Imperial Overlord

: two hundred and ninety-five

When Rudolphler's ME-109E fighter stopped on the airport runway and he got out of the cabin, he realized that his luck was really good.

His wings and tail had bullet holes left by enemy strafing, but none of these bullet holes hit the vitals of the plane, allowing him to fly back to the French airport.

The same situation happened in many French field airfields. These planes full of bullet holes proved how intense the air battle that just happened.

Inside the base of the JU-88 bomber, it was even more lively. Many medics stood on both sides of the airport runway, watching the crumbling planes stop at the end of the runway.

The fuselage of the plane was full of holes, and the beautiful flower-house-like cockpit was smashed to pieces. Some pilots even had blood stains on their bodies, and some of the planes' self-defense machine guns were blown away.

Many of the pilots responsible for operating these self-defense machine guns were dead, strapped to their seat belts and kept from flying out of the cabin with the airflow.

Many people needed help when they got off the plane. Many soldiers were hit by stray bullets and were seriously injured.

It's not like being on the ground. If you get hit by a bullet, you can lie on the ground and call out the medics for help. If you are lucky, someone will carry it, and you can get more timely treatment.

If you are hit by a bullet on the plane, you will have to wait at least half an hour or even an hour before the plane returns to the airport before you can get professional medical treatment.

Whether it can survive or not depends on whether the injury is serious and the luck of the person who was hit. But then again, who gets hit by bullets, how good is luck?

Under normal circumstances, minor injuries will also become serious after a bumpy ride due to the harsh environment. Generally, more serious injuries can only die in the sky above 7,000 meters.

"Quick! Quick! Come and help! This person is still alive!" A ground staff shouted nervously next to a JU-88 bomber that had just stopped.

He saw blood on the self-defense machine gun hatch under the bomber's belly and opened it to find the gunman unconscious.

However, after a simple test, the ground staff found that the fainted machine gunner was still breathing, so he shouted loudly to the people behind him.

This kind of thing happened at almost every JU-88 airfield, and the loss of the Luftwaffe that day was more than the loss of the past three days combined.

As a more practical multifunctional twin-engine aircraft, the JU-88 bomber has no better survivability than the HE-111 and the DO-17.

Although it is fast in terms of speed, it is not fast enough to surpass a fighter jet. In addition, it does not have the perverted ceiling of the B-17, nor does it have so many weapons for self-defense, so it is not as advanced as imagined when facing the enemy.

To say that the JU-88 is good is to say that this aircraft is really good, but it is good, but it does not reach the level of surpassing all opponents.

In general, the JU-88 is better than the HE-111 and DO-17 in performance, but only about the same in terms of survivability.

The Luftwaffe has never had a heavy bomber like the B-17 or Lancaster that could face enemy planes alone with the same firepower as a gunboat.

In terms of self-defense weapons, in addition to a 20mm caliber cannon in front of the aircraft, most of the weapons of the JU-88 bomber are 7.92mm caliber machine guns.

And even the small-caliber machine guns are only arranged in three positions in different positions. Compared with the American B-25, this is definitely a "streaking".

Whatever the reason, the weak self-defense firepower of the Luftwaffe bomber units in the 1940s was definitely a headache.

The main reasons for this result were the Luftwaffe's understanding of its own air supremacy and its blind trust in the speed of bombers.


Kesselring was lucky, he was inspecting the French front at this time, so he couldn't come to see the somewhat angry head of state.

However, Goering was out of luck. The imperial marshal was currently in Berlin, so he had to bite the bullet and come to see Li Le.

So the Reich Marshal, the founder of the Luftwaffe, knocked on the door of the Chancellery's office.

After getting the answer, he pushed open the door, stood at the door, raised his arms very solemnly, stood at attention and saluted: "Victory, Head of State!"

"I heard about the Air Force. I called you here to hear your explanation and how to deal with it later." Li Le looked at Goering and asked.

As he asked, he waved at Goering to end his salute. Goering understood, quickly put away his arms, and walked to the Führer.

Goering, who was a little embarrassed, explained to the Air Force: "Because the enemy avoided fighting, our front-line commanders were slack, which eventually led to this defeat."

Having said that, he glanced at Li Le, who was silent, and saw that there was no dissatisfied expression on the face of the head of state, and he was slightly relieved.

