Imperial Overlord

: Two hundred and seventy-five Turing's life and death

Li Le was also taken aback by this news. All his bargaining chips have been placed on the Libyan oil field, so if the empire has the only link that cannot go wrong, it is the Libyan oil field and the Mediterranean supply line. .

Before Li Le controlled oil regions such as the Middle East and Baku, Germany and Italy could only rely on Romania and Libya to continue their industrial production.

Of course, at present, the main thing is to maintain the industrial production of the Third Reich. As for the Italian industry... don't laugh.

It would be a bit too funny to say that a country that was still using rivets to fasten structures to produce tanks when World War II was about to end.

It's not that the rivet structure is really that garbage. The reason why the early tanks used a lot of rivet structures is because there are problems with the welding technology itself, and the other main reason is because it is unnecessary.

Unlike the tanks in the late World War II, which were often 100mm thick armored steel plates, the early tanks had armor thicknesses of more than ten millimeters at most thirty millimeters. Such armor defense was very limited.

The armor itself is not thick, so there is no steel plate that is not penetrated, and the rivet is broken by the shock. In this case, the rivet structure is not actually a short board for tank defense.

As the thickness of the tank armor continues to increase, the rivet structure has become a weak point, which is a bit too huge compared to welding and casting processes.

Therefore, in the late World War II, the mainstream tank producing countries in the world began to use welding and casting processes. Only Italy and Japan still used rivet structures on tanks.

Hearing Bowman's report, Li Le immediately asked the question he was most concerned about: "Has the oilfield been attacked? Has the loss been reported?"

"My head of state!" This time, Bowman didn't forget to call him, and opened his mouth to report: "The report says that there is no loss in the oil field, and the enemy has not done any sabotage."

"Did you find it in time? So the enemy was annihilated before they launched an action?" Li Le stared at Bowman and asked such a question again.

Bowman didn't know the specifics either, so he could only answer: "My head of state, no detailed news has been sent yet, so we don't know much about this."

"Are the British investigating? Or the Americans?" Li Le asked subconsciously, seeing that Bowman didn't know these details.

Similarly, Bowman had no choice but to answer again: "My head of state, I haven't sent any detailed news yet, so we don't know much about this."

Li Le was stunned for a second, then waved to Bowman and said, "Then go check it out! Go ask! I need the latest news! Send it to me directly, don't delay! Make sure that the oil field is safe, this must be done. things! Do you understand?"

"Yes! My head of state!" Bowman quickly stood at attention, raised his arms and promised Li Le. Then he turned around and walked out of Li Le's office, and hurried to arrange related work.

Watching Bowman walk out of his office, Li Le rubbed the bridge of his nose, feeling that he was really too tired. He worked hard to complete his dream before crossing, but he didn't expect that when this dream was placed in front of him, it would be so heavy and hard to look at.

The genocide against the Jews has already begun and will never end, hatred has been sown, when and where will it end?

And to end the atrocities against the Jews, it is not enough to rely on his strength alone. He also wanted to deal with the Jewish issue in a milder way, but the current conditions simply did not allow it.

Regarding the attitude towards the Jews, it is the result of the continuous sublimation of the whole of Europe before World War II, and it is not a country in Germany that has such a tendency.

In fact, Russia has gone almost as far as the Germans on anti-Semitism. Long before Stalin, even before Lenin, Tsarist Russia was not very friendly to Jews.

Similarly, Britain, France, and even the United States on the other side of the ocean are full of malice when it comes to the Jewish issue. In fact, the Germans did it, and the other countries were almost in a state of "not having time to do it".

Under such circumstances, if he rashly proposes a plan to forgive Jews, his identity may be revealed by his subordinates, which is not beneficial to him.

He is now more suitable to improve the situation of the Jews a little bit, and then extract the value of these Jews, and finally let them complete the so-called atonement and go to the distant Middle East, as a German shepherd, watching the gate of the Middle East.

