Imperial Overlord

: Two hundred and thirty-six succeeded

"Aim at the target!" Following the orders one after another, the factory's artillery team pushed an armor-piercing projectile into the barrel of the 88mm caliber cannon. . fastest update

Then, the observation post in the distance raised a flag, indicating that the staff in the experimental area had all retreated and left, and it was now safe to fire at any time.

In the stands, near the back row, an expert in armor engineering was looking at the design data on his paper with glasses.

Beside him, another expert in charge of designing artillery shells asked in a low voice with interest: "Do you think the armor you designed can withstand the flat impact of 88mm armor-piercing projectiles?"

Raising his head, through the frame of his glasses, he glanced at his nemesis out of the corner of his eye, and the armor design engineer snorted coldly, "Your cannonball, you want to pierce my armor? Dream!"

"Are you still dreaming? A month ago, my cannonball pierced your armor, and it was a piece of cake!" The cannonball expert sneered triumphantly.

As he said, he also stretched out a finger, showing off: "Two weeks ago, it was not difficult to penetrate your armor!"

"Unfortunately, the armor steel this time uses the latest technology, which has been tested in our own laboratory, and theoretically it can meet the experimental requirements." The armor engineer said confidently.

The experimental requirements mentioned by the armored engineering and technical experts are the requirements of the Führer for the thickness of the front armor of the No. 5 chariot.

The Führer hopes that this new type of tank is equipped with sloping armor, and the actual thickness should reach 100 mm. This thickness is 20 mm higher than the thickness of the frontal armor of the Panther tank in real history.

Under this requirement, the frontal armor thickness of the new German tank was set at an interesting value of 100 mm!

After tilting, the armored frontal defense capability of the new tank has actually surpassed the famous Tiger tank in history, which is also the main reason why Li Le developed the main battle tank instead of the Tiger tank.

Because with the innovation of tank technology in the new era, a general-purpose main battle tank is more realistic than the development direction of the light and heavy tank branches.

After testing, German tank designers have thoroughly believed that with good tank design and new technologies, 35-ton to 40-ton tanks can fully meet the perfect balance of firepower defense mobility!

A tank that achieves a balance of the three indicators is more in line with the needs of the battlefield in terms of combat effectiveness than a design that strengthens a certain performance indicator alone, and it can also give full play to the combat effectiveness of the tank.

This idea has been supported by the Army, because in fact, including Guderian and other armored commanders, the German armored commander, the higher-level commander, prefers to get a tank like the No. 2 tank with strong maneuverability and suitable for fast speed. Assault tank.

As for the thick-skinned Tiger tank, the German generals in offensive operations did not like it because it was too heavy, so this tank often fell behind, and the number could not form its due advantage.

However, with the passage of time, the No. 2 tank has obviously become outdated, so can't wait, the German executives began to worry about when the new tanks will be equipped.

Please don't doubt the correct values ​​and IQs of most of the German high-level people. Throughout World War II, the mass production has not stopped, it is the No. 3 assault gun, the No. 4 tank and the Panther tank.

The Tiger King and the Tiger Tank, which are always remembered by everyone, are all short-lived weapons and equipment: more than 1,000 Tiger tanks have been produced, and 500 Tiger King tanks have been produced. The two tanks combined are not as good as the No. 2 tank production. many.

"Really so confident?" The artillery expert smiled and looked at the 88mm anti-aircraft cannon that was ready to fire at any time in the distance, his eyes jumping back and forth on the members of the artillery crew who were already standing there.

"Really so confident!" The armor expert nodded, affirming the armor he designed for him.

"Boom!" This is the first time Li Le has watched a real 88mm cannon fire at such a close range.

He finally experienced what is called destroying the knuckles, although he knows that there are countless artillery with larger calibers, and the momentum when firing is much more spectacular than the scene in front of him.

But he, who had never seen such a scene before, was still excited by the sound of the cannon and the feeling of being swallowed up like a tiger.

No wonder the cannon is a man's romance. On the brutal battlefield, one who can fight with such a weapon is a real man!

While the two engineers were still arguing behind them, the 88mm cannon spewed out a blazing flame, and a shell seemed to travel through space in an instant and hit the test body.