So he continued to explain: "My head of state, this is a failure caused by the carelessness of the front-line officers. After I go back, I will definitely train them to prevent such things from happening."

"Okay! You can put it away and find a chance to talk slowly to the wall! I didn't come to you to let you perfunctory me!" Li Le was expressionless, but he interrupted Goering's nonsense. .

Goering was stunned for a moment, and realized that the Fuhrer seemed to be waiting for him, as well as the air force's dry goods, so he began to think secretly in his heart.

After hesitating for a while, he said: "My head of state, I also have a certain responsibility for this situation. The Air Force decided to retaliate against the United Kingdom and extend the bombing until mid-November..."

"Your decision is very good! The Air Force must use more bombs to swear its determination to the enemy!" Li Le nodded and agreed with the plan.

He had hoped that the air force would insist on bombing Britain until the navy of the Third Reich broke out of the Baltic Sea and disturbed the Atlantic route.

Now that the Air Force is struggling to ride a tiger, he asked for an extension of the bombing time of the UK, which means that Li Le has won more training time for the Navy.

Letting the German Navy enter the Atlantic at the end of October and entering the Atlantic in mid-November are two completely different concepts.

What Li Le wanted was an effective complement to the wolves, and what he wanted was an assault that could really cut off the British sea supply line. Therefore, whether the navy is fully prepared or not is the key to the success or failure of the entire maritime guerrilla warfare.

"In addition, the FW-190T fighter jets that the air force and the navy are competing for will set aside a production capacity of 100 for the navy. This matter has to be done in early November. Can it be done?" Thinking of the navy, Li Le chased after the victory again. given its own conditions.

Goering also knew that he could not insist at this time, so he could only compromise: "My head of state, I will carry out your order and provide the Navy with more FW-190T fighter jets."

As a future traveler who is not very optimistic about the ME-109T fighter, Li Le prefers the FW-190T fighter that Fokker Wolf is improving.

Hearing that Goering made concessions on the FW-190T fighter, Li Le no longer intends to pursue the matter of the Air Force's execution of the Fuhrer's order.

"Remember the lesson of this time. If there is another time, I will deal with the Air Force myself... Don't let me down!" Li Le looked at Goering and finally reprimanded in a sinister tone.

"My head of state, I won't let you down again!" Goering heard Li Le say this, knowing that this warning was completely over, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"I carefully plan the next bombing, I don't want such a large-scale loss! Immediately send the performance report of the American P-40 fighter to the combat troops! I will make the British pay the price!" Li Le clenched his fists , ordered Goering fiercely.

"Yes! My head of state! I will let the British know that it is a terrible thing to annoy the Air Force!" Goering replied solemnly.

"Go! Bring the victory back!" Li Le waved his hand and ordered, no longer in the mood to continue talking.

Goering quickly stood at attention and saluted: "Victory! Head of State!"

Then he turned around and walked out of the prime minister's office. Outside the door, Goering's adjutant saw his superior come out, and he also stood at attention and saluted, and then said, "Marshal, what should we do next?"

"What else can I do?" Goering walked towards the end of the corridor and said with a sneer: "In such a case, the Fuhrer will of course find him..."

As he walked, he said to his adjutant: "Tell Kesselring to continue bombing Britain, show all our strength, and blow me hard!"

"Yes! Marshal!" The adjutant hurriedly accepted and then asked, "But the Marshal...the British's new fighter, how do we...?"

"What new fighter jets, just the P-40 fighter jets that the Americans assisted to the UK." Goering sneered, and then said: "The Fuhrer already has information on the performance of this kind of aircraft."

"Just after the British used it, the Führer got the performance report?" Goring's adjutant was not an idiot. He was shocked to hear the news and almost dropped the package of documents in his hand on the ground.

"You guys! If the Fuhrer's 'Shadow Army' is as efficient as me, the Air Force Commander-in-chief will have a brighter face!" Goering glanced at the shocked adjutant and said sarcastically.

However, he quickly adjusted his mood and withdrew his gaze from the adjutant: "Forget it, don't mention these. Do our own thing, blow up Ying Lun, and don't make mistakes again."

"Understood! Sir! I'll inform Kesselring and Marshal Speller!" The adjutant nodded quickly. At the end of the corridor, two soldiers stood at attention and saluted, and helped Goering to open the front door——

Three more offers, thank you readers for your support! thank you all!

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