However, there is no proper reason to implement this plan now. He can only wait and try to steer the Jewish issue in a direction that he can still control.

"Damn it, after someone else crosses over, there are still 20 years to develop and develop, to reserve their own strength, and fight a completely different world war." Li Le felt a little depressed when he thought of this.

Among his seniors who have traveled through, which one is like him, who has traveled to the 40 years of war, and is about to go downhill?

"I'm fine, apart from borrowing this tiger skin from the head of state, there seems to be no way to change history." Li Le complained with some dissatisfaction.

At this moment, he may have forgotten that he still has a golden finger to strengthen his memory in his sleep, but when he is complaining, memory is not so easy to use...

In fact, this is a contradictory condition. The more history is followed, the more the future traveler knows; and the more foreshadowing after the travel, the easier it is to change history.

"Bell! Bell! Bell!" Just when Li Le complained that his time-travel was too unfair, the phone on his desk rang.

After he grabbed the phone, Adrian's voice came from inside: "Victory! Führer! My Führer, a piece of news has just been announced in the UK, they executed Turing for treason..."

"Is the news reliable?" Li Le breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the news. He thought that his victories were all based on foresight and detailed information about the future.

Now, the genius of one of the intelligence department of the other party has been killed, which is a great news in itself.

At least for a short time, Germany's Enigma cipher system will not be threatened, and Li Le can finally use Germany's existing communication system with confidence...

"Without confirmation, an internal announcement from the United Kingdom said that it had been executed, but we have no way to confirm the specifics." Adrian reported with a somewhat depressed opening.

He really didn't have any good channels to get the exact news about Turing. This news was too narrow, which made it exponentially more difficult to obtain.

If it wasn't for the news that the British had executed Turing and were sent to various departments as an internal document, Adrian wouldn't have gotten such accurate news now.

"Since we haven't got the exact information, we can't take it lightly. We must continue to improve the layout of the Enigma cipher machine, and the work of developing a new cipher machine must be completed as soon as possible!" Li Le gave his own judge.

This can only be blamed under circumstances, and it can only be done with the attitude of preferring to believe it or not, and to include the variable Turing for the time being.

What's more, Li Le counted the dates carefully, and he found that the news that Turing was a traitor was too short to reach the UK.

In such a short period of time, the British side will definitely not waste such a breakthrough as Turing, they will interrogate Turing, and they will not waste Turing's life until they catch another shadow member.

If it is on the German side, it will not only kill Turing, but will dig deeper and try to find more British spies.

Therefore, in Li Le's view, it is impossible for the British side to execute Turing so hastily, at least not so soon as such an important "shadow breach".

Under such inference, Li Le felt that it was very likely that Turing was not dead, and even the line of Canaris was seen through by the British. The other party no longer trusted this intelligence line, and even began to doubt this intelligence. line accuracy.

"Canaris, the British don't know if they will continue to believe, do we have any senior spies in the British Navy?" Li Le weighed it and suddenly asked Adrian.

Of course Adrian wouldn't keep it secret, and said, "There is a senior but because of the British investigation, he is temporarily in a state of lurking."

Li Le nodded and said, "Wait 15 days, and then do another framing operation against the British navy. Even if it doesn't cause real trouble to the British, let them become suspicious."

"As ordered! My head of state!" Adrian replied: "I know what to do! I will personally supervise the implementation of this plan."

"And... figure out as soon as possible why the British were in such a hurry to execute Turing, or whether Turing was really executed, or a smoke bomb released by the British for us!" Li Le said.

He paused and continued to tell his plan: "Using our spy personnel in the British Royal Navy, use the next action to prove whether the line of Canaris is still trusted by the British. !"

Only by proving whether the British believe in Canaris' intelligence line can we indirectly prove whether Turing is really dead or still alive.

Worst case, Turing might be still deciphering the Enigma cipher system in use in Germany. That's the real problem.

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