The hull is a prototype shortly after the completion of the No. 5 tank, and the chassis has no mass production number yet.

But like modern tanks, this tank sheds many of the basic design limitations of WWII tanks.

First of all, this hull is the first among the German tank hulls without a central drive shaft. This makes the whole body much lower, from the tall body of World War II to the flat appearance of the main battle tank body after World War II.

Because of the rear-mounted gearbox and engine, the frontal armor of the tank is inclined more naturally, and the center of gravity arrangement has become more reasonable because of this change.

At the same time, the low shape of the tank body also reduces the body space above the road wheels on the side of the tank. The problem that plagued the side armor of World War II tanks has been well solved!

This piece of armor appeared in three different ways during World War II. The main participating countries, Germany, the United States, and the Soviet Union, adopted different design attitudes on this piece of side armor.

The German Panther tank uses a large piece of sloping side armor to ensure the protection of the chariot and at the same time defend the space for the crew members to move.

The United States adopts a vertical side armor design that is easy to produce. The iconic side vertical armor of the Sherman tank is fragile and has the worst protection.

While the Soviet t-34 tank has a low profile, it adopts a side armor design with strong protection. The problem is that the space inside the vehicle is not good, which is awkward for the user.

The three countries handed in their own answers on medium tanks. Due to the technical limitations at the time, they chose different paths and embarked on three completely different paths.

However, Li Le came over from the 21st century. In the year he crossed, the design structure of the t-54 tank, known as the first magic vehicle of the Cold War, was no secret for a long time.

With this future tank design reference, it's as easy for German designers to copy a similar one!

The t-54, a master of Soviet tank design ideas, is a pinnacle of the Soviet tank's "inadequate technical design to make up" idea. After this tank, the design is no longer able to compete with the rapid technological development.

Taking this balance between design and technology, taking the t-54 tank as a sample of the new German tank is naturally the best choice.

What's more, the German engineers did not copy it. They made many modifications according to their needs, such as slightly reducing the diameter of the medium tank wheels and increasing the five pairs of road wheels to six pairs.

More importantly, the side armor of the car body, which was not easy to handle in World War II, has almost no upper side area of ​​the t-54 chassis! Because of the small area, vertical armor is enough for defense!

In this way, it not only takes into account the convenience of production, but also increases the internal space of the car body, and has not lost its protective performance... The so-called technology cannot be designed to make up, it is so amazing!

The most interesting thing is that this is not a technology that needs to be accumulated to develop: this design was born at the end of World War II. Although it did not appear in 1940, everyone can play in 45 years!

After a series of "innovations", the chassis of the No. 5 tank has almost locked its position as the strongest tank chassis of World War II just after its birth.

In the lens of the telescope held by Li Le, the tank chassis that looked really modern in the distance was hit by an 88mm caliber shell that spanned the distance in an instant.

"Hit the target! The target was hit!" The observation station sent back his observation results immediately. When they shouted, the body of the experimental No. 5 tank was still shrouded in a cloud of smoke.

"The experimenter is approaching the target, and the artillery stops firing!" While waving the flag in his hand, several managers on the testing ground confirmed each other by radio. UU Reading

"Everyone leave the guns! Stop shooting!" Several factory executives quickly ran to the guns whose muzzles were still smoking, and shouted to the members of the gun crew who were already standing away from the guns.

"The testers are already close to the prototype! They are observing the impact!" There was a distant voice in the broadcast, and the speakers were a little noisy.

Looking at the crater on the car body that was knocked out by the shell, I touched the armor around the charred crater, which was still hot at this moment.

But even a blind man could see that the shells did not penetrate the frontal armor, and the two fixed goats used for experiments inside the car were still jumping alive despite being frightened.

"Report to the observatory! The front of the No. 5 tank has not been penetrated! God! It really has not been penetrated!" Before Li Le, who was waiting on the viewing platform, waited too long, a voice came from the broadcast speaker. Exciting good news!

Li Le's hand behind his back clenched involuntarily. After two months of hard work, he put forward a lot of design drawings and technical ideas for the No. 5 tank body, which was finally finalized amid the cheers. ! (To be continued...)

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