Imperial Overlord

: Two hundred and sixty dress up

In the sky, the German Navy's new fighter jets have begun test flights, and in the rough Atlantic Ocean, the German Navy's new weapons are also ready to go.

Priyan, as a great submarine commander, this time he ushered in a great moment to change his weapons.

The U-47 submarine, and the giant bullfight painted on it, became legends, and followed Captain Prien to the new submarine.

Looking at a brand-new submarine on the dock, Prien's first intuitive feeling was that this submarine is really too big!

His original U-47 submarine was a submarine with an underwater displacement of only more than 800 tons, and now he is replaced by a brand new IXB type ocean-going submarine.

The underwater displacement of this submarine has reached 1,170 tons, and the endurance is also more than 8,000 nautical miles.

Almost all of Germany's mass-produced submarines are such large ocean-going submarines, which has put considerable pressure on the British Navy's transportation lines in the Atlantic Ocean.

"I heard that this submarine has adopted many new technologies. It seems that our General Dönitz is still taking good care of us." The first officer looked at the submarine in front of him and said to Prien with a smile.

The officers on the original U-47 submarine transferred a third of them to stay on the original submarine, and were promoted to take new recruits to sea to fight.

Priyan took the newly recruited sailors, plus two-thirds of the original old team, received new submarines, and rejoined the battle after training.

The IXB submarine began mass production as early as 1939, and it is now 1940. Naturally, there will be no technical gap. This is a very mature submarine, and every craftsmanship is meticulously crafted.

This type of submarine was the backbone of the German submarine force in World War II, and it was also the type of submarine that sank the most Allied ships. From any point of view, this submarine was the pride of the German Navy during World War II.

Because of its increased size, the submarine can carry a more powerful engine, allowing the submarine itself to sail forward faster.

The larger volume also bought more space for fuel, increased endurance, and more torpedoes carried by allowing the submarine to sink more Allied submarines on a single patrol.

The increased internal space means that it can carry more vegetable food, and can squat in the ambush circle for a longer time, waiting for its prey to be hooked.

"At least we can live a long time at sea." Glancing at his first mate, Prien said with a smile.

On the hull of the submarine conning tower, a huge hull, outlined in white paint, represents Prien's "U-47".

On the other side of the submarine, there is a huge bullfight drawn, which looks majestic and shocking.

On the pier, the officers and soldiers on the submarine, whether they were the old faces that Prien knew or the new faces who had just been assigned, were all working hard to replenish the daily necessities on the submarine.

There was soap for scrubbing, shells for anti-aircraft guns...and, of course, as much food as possible, even filling Captain Prien's rest compartment.

As a submarine commander, Prien is the only person in the submarine with his own separate room, except that his poor rest room has no door and only relies on a curtain to block the view of the corridor.

This position is now full of food, and every space in the cabin must be used, so that the submarine can stay at sea for a few more days.

"Is the password changed again?" Looking at the intelligence officers on the two submarines, carrying the brand-new Enigma cipher machine up the suspended ladder of the submarine, the first mate looked at Prien and asked.

Priyan also saw the new cipher machine, nodded and said: "The latest order of the Navy submarine force, the Enigma cipher machine has been modified again, and another set of ciphers has been activated."

The Fuhrer's requirements for passwords are almost harsh. He requires the army to change the passwords regularly and frequently improve the Enigma cipher machine. No one knows what it is for.

Many high-ranking generals once assured the Führer that the Enigma cipher machine is absolutely safe, and the cipher is impossible to decipher. But although the Führer has become very easy to follow in other ways, in this respect it is akin to a perverted stubbornness.

As if he had an obsessive-compulsive disorder, he required the troops to update and strengthen their password system, and the frequency of replacement was based on the speed at which the troops changed passwords as a standard.

In other words, when the codebook has just been issued and started to be used, the security department has already begun to formulate new password rules. As long as the password rules have been formulated, they will be replaced immediately.

The most direct reason for this is that Li Le is not sure whether Turing and his code-breaking program work as they have historically.

