Imperial Overlord

: Three Hundred Dead Missions

Churchill may not have known it, but his decision saved the lives of many British pilots. . The fastest update Of course, he didn't know when such a retaliatory air strike would end.

Of course, Li Le didn't pin his hopes on using air force bombing to attack Britain for a long time. The real killer he wanted to prepare was the navy, which can only play a supporting role.

As long as the naval fleet can fulfill his expectations, Britain will fall into despair, surrender or defeat, it is just a different choice.

At this time, Rader was standing in front of Li Le, reporting on the training progress of the naval aviation. These immature pilots are Li Le's bargaining chips for the decisive battle in the Atlantic.

You know, even if Germany has only one aircraft carrier in service, this aircraft carrier is definitely the most powerful aircraft carrier in the Atlantic now.

The British Navy is trying to put the Hurricane fighter into service, but in terms of fighter performance, the me-109t fighter is far more powerful than the Sea Hurricane.

As long as the British did not have air supremacy at sea, the German fleet could fight unrestricted guerrilla warfare at sea and escape to safety before enemy battleships were encircled.

German aircraft carriers are not used for fleet battles, nor are they used to attack opposing warships. Its function is actually very simple. Li Le's requirements for this aircraft carrier can really be said to be extremely low.

Looking at Admiral Raidel standing in front of him, Li Le asked slowly, "How are the preparations for the fleet's departure?"

"My head of state, the battleships and cruisers are all ready and ready to go to sea to fight at any time." When Redel reported, of course, he chose what had been done first.

He looked at the head of state and explained: "As for the training of the aircraft carrier, although the take-off and landing training has been completed, there is still a long way to go before the battle."

Aircraft carrier maritime operations are not a simple matter for naval pilots. Especially under the premise that the navigation system is not so perfect, the experience of the pilot is very important.

On an unmarked battlefield, naval pilots have no reference at their feet. They have to learn to identify the direction in the vast sea and return to the only place where they can land safely.

What's even more tragic is that the only place where they can land is actually floating and moving at high speed...

It is not easy to just drive the plane to and from the sea and find the aircraft carrier itself, not to mention attacking the enemy, fighting or attacking the sea.

Therefore, during World War II, the British Royal Navy always insisted that its fighter jets have two pilots, while the sea attack aircraft has always been designed with three pilots...

It is indeed a good idea to equip all aircraft with a professional navigator who specifically guides the aircraft to keep the route accurate during the flight.

But the price is that all the aircraft of the British Navy were very backward in performance during World War II. That is, to deal with the German Navy, which has no threat, if it is replaced by the Japanese Navy, it is estimated that only the entire army will be wiped out.

In order to avoid taking the old road of the British Navy, Li Le directly adopted the single-pilot fighter design when he formed the German Naval Air Force.

This design allows the German fighter to maintain a performance advantage, but the training of the pilots becomes cumbersome.

Fortunately, with the advancement of science and technology, the navy has invented many new equipment to guide the plane back home. The German Navy also used relatively rigid tactics to make up for its own shortcomings as much as possible.

When the Navy formulates its tactics, it stipulates that the fighter jets should try their best to keep the same action as the bombers in the process of performing their tasks.

To put it more bluntly, the Navy asked the single-man me-109t fighter jet to fly to the target behind the two-man ju-87 bomber, and then follow these bombers to fly back.

After this arrangement, the pilot task of the fighter becomes simpler. When attacking, the fighter only needs to follow the bomber with a professional navigator to fly.

When the attack mission ended, these escorting fighter jets flew back with the bombardment. This solves the problem of many fighter navigation difficulties.

As for the fleet air defense mission, fighter jets only need to fly around the fleet, and navigation is not a problem.

In fact, as long as the me-109t fighter jets can fly over the Atlantic Ocean, there is no aircraft in the British Navy that may threaten the safety of the German naval fleet.

Compared with the Swordfish attack aircraft equipped by the British Royal Navy, the combat effectiveness of the me-109t fighter is at least one era higher!

As long as there are more than four me-109t fighter jets over the German Navy, dozens of Swordfish attack aircraft will be ruthlessly shot down, and even one cannot escape.

After all, there are obvious gaps between the two aircraft in terms of speed, maneuverability and flight altitude.

"Is it because the me-109t fighter jet is too difficult to take off and land on an aircraft carrier?" Li Le looked at Raidl and asked.

Admiral Raedl nodded and replied: "Yes, my head of state. Although the training time is very long, considering the actual sea conditions in the Atlantic Ocean, we are not sure to ensure the safety of the fleet there..."

As the commander of the navy, Raidl does not want his fleet to go out and take risks now. Because according to his plan, the German navy was not eligible to actually enter the war until 1942.

Of course, Shi had already told Li Le that the German navy never had more and more warships, and in the end they would fight less and less.

In the end, the Third Reich did not have a naval fleet of the size that Raidl hoped, and it did not have even one more minute of sea dominance.

In fact, the fact that this kind of thing happened, can't completely blame the passive avoidance of the Navy and Redel. The main reason is because Hitler launched the war in advance, but did not give the Navy enough time to prepare.

Although it was said that Redel's naval development plan could not be completed even in 1945, the start of the war in 1939 did put the navy in an unprecedented predicament.

In the first battle in Norway, the navy lost a little bit of money. This time the frontal contest has completely eliminated the navy's temper. If a unit has no morale, what else is there to talk about moving forward?

In this time and space, Li Le gave compensation to the navy, but after all, these compensations were not enough to make Redel feel that he was capable of fighting.

The aircraft carrier Zeppelin has not yet formed the combat power that Raidl wanted, and the battleship fleet and cruiser fleet are not yet strong enough to make the enemy prohibitive.

"I have solved this problem. The -190t fighter jets that are more suitable for aircraft carrier takeoff and landing have already started mass production. Haven't I already sent 4 prototypes to the Navy for experimentation?" Li Le looked at Raidl and asked.

Raeder lowered his eyes and replied, "My head of state, new test pilots and new training will be arranged for the new aircraft... It is not possible to form combat effectiveness right away."

What he can do now is to delay, the Navy is unwilling to fight, and if he can delay one day, it is a victory for the Navy.

Rather than making the navy into a fleet, Raidl prefers to venture out with one ship, so that even if he loses it, he won't lose the entire navy.

But Li Le didn't think so, he opened his mouth and instructed Raider: "I order you to train enough naval pilots immediately, and then find a suitable opportunity in mid-November to rush out of the Baltic Sea, cut off the British sea supply line, and return. Brest."

"My head of state, if our navy is dispatched rashly, it will be surrounded by the enemy's navy before reaching Brest." Marshal Redel said depressedly.

It was a simple inference: the German navy would be spotted by British patrol ships near the North Sea, and the massive fleet would then be exposed.

Afterwards, the British home fleet would catch up and prevent the German fleet from entering the Atlantic. Battles can break out at any time, and after the last encounter, no matter who wins or loses, the German warships are a thorn in the side of the enemy.

The British h-fleet and the Mediterranean fleet deployed in Gibraltar will come out in full force and rush to the waters to the southwest of the United Kingdom, forming a huge encirclement.

By that time, the battleships of the German navy would have become the turtles in the urn, and it was impossible to reach Brest, and they would once again encounter the main fleet of the enemy.

This naval battle, no matter from which point of view, the German navy has no chance of winning. When Rader heard the news that the Führer ordered him to fight, he even thought that the Führer, who had always been sane, suddenly went crazy.

If there is no accident, the entire fleet will be wiped out in the North Atlantic, with worse luck, and even the victory will not exist.

"My Führer! Such a battle will only put our fleet in danger," Rader said.

Li Le glanced at his naval commander, sneered in return, and said, "Any battle will be at risk, my admiral!"

"But, my head of state, what is the purpose of your battle this time?" Marshal Redel changed his angle, hoping to stop the head of the state's madness.

The head of state in front of Rader slowly stood up and looked into his eyes: "Luring the British home fleet to come out for a decisive battle and eat some of the enemy's forces!"

"Even with the current strength of the navy, it does not take advantage of the British navy's local fleet!" Admiral Redell retorted.

Li Le waved his hand and replied with a smile: "Don't underestimate your strength! Your fleet is already very effective!"

Indeed, in Li Le's view, a fleet with two Bismarck-class battleships and a fleet aircraft carrier can have a gorgeous showdown with the decaying British Royal Navy's home fleet. (To be continued...)

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