained Wehrmacht troops to form a non-commissioned officer system, which swept the whole of Europe. Who would have thought that the root cause was education?

IG Farben was so powerful that it monopolized the chemical production of the entire Third Reich. And what caused this situation was that Hitler Yuan, who had no idea where he had traveled to, was born first.

Li Le took over this mess, so he had to increase the production capacity of IG Farben as much as possible.

On the one hand, he is unwilling to let Farben work hard to study poisonous gas, which is definitely a double-edged sword, and its actual effectiveness on the battlefield is absolutely doubtful at the overall technological level of World War II.

Dare to use it after researching the poisonous gas? Will it be retaliated by the enemy? Even if the other party does not retaliate, when a large-scale and non-proliferating poison can be developed, mass-produced and put into war, Li Le has no research at all.

The moral outlook of the 21st century has allowed Li Le to avoid this exploration, and he rarely sees research on chemical and bacterial weapons in World War II.

Because of this period of research, the Chinese people have the most contact with Japan's black history. This is a kind of harm to the Chinese people, so Li Lebu is willing to touch it.

Therefore, in today's meeting, he canceled Farben's investment in poison gas experiments and ordered it to increase its research on cheap chemical fertilizers, and to carry out research and production of chemical fertilizers.

In Li Le's idea, the large-scale use of chemical fertilizers is the most basic guarantee for agricultural production in the 21st century to increase yields. Since he cannot do scientific research such as genetically modified, producing more chemical fertilizers to increase crop yields has become an important solution to food and clothing. means.

Neither Germany nor France is a country with a large number of agricultural cultivation areas, and there are not many decent arable land in the whole of Europe, so Germany has not completely solved the food problem yet.

Now Germany under the leadership of Li Le is implementing a food base system. Many high-end consumer goods cannot be seen in the market. Everyone can only eat cheap bread mixed with various things, and can only eat margarine.

Even so, the vegetables and food were barely enough, so Li Lecai mobilized women and began to engage in agricultural production in many places.

However, after all, agricultural production is not like industrial development. In industrial development, as long as the machine turns, products will be continuously produced.

Even if agricultural production is cultivated, it must be harvested after a long period of time after sowing and sowing.

Although under Li Le's advocacy, campaigns to reclaim wasteland and grow crops have been launched all over Germany, it will take a long time to see the results.

In this regard, Li Le learned another trick from his future. In the eyes of Europe at that time, there were some incredible ways to settle down!

Yes, Li Le kneaded the plans of two different eras together and developed a brand new settlement system!

The system of reclamation was carried forward by Cao Cao, but this model of troops stationed in a certain place and reclaiming fertile land for military pay is obviously not suitable for Germany.

So Li Le improved this model, came up with the temporary mobilization mechanism of the later generations of the PLA for emergency rescue and disaster relief, and developed a very interesting new "rescue settlement" strategy.

Anyway, the army is expanding. After the recruits have been trained, Li Le ordered them to take a week to reclaim the wasteland around the training camp.

If the wasteland is too difficult to be leveled and cannot be completed in a short period of time, then half of it will be reclaimed and given to the recruits trained below to continue leveling.

The newly established Investigation Section of the Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for investigating the progress of the reclamation of the wasteland planned by the army, so as to avoid anyone refusing to carry out the task of reclaiming fertile land.

It is indeed difficult to implement this thing, and it is easy to create a lot of loopholes. After all, these things were thought up by Li Le alone, and loopholes are natural things.

However, even if there were loopholes and the execution was weakened by the people below, Li Le still learned some real situations through the SS and the shadow department.

Although very reluctant, the German Army still took the time to order the newly trained troops to reclaim some fertile fields. This was an inevitable result and was completely in Li Le's plan.

As the person who issued the order, Li Le knew that this kind of thing would be fine as long as it took its course. The reclaimed fields, plus the fertilizer from Farben Company, would improve the food supply problem in Germany.

No matter how powerful Li Le is, he can't let soldiers go to war on an empty stomach, and can't let workers go to labor on an empty stomach... What's more, Li Le is far away from him.

If he hadn't inherited Hitler's appearance, he would have become the head of the German state who was one of the best, and few people dared to question him. He might not even have made a fortune.

What he inherited is the team that has been formed throughout Germany. In fact, he does not have much ability to deal with emergencies.

Let him lead a team to develop and rise, and Li Le himself does not know what it will be like to fail. But now, tinkering under the existing German system is exactly what Li Le is best at.

In the general direction, he does not need to make too important In the small details, he relies on the experience changes from the 21st century to perfect these immature details.

At some point, Li Le would turn the fields reclaimed by the army into dedicated fields for the German front, and liberate fertile fields to supply civilians in the occupied areas.

He will reveal this meaning to the military little by little, so that the military will gradually attach importance to these fertile fields cultivated by recruits. This is a process, a process that needs to be done step by step. Li Le can't be in a hurry, and he doesn't need to be in a hurry.

The real fertile fields of the Third Reich are thousands of hectares, on the vast Ukrainian plains, the vast expanse of land after the defeat of Russia.

However, these need to be re-planned and re-arranged. After all, the terrifying Soviet Union is now Germany's number one enemy, and it is also a "fat sheep" that Germany is always ready to take.

It's just that the Soviet Union, which looks like a fat sheep on the surface, Li Le knows whether it is a tiger in sheep's clothing, or a tiger enough to bury the German Third Reich!

And now, how to defeat this tiger, Li Le has not yet thought about it, nor is he ready...

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