Li Le was afraid that his encrypted communication would be deciphered by the British, and he could grasp the latest trends and strategic deployment of the German army. So in order to prevent this from happening, the solution he took was to change the password used by his troops as soon as possible.

Because Li Le himself has changed the steps of the bombing of London, he is not sure whether Turing and his team will develop an updated code-breaking system on time.

Knowing how powerful Turing was, Li Le was a little too nervous about the security of his cryptographic system.

In fact, Turing's code-breaking work almost came to a halt after Li Le's bombardment of the Turing cracking team began.

Not only did the British lose their previous code-breaking experience, but they also lost at least 1,000 talented staff working on code-breaking.

This made Turing's work difficult, and so far he has not been able to come up with a new solution to deal with the increasingly fast-changing German encryption system.

It is precisely because of this that Germany's current password finally guarantees security, so that senior German officers can finally use their own communication equipment with confidence.

"We are going to join the Y sea area, where we will meet with 11 groups of wolves, and look for the British transport fleet..." The first officer saw that the last soldier had already stepped onto the submarine, and repeated the order to Prien.

Priyan followed the first officer, the last to leave the dock and board the newly replaced submarine, stroking the new railing with his palms.

"Check the sub's air pressure valve, and all the torpedoes... I need everyone to confirm every detail and report it to me!" Prien ordered loudly.

"The anti-aircraft gun inspection is complete! Everything is normal!" At the guard post behind the enclosure, a sailor answered Prien loudly.

The other two carefully inspected the 105mm cannon in the front, and also raised their hands and shouted to Prien, who was climbing up the conning tower enclosure: "Everything is normal for the deck gun!"

"The hatch is sealed and everything is normal!" Someone shouted the check and confirmation password in the distance. It seems that this submarine is a warship in a normal state of preparation.

"Ignite the engine! Check the engine status and fuel quantity... Is the air pressure stable?" Prien stood on the conning tower, holding the upper edge of the enclosure, and ordered the inside of the submarine.

In fact, before the submarine was delivered to the troops, its actual performance had been strictly tested, but Prien, who got the new weapon, felt that it would be better for him to check his new weapon independently.

"Everything is fine with the diesel engine! We can go out to sea! Everything is fine with the torpedo! It can be used! The drain valve is fine! There is no problem with the battery!" In the cabin, one voice after another was fed back.

Priyan nodded, then leaned against the enclosure, glanced at the coastline in the distance, and ordered, "Submarine U-47, set sail!"

"Keep the course and leave the dock! The U-47 submarine is leaving the port!" The first officer repeated Captain Prien's order, loudly reminding the pilot to operate this huge guy according to his own orders.

Next to the U-47 submarine in Prien, the other two IXB submarines are also leaving the dock and slowly driving towards the sea.

Because the head of state personally ordered the increase in production, the production rate of the Navy's IXB-type ocean-going submarines has also increased recently.

Even so, the sight of three brand new IXB submarines leaving the port at the same time is rare. If the British saw so many IXB submarines, they would have vomited three liters of blood...

Because they are now scared by a large number of German At this moment in the Atlantic Ocean, the terrible German submarines are increasing their number at the rate of one for a few days. .

"I hope we can meet more British merchant ships this time." The chief mate looked at the two submarines leaving the dock in the distance and said to Prien.

Priyan also feels that the recent increase in the number of American-flagged merchant ships in the Atlantic has made their submarine attacks hampered.

This kind of trickery has existed for a long time. Many British Navy transport ships will hang the flag of the United States in the German submarine safari area in the dangerous Atlantic Ocean, in order to fool around.

However, in this case, the German submarines themselves have their own set of rules. They will sink these ships, just to ensure that these ships are not alive or dead, and that is enough.

The rest can only be left to the diplomats between the two countries to spit at each other to solve it.

"Sail to the northwest! Accelerate to 12 knots, and let everyone take turns on the deck to breathe!" Prien squinted, feeling the salty sea breeze coming out of the sea, and instructed the U-47 submarine to rush towards the U-47 again. The rough Atlantic Ocean